Beautiful creation of humans

i am not talking about christianity or any other brand of religion.
let me see if i get you right
you believe that "religion" has no place in ethics or morality?
As an agnostic, I do accept the theories of god(s) - I just want proof before I would ever believe - I am still a person with good moral, according to the standards of society ...........
A lot of ethics and moral have a foundation in religion - but forinstance in Denmark , they do not need religion anymore, to pass laws that actually have very high ethics and moral ............
Lord Insane said:
As an agnostic, I do accept the theories of god(s) - I just want proof before I would ever believe -
well, you are no different that every other person on the planet.
frankly i could care less if there is a god. my real concern is what does this mean for society?
But if things DO change for the better , then what ....
And what is better ....
I know 2 homosexuals at my work - I do respect them as humans ......
There are even christian priests that are paedophiles .......
Human vices will allways be there - Muhammed with his child wife - I even think someone in the bible had sex with his daughter (he did not know it when it happened-only later) ....
this is the second time you have mentioned christianity. i am not talking about a specific brand of religion. are you biased about christianity? where do these "strong morals and ethics" of denmark come from?
I was only mentioning examples, one of them christian ....

Some of them come from religion, some of them are cultural from the society , some even come from the ideas of socialism (political).........
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socialism is a hybrid between communism and capitalism ....
Communism : plan economy -the government splitting the surplus out to the people (did not work in USSR)
Capitalism: free market economy (demand and supply) - keep the money yourself if you make some......
Socialism : free market economy (big surplus) - government use the big surplus to help the people of the society ....

Nobody is really poor, hardly anyone really rich - most people are however happy ............
i really don't know what to say. from what i can tell your pretty much like the rest of us and just different enough to make it interesting.
Lord Insane said:
Energy can transform into matter and matter into energy, but actually the sum of matter and energy is always constant , meaning there might be no beginning or end of creation .....

If there is no beginning or end , then there is nobody to create the beginning ....

Which means god does not exist !!!!!!!

Lord , you bastard , you just proved that god doesn´t exist ......
heavymetal said:
Lord , you bastard , you just proved that god doesn´t exist ......
mankind has been arguing the existence of "god" since the begining of time.
i doubt if insane can prove or disprove the existence of "god" with some subtle piece of logic.
leopold99 said:
mankind has been arguing the existence of "god" since the begining of time.
i doubt if insane can prove or disprove the existence of "god" with some subtle piece of logic.

Leopold99 , actually his logic do sound good - but then again, I am mostly into philosophy not religion ........
However I did notice one thing - after heavymetal said this might be evidence of god not existing - then you called Lord Insane for insane ....
He called you "Leo" all the time, not "old99" , which is the last of Leopold99 ...

Do you hate and despise Lord Insane now, that he has opened his mouth and has been honest with you ???