Beautiful creation of humans

philosopher´s stone said:
But don´t stab Lord Insane in the back, .
yes i stabbed him didn't i? you are also the one to bring up "hate and dispise"
yes a real religious person that has come to sow hate,stab,despise
philo i feel you wouldn't know the value of religion if it was stomping your guts out.
religion doesn't suck religious fanatics do.
Hi Leo ,

Just relax - I do not think for a second, that you are stabbing me in the back, because you prefer to call me something else than Lord ..........
It is all happening in the brain of P-stone - not in the brain of you and me...
I could say the same for heavymetal ......
In the end ,I am not here to prove anything ..... and I am not here to change your believes ... only you can do that ...
Just call me Insane.....

So my friend - can I call you Leo ??
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Lord Insane said:
Energy can transform into matter and matter into energy, but actually the sum of matter and energy is always constant , meaning there might be no beginning or end of creation .....

If there is no beginning or end , then there is nobody to create the beginning ....

Which means god does not exist !!!!!!!

Yes, but even the Bible outsmarts this. It says God has no beginning or end, atheist have to get this threw their heads, just about every post i've read is out of ignorance, just because they haven't seen God. Alot of the stuff in the Bible makes sence even in todays world, i doubt men back 2000 years ago would be able to come up with everything & not contradict themselves.

Also, how does that mean God does not exist? Theres no evidence that theres no God, your just stating that because you think the universe had no beginning or end, which scientest say it did, and that was the big bang, which they now claim was caused by a multiuniverse, which could lead to Gods universe, outside time and our law on physics, etc.

And how about the fact that we have no idea how consciousness came about? Or even our personalitys? If it were possible the universe could create these, then im sure we would have found a way to get robots to live, which we havent, so its the probabilty of it coming outside thsi universe from a spiritual realm pretty much points out a God exist. I'm starting to think that God makes alot more sence then the universe creating itself, along with consciousness and personalitys. Just how could something in the universe create those? I find the Bible making alot more sence then why atheist believe theres no God just because there isnt proof, if you think about it, theres actually alot more reasons suggesting God does exist then he doesn't. The Bible for me sums up everything in this universe, our personalitys would be a souls, and consciousness would have been given to us by God otherwise, its not really a test. Atheist also have trouble explaining how the universe could be enternal, if they say it had a big bang, which was caused by a multiuniverse, then what created that etc etc, but if God has no beginning nor end, which the Bible stats, there we have our answer.

I could go forever, but i know atheist will just make some other ignorant statment here and there. Not one of you have proved he does not exist.
No, as new beings.
Lord Insane
You really are, Peace.
jay 7
How robots knows who created them in this video?
Religion is needed for people to survive.
They are much further than you could ever think about it. You should really
To everyone!
GOD IS A BIG BROTHER TO ALL OF AS! TO BE MORE Right, A DJ. Oh I'm sorry I forgot to tell you, we have a free will, that's why creator make us more interesting. We know what is good or bad! Watch a video all over again. The moon, earth, sun and all this things here and we don't understand at all. Oh..., I forgot, a big bang. Like human similar to ape with pigs organs. We talk, but pigs or apes, don't. Interesting...
Your one of the many atheist that prove to me your ignorant, asking questions like that, because you cannot find a proper argument. Which the Bible says humans cannot see him, as he is from a different universe, and not possible to be seen to human eye.
jay_7 said:
Which the Bible says humans cannot see him, as he is from a different universe, and not possible to be seen to human eye.

OK - nobody can see god - I accept that !!!!!

Actually I did not know , that the bible said he is from a different universe -
Lo and behold .............
jay_7 said:
Yes, but even the Bible outsmarts this. It says God has no beginning or end

In the beginning was the word (logos) ................

Have you actually ever read the bible .......????????????????
jay_7 said:
Yep i have, not all, but alot.

well , some reading is better than nothing , I guess ...

So , for the last couple of thousand of years logos was god ......

What is your " personal " interpretation of the bible about this ......
Do you want me to tell you my interpretation on what the words of God are? Give me some examples of things you want to hear from me.
Jay - in my country it is 3 o´clock in the night .......I am loosing patience ...

Logos IS god - that has been accepted by christians through almost 2000 years...
just type " logos god " into a yahoo/google search ....


Good night .... I will sleep now - greetings to Leo .....

And Cris , how do you manage to read and answer all this ....
You deserve a medal .....
Well my interpretation is that it is well possible that God put Jesus on earth with his own soul/or part of it. Jesus could well be God, and Jesus was Gods way of stepping into this universe, or it could simply be this is a concept way to difficult to understand, we cannot guess what God could have done. Or another possibilty could be God of made a "co-God" which was his son, Jesus, and let him step in to this Earth, with a God like soul, but had to be a bit different from God so he could be in this universe, and have a bit of human in him. I think that could be a logical explaination. Ill look into this more a little later, im going to have lunch.

Heres an ok site on this:
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So the bible claims there is a beginning ......

That might not be true due to science , which is discussing how the universe were before the big bang ......if the sum of energy and mass is constant, then there is no beginning.

The definition of the word universe is everything that exists.So the universe is everything.Nothing exists beyond the universe.Not even god.
There is no "our universe", there is only one universe.

(thank you Phlogistician for the info)
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