Beautiful creation of humans

jay_7 said:
God could have wanted him to put that in the Bible, as an example. Because God telling us exactly how he did it may of given us enough knowledge to understand God must exist.

it doesnt give us any knowledge that helps us to understand that he must exist. NONE AT ALL!!!

jay_7 said:
As i mentioned before, there could be alot of reasons and theories on this, so we cant go pointing fingers until alot of research is done.. i might have a different view on this later if i go into it more, ill let you know.

alright go do some research since your incapable reasoning through this yourself.( i dont blame you, most christians do want the easy way out, and they want to beleive just what they are told.)

but really, go do some research.
it doesnt give us any knowledge that helps us to understand that he must exist. NONE AT ALL!!!

To me it does, i think about it alot.

alright go do some research since your incapable reasoning through this yourself.( i dont blame you, most christians do want the easy way out, and they want to beleive just what they are told.)

but really, go do some research.

No, i admit im not one of the christians who has looked into certain areas, but i have looked into alot, ive only started recently testing things etc.

I know you want my personal view on this, which i will give, but heres some links that can bring a better understanding:

Does the Bible say there Universe was created in 24 hour days?

Bible evidence for long creation days

The Literal Interpretation of the Genesis One Creation Account

Genesis Clearly Teaches that the Days Were Not 24 Hours
jay_7 said:
To me it does, i think about it alot.
you think about how moses said that god created the universe... and somehow, moses' explanation of how god supposedly created everything leads you into beleiving that: "since moses' explanation of how the universe began requires a god" that there must be a god.

and that is why I said "it doesnt give us any knowledge that helps us to understand that he must exist. NONE AT ALL!!!"

I will not click on a single link that you posted. its getting ridiculous, you cant just expect people to read any scrap of attempted reason that you feel like presenting.
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Present said:
you think about how moses said that god created the universe... and somehow, moses' explanation of how god supposedly created everything leads you into beleiving that: "since moses' explanation of how the universe began requires a god" that there must be a god.

and that is why I said "it doesnt give us any knowledge that helps us to understand that he must exist. NONE AT ALL!!!"

I will not click on a single link that you posted. its getting ridiculous, you cant just expect people to read any scrap of attempted reason that you feel like presenting.

Ok then, i bothered to look at everyone else's links, so you should, and your not really taking aprt in this discussion if you don't. But you should read it, it talks about how 'yom' does not nessicarily mean 24 hour days..

Something i've came up with is in Genisis 1, it says, "Evening passed and morning came- that was the first day."

But evening passing is at 12am, and morning starting is 12am, so that could lead us to think that the universe was created outside time or that it was created right away. But, this could be wrong, its open to many possibilitys.
the titles of the links you posted were of something we have already discussed earlier, they are not relevant at all..

we already decided that "god's" creation of the universe could have been instantaneous.

Have you already forgotten this or are you slipping into denial of the fact that the christianitys god doesnt exist?
Present said:
the titles of the links you posted were of something we have already discussed earlier, they are not relevant at all..

we already decided that "god's" creation of the universe could have been instantaneous.

Have you already forgotten this or are you slipping into denial of the fact that the christianitys god doesnt exist?

Nah, i would never do that until i found something totally convincing. i dont think theres enough real proof to say he doesnt exist.

EDIT: Ive done more research, the creation goes like this:

Thats how the Bible stats the universe was created, well the 6 days makes perfect sence now, it was an example to man, and God created the universe right away, but everything else that followed took 6 days, why couldnt God just do it right away? Well, because dinosaurs played a big role in all this, theories include dinosaurs there to clear way in forest for sunlight to get in for other plants to be created, for other animals to survive, aswell as other numberous things. Now, once God flooded the Earth with water, this is when alot of them got extinct, which wasnt much of a loss, as they needed to be cleared away for a more civalised human life.

Some factual information that goes along with the Bible:
The above site is very good, if you claim that the Bibles version of creation isnt true, then you must support the Bibles true anyway, because how would have the writters known about dinosaurs back then without an inspiration from God? But wait, God cant be real if that creation theory isnt correct, which brings us again to say that the theory is correct and christian God does exist.
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and god said
i have all the riches of the universe
all you have to do is pray to me then die to claim
jay_7 said:
Thats how the Bible stats the universe was created, well the 6 days makes perfect sence now, it was an example to man, and God created the universe right away, but everything else that followed took 6 days

Well it took 300 million years for the first stars and galaxies to form since the beginning of the universe. That's slightly longer than 6 days.

why couldnt God just do it right away? Well, because dinosaurs played a big role in all this, theories include dinosaurs there to clear way in forest for sunlight to get in for other plants to be created, for other animals to survive, aswell as other numberous things. Now, once God flooded the Earth with water, this is when alot of them got extinct, which wasnt much of a loss, as they needed to be cleared away for a more civalised human life.

