Beautiful creation of humans

The Bible does claim that God had no beginning. Theres no proof of this about having one universe, thats just your view. And if there is forms of energy that have no beginning nor end then God could well exist in a whole different universe which we can't detect. Because if this is the case, its possible for a God who had no beginnng or end, which takes who created God out of the question. I still see it highly unlikely that these forms of matter got there themselves and had no beginning, and created all this today with a big bang, it seems like a big plot. Just say there was a box, empty with nothing in it, the only way to get something inside would be to open the lid, well these forms of energy have no beginning or end in this universe. so it may have been put in from another universe, which is what i believe.
jay_7 said:
The Bible does claim that God had no beginning. Theres no proof of this about having one universe, thats just your view. And if there is forms of energy that have no beginning nor end then God could well exist in a whole different universe which we can't detect. Because if this is the case, its possible for a God who had no beginnng or end, which takes who created God out of the question. I still see it highly unlikely that these forms of matter got there themselves and had no beginning, and created all this today with a big bang, it seems like a big plot. Just say there was a box, empty with nothing in it, the only way to get something inside would be to open the lid, well these forms of energy have no beginning or end in this universe. so it may have been put in from another universe, which is what i believe.
M*W: If energy is eternal, and energy created the universe, why do people insist on calling it God? Why can't people just say the universe was created by energy? I'd go even further and say the universe was created by solar energy. Is that why there were the Atens and the Ras? The Helis and the Elis? The Allah and the Eloh? The sun and sol? The father and the son? There was no god, only the sun whose solar energy created the universe.
The bible claims there is a beginning - if the sum of matter and energy in the universe is constant , then at least the bible is WRONG !!!!!

jay_7 said:
energy have no beginning or end in this universe. so it may have been put in from another universe, which is what i believe.

I do not care, if you choose to "BELIEVE" that god does not exist in the universe ......
That only says, that god does not exist in the universe ...........

At least you are honest , and say you only BELIEVE , this is a far out theory of yours , because you know that science , rules out the existence of god in the universe ....

Now you try to invent "another universe " that can allow god to exist there ...
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Exactly, no-ones proving that God exist here, or whethor he doesnt, all these arguments are on opinions, so theres really no need to keep going. And no im not creating a universe, im going from what the bible says, Gods outside time, and time is in this universe, so therefore it brings me to believe God exist outside this universe. And what ever happened to some scientest theorys on a multiuniverse?

I was reading a bit about this theory here-
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Exactly, no-ones proving that God exist here, or whethor he doesnt

That is true. But your religion (I'm guessing christianity) has been proved wrong on many points.

Although that doesn't mean God doesn't exist, that just means religion is false.
KennyJC said:
That is true. But your religion (I'm guessing christianity) has been proved wrong on many points.

Although that doesn't mean God doesn't exist, that just means religion is false.

Tell me some points that proves religion (christianty) wrong?
heavymetal said:
I actually think we have a consensus here :
God do NOT exist in the universe !!!!

lol. Don't bother participating if you have nothing to back up your statement with. That means nothing to this discussion.
Medicine Woman said:
M*W: If energy is eternal, and energy created the universe, why do people insist on calling it God? Why can't people just say the universe was created by energy? I'd go even further and say the universe was created by solar energy. Is that why there were the Atens and the Ras? The Helis and the Elis? The Allah and the Eloh? The sun and sol? The father and the son? There was no god, only the sun whose solar energy created the universe.

Read this:
Tell me some points that proves religion (christianty) wrong?

7 day creation, Adam and Eve, 6,000 year old Earth. These are just the things off the top of my head, I'm sure there are many many more.

Not to mention other religions who have millions of believers in the same way yours does, say completely different things. The odds of Christianity being 100% correct over past/present/future religions (despite the fact science has proven writings of the bible wrong)... are pretty much zero.

Now of course if you continue to think Christianity is 100% correct then that is a conversation stopper and it would be pointless me saying anything else.
jay_7 said:
so therefore it brings me to believe God exist outside this universe.