You really are exposing yourself as an idiot now. You sounded much smarter when you simply said that it was all about faith. So now you are saying God put dinosaurs on Earth so that they could become lumberjacks? Then wiped them out with a massive flood (which I'm sure science would find evidence of if that was the case) so that the Earth could bask the superior civilized nature of humans?

You believe in a God, fair enough... But you are idiotic to say all of these idiotic things then actually say it is true. Not only that it is true, but true of a supernatural being outside of this universe which there is not a crumb of evidence for. Then ignorantly claim it as proof that your religion is the correct one out of a possible infinate religions. No wonder our planet is in the shit today with people like you around :rolleyes:

because how would have the writters known about dinosaurs back then without an inspiration from God?

Where does the bible say anything about dinosaurs, I want quotes from the bible, not some website written by a fundie.

Then who created the Universe? Nothing cant come from nowhere.

Even if your god created the universe, he would have had to create it from something, according to your logic.
Let´s sum up what we have learned from this thread :

Due to science , the sum of matter and energy in the universe is always constant, meaning there is no beginning or end of the universe.

God does not exist in the universe.

Since there is no beginning, the bible is wrong in claiming there is a beginning.
Since there is no beginning, then god did not create the universe in the beginning, and the bible is wrong again.

The definition of the universe is everything that exists.Nothing exists beyond the universe.

Jay_7 has now invented "another universe" so god can exist somewhere .........................

Jay_7 has a very strong faith .................
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also we have learned that moses (and not god) is the founder of the seven day creation theory.

even jay admits that gods creation of the universe could have been istantaneous, in both gods and our time. or it couuld have taken an instant in gods time but ages in ours. (the christians truly dont have a solid explanation)

from that we know that god wouldnt have told moses that it took seven days to create the universe (jay said that it couldnt have taken seven literal days) so either god lied (which jay would deem impossible), or another possibility is that Moses was just writing down what he thought sounded good and in that case we could conclude that the bible isnt from god at all. and Lastly (and this is the one i beleive is true) there was no god and moses was creating the 7 day outline because he wanted to use a god to be an example for what people should do.

Moses wanted the israelites to work 6 days, and then rest/ worship god on the last day.

Moses wanted them to rest that one day because their beleif in a god would allow him to control them easily. Moses ( pretending to have the backing of god) could tell the israelites what to do as if it was something that god wanted them to do.

therefore Christianitys roots in Creationism prove that christianity was and will continue to be nothing more then a tool.
Present said:
also we have learned that moses (and not god) is the founder of the seven day creation theory.

even jay admits that gods creation of the universe could have been istantaneous, in both gods and our time. or it couuld have taken an instant in gods time but ages in ours. (the christians truly dont have a solid explanation)

from that we know that god wouldnt have told moses that it took seven days to create the universe (jay said that it couldnt have taken seven literal days) so either god lied (which jay would deem impossible), or another possibility is that Moses was just writing down what he thought sounded good and in that case we could conclude that the bible isnt from god at all. and Lastly (and this is the one i beleive is true) there was no god and moses was creating the 7 day outline because he wanted to use a god to be an example for what people should do.

Moses wanted the israelites to work 6 days, and then rest/ worship god on the last day.

Moses wanted them to rest that one day because their beleif in a god would allow him to control them easily. Moses ( pretending to have the backing of god) could tell the israelites what to do as if it was something that god wanted them to do.

therefore Christianitys roots in Creationism prove that christianity was and will continue to be nothing more then a tool.
M*W: I agree with everything you said. Moses (if he existed) believed himself to be god... well, let's face it, all the pharaohs believed they were deities. Their god was the sun and they were its little sunbeams, I guess.
KennyJC said:
Well it took 300 million years for the first stars and galaxies to form since the beginning of the universe.

were you there when it happened, so that you know it.

That's slightly longer than 6 days.

if you think the bible means six 24h days, it's no wonder you think it's full of shit. those "days" don't even mean time.

You really are exposing yourself as an idiot now. You sounded much smarter when you simply said that it was all about faith.

better to reveal yourself than pretend to be something you're not.

So now you are saying God put dinosaurs on Earth so that they could become lumberjacks? Then wiped them out with a massive flood (which I'm sure science would find evidence of if that was the case) so that the Earth could bask the superior civilized nature of humans?

dinosaurs died out because times changed.

Then ignorantly claim it as proof that your religion is the correct one out of a possible infinate religions.

there's truth in all religions.

Not only that it is true, but true of a supernatural being outside of this universe which there is not a crumb of evidence for.

you don't even know what god is.

No wonder our planet is in the shit today with people like you around

you're saying that to yourself.

Where does the bible say anything about dinosaurs, I want quotes from the bible, not some website written by a fundie.

the bible says nothing about dinosaurs, why would it.

heavymetal said:
Let´s sum up what we have learned from this thread :

why do that. don't you see that the falseness in doing so.

Since there is no beginning, the bible is wrong in claiming there is a beginning.

yet you have no proof of it and you have no idea what the beginning means. the beginning means the beginning of this generation of humans.

Present said:
from that we know that god wouldnt have told moses that it took seven days to create the universe (jay said that it couldnt have taken seven literal days) so either god lied (which jay would deem impossible), or another possibility is that Moses was just writing down what he thought sounded good and in that case we could conclude that the bible isnt from god at all.

only a sith thinks so categorized due to their ignorance of the changing reality. moses knew that there was no god but the self.
c7ityi_ said:
were you there when it happened, so that you know it.

What is your point here? Are you not even going to read up on why we know it happened? I would try to explain, but I know that saying anything scientific to c7 would just end up with you saying "I AM THE UNIVERSE, I AM EVERYTHING"... and whatever other made up ramblings you normally come out with.

if you think the bible means six 24h days, it's no wonder you think it's full of shit. those "days" don't even mean time.

What do they mean?

there's truth in all religions.

I didn't spot it amongst all the bullshit.

you don't even know what god is.

Nobody does, that's the point I always try to put accross on this form - But many still believe they know 'God'.

the bible says nothing about dinosaurs, why would it.

I never said it did, I was asking for Jay to explain his quote: "because how would have the writters known about dinosaurs back then without an inspiration from God?"... Which implied to me that the people who wrote the bible knew about dinosaurs.
It's really quite simple.

Some people need religion... k?

We shouldn't judge people who need religion as bad people. They're just people, being people - who make different choices than people who don't need religion. It's OK. Love them for what they are goddamnit. There are some truly wonderful religious people IMO. There is no ultimate judge of "better or worse" when it comes to "a person is X", right?

Wouldn't it be an absolutist moralist who would make sweeping claims against religion... as if there were a perfect standard by which to make such judgement? Isn't that religious... kind of?

It IS fair however, to challenge particular claims... to promote clear thinking and all.
KennyJC said:

the self within you is complete.

What do they mean?

the 7 chakras. seven steps of consciousness. jacobs ladder. day is light. in the bible, and religions in common, light means consciousness. night is darkness, unconsciousness.

I didn't spot it amongst all the bullshit.

clean the bullshit from thee mind and ye shall see.

Nobody does, that's the point I always try to put accross on this form - But many still believe they know 'God'.

let them believe. let us believe in ourselves for that is where god is.

I never said it did, I was asking for Jay to explain his quote: "because how would have the writters known about dinosaurs back then without an inspiration from God?"... Which implied to me that the people who wrote the bible knew about dinosaurs.

yeah, moses and other prophets knew about dinosaurs since they knew the past and future.

Ahmed Osman said:
Interesting information :bugeye:

by the self i don't mean the person but the existence and life which exists in everything which humans recognize as the self.

leopold99 said:
when are you hard heads going to realize.
god has no proof, and can never be proven.

there is no reason to doubt the existence of existence.
c7ityi_ said:
moses knew that there was no god but the self.

Excellent , now we have two christians , Jay_7, who claims that god only exists in "another universe" , and c7ityi , who claims god only exists in the "self of humans "..........

Actually , I think, I will after all accept the statement of Lord Insane:
"god only exists in the brains of humans , as an abstract term" .....
heavymetal said:
Excellent , now we have two christians , Jay_7, who claims that god only exists in "another universe" , and c7ityi , who claims god only exists in the "self of humans "..........

Don't expect the religious to agree with you if they don't even agree among themselves. The self, or God, exists beyond space and time ("another universe")

Actually , I think, I will after all accept the statement of Lord Insane:
"god only exists in the brains of humans , as an abstract term" .....

Truth has no path. Truth is living and, therefore, changing. All fixed set patterns are incapable of adaptability or pliability. The truth is outside of all fixed patterns. The perfect way is only difficult for those who pick and choose. Do not like, do not dislike; all will then be clear. Make a hairbreadth difference and heaven and earth are set apart; if you want the truth to stand clear before you, never be for or against. The struggle between "for" and "against" is the mind's worst disease.