What is wrong with you , Jay_7 , you have just claimed that God exists outside this universe - and Lord Insane just proved, god must be outside this universe ............

Both of you are right - none of you are wrong .........

What seems to be your problem ???????????
heavymetal said:
What is wrong with you , Jay_7 , you have just claimed that God exists outside this universe - and Lord Insane just proved, god must be outside this universe ............

Both of you are right - none of you are wrong .........

What seems to be your problem ???????????

Nothing, im just posting replys to people who are saying God doesnt exist, and that here is no proof that he is or isnt, im jsut sharing my thoughts on what everyone has to say. Even though it doesnt prove anything.
heavymetal said:
I actually think we have a consensus here :
God do NOT exist in the universe !!!!

I can accept the statement : God does not exist in the universe .....
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KennyJC said:
7 day creation, Adam and Eve, 6,000 year old Earth. These are just the things off the top of my head, I'm sure there are many many more.

Not to mention other religions who have millions of believers in the same way yours does, say completely different things. The odds of Christianity being 100% correct over past/present/future religions (despite the fact science has proven writings of the bible wrong)... are pretty much zero.

Now of course if you continue to think Christianity is 100% correct then that is a conversation stopper and it would be pointless me saying anything else.

Looks like you havent looked into this too much. Gods outside time, the 7 day frame isnt true, thats 7 days for us, and, its not meant to be taken literlly. I read a few articles on this, ill try find them later.

Read this site: it explains alot of questions like this. Other good sites:

And no, science hasnt proved anything wrong in the bible, if anythig its kinda helped it. The Bible is a matter of what, not how.
Gods outside time, the 7 day frame isnt true, thats 7 days for us,

7 days for us? No it wasn't. Besides, why are you going by websites to prove this rather than the bible which is the word of God?

Type "Timeline of the Universe" into google and I think you will find respectable evidence which is observed by experimentation, and verified by people much smarter than your average fundie ;)
KennyJC said:
7 days for us? No it wasn't. Besides, why are you going by websites to prove this rather than the bible which is the word of God?

Type "Timeline of the Universe" into google and I think you will find respectable evidence which is observed by experimentation, and verified by people much smarter than your average fundie ;)

Because the Bible is what, not how. It has been said many times that this was not meant to be taken literally. And my 7 days in our time was meant the way you took it, i meant it was just an example. If you take the time to read this
Then it talks about it a bit.
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KennyJC said:
So you admit that some/all of the bible is just literature?

Some of it aren;t to be taken literally, with examples of things that dont actually happen, God did create the Universe, but he used an example 6/7 days. Theres alot of meaningful stuff in the bible that are just examples. It's not all factual.
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Humans are incredibly complex animals, capable of showing a multitude of feelings; compassions, loves, hates and barbarities.

Humans are highly sentient and, whereas most would be happy to live their whole life without ever wondering a about their origins, some have taken it upon their selves to come up with reasons and concepts for our existence and these few have managed to influence the masses so that now, most people are concerned about gods and goddesses and all that shit, without really thinking about it.

God I'm so pissed at the mo'

so anyway, carry on.
tablariddim said:
Humans are incredibly complex animals, capable of showing a multitude of feelings; compassions, loves, hates and barbarities.

Humans are highly sentient and, whereas most would be happy to live their whole life without ever wondering a about their origins, some have taken it upon their selves to come up with reasons and concepts for our existence and these few have managed to influence the masses so that now, most people are concerned about gods and goddesses and all that shit, without really thinking about it.

God I'm so pissed at the mo'

so anyway, carry on.

Yeah that is a possibility. But it all seems pretty logical and reasonable to me. I personally choose to beliee it because i doubt we are here for no reason at all. How could the universe create consiousness and all. Yeah i know all the theories and evolution and that, but im jsut saying what i think. To me atheism and 'man made God' seems a lot less convincing then a God. Dont take this as me being ignorant or having lack of knowledge. I just find it that way.