Bear with jar stuck on its head killed in MN

Bees are just here to be swatted.. as are flies and most insect really.
They are so small they really have no significance at all.
Why did the DNR leave ? It's their job isn't it ? Could they have left a dart gun with the police ?

And "excess bears are becoming a nuisance" is a sickening phrase.
It more like the other way around..

The D.N.R. didn't leave; the bear did. They don't patrol the city, the police do. It is pretty easy to see that the police aren't used to dealing with bears, or used to needing to. They aren't wildlife biologists.
How is that relevant to your claims that "Black bears hunt people regularly" and "When a black bear attacks people, they usually do it because they think you're food."?

Take a look at bear killings in the past 20 years. They're regular.
Therefore, bear attacks are regular.
Black bears are bears.
A black bear attack is a bear attack.
That makes it regular.
When a black bear attacks, it does so because it's hungry.
Putting it all together, you get...?

Also note that the list doesn't list all attacks; only fatal ones. In the past 2 months, two women were attacked by grizzlies here in Alaska, though neither died.

I'd rather take the bee sting than having my face caved in by a 800 lb carnivore.
Take a look at bear killings in the past 20 years. They're regular.
Therefore, bear attacks are regular.
Black bears are bears.
A black bear attack is a bear attack.
That makes it regular.
When a black bear attacks, it does so because it's hungry.
Putting it all together, you get...?

Also note that the list doesn't list all attacks; only fatal ones. In the past 2 months, two women were attacked by grizzlies here in Alaska, though neither died.

I'd rather take the bee sting than having my face caved in by a 800 lb carnivore.
How many bears were killed by humans in the same period ?

If you ever find a bee nest, kick it..
So to explain it for you dumbfucks:
A bear was wandering around in the woods for 5 days. At some point, during those five days, they had a tranquilizer gun. Unfortunately, it was too thickly wooded to get the shot. On the sixth day, after they no longer had access to the tranquilizer gun, the bear wandered out into a town, where the bear could pose an immediate threat to humans. Since they did not have the tranq gun, the police department decided to kill the bear before anyone got hurt.
Since you seem to think you know how to read an article, let's look at your version and think about their actions. At some point in this crisis they do have a trank gun. Then the trank gun or the guy or gal with the trank gun goes away. On ANOTHER DAY it wanders into a more populated area, you are saying 'a town'. We can assume that the trees the police said were blocking the shot were no longer an issue 'in town'. Shit, where's the guy with the trank gun. Damn, not around. Well, this is an emergency, shoot the damn thing with the regular guns.

It may, I say may, have been a reasonable decision on that 6th day to use a regular gun, but it sure sounds like poor planning put them in situation they could have avoided.

as an aside: you do realize that calling people dumbfucks makes your arguments sound weaker, right?

It's sort of like when people yell arguments when logic fails to sway.
I'd assume the DNR would follow the bear ?
How is it that shooting tranquilizer darts was too dangerous while shooting bullets wasn't ?

They were aware of the the bear, and were attempting to trap it. I don't know the state of the budget in Minnesota, but it is a safe guess that the Minnesota DNR has very limited resources, and couldn't spend all of their time tracking one bear in an unfortunate situation. Instead of going into a trap, it wandered out of the wilderness area, and into town. The DNR gave the go ahead for the police to kill the bear, probably viewing the threat, however small it might have been, as unacceptable. Shooting it with tranquilizer darts probably wasn't much of a risk, but the wait involved with getting a tranquilizer gun to where it was needed probably did pose a threat.
Since you seem to think you know how to read an article, let's look at your version and think about their actions. At some point in this crisis they do have a trank gun. Then the trank gun or the guy or gal with the trank gun goes away. On ANOTHER DAY it wanders into a more populated area, you are saying 'a town'. We can assume that the trees the police said were blocking the shot were no longer an issue 'in town'. Shit, where's the guy with the trank gun. Damn, not around. Well, this is an emergency, shoot the damn thing with the regular guns.

It may, I say may, have been a reasonable decision on that 6th day to use a regular gun, but it sure sounds like poor planning put them in situation they could have avoided.

as an aside: you do realize that calling people dumbfucks makes your arguments sound weaker, right?

It's sort of like when people yell arguments when logic fails to sway.

You realize there were two organizations at work here, yes? One was the DNR, the other the local police force. The DNR was equipped to handle the bear, the local police were not. The DNR dropped the ball, and didn't have a tranq gun on site when, according to the article (which you still have trouble reading) wandered into town where there were, and I quote
going on. These were probably festivities involving people, not robots or giant intelligent ants, though it's a little inconclusive from the article :rolleyes:

The police were then faced with a problem. There was a bear. An angry one. Around people (I'm assuming it was people and not sapient arthropods having said 'festivities'). And no tranq gun. So the police followed through with the most reasonable recourse: kill the bear.
They were aware of the the bear, and were attempting to trap it. I don't know the state of the budget in Minnesota, but it is a safe guess that the Minnesota DNR has very limited resources, and couldn't spend all of their time tracking one bear in an unfortunate situation. Instead of going into a trap, it wandered out of the wilderness area, and into town. The DNR gave the go ahead for the police to kill the bear, probably viewing the threat, however small it might have been, as unacceptable. Shooting it with tranquilizer darts probably wasn't much of a risk, but the wait involved with getting a tranquilizer gun to where it was needed probably did pose a threat.
I'm sorry but I'm having real trouble believing that anyone would go near the bear in the first place.
And I also don't think the bear was even fit enough to go chasing after someone with that jar on it's head.
And maybe the DNR caused the bear to flee into a populated area..
If they want to stop bears sniffing around town they need to do something about their waste disposal methods.
What would you do? Lie down and blame yourself as it tears through your viscera?
You're such a pussy.
Take a look at bear killings in the past 20 years. They're regular.

You've yet to demonstrate this.

Therefore, bear attacks are regular.

Or this.

When a black bear attacks, it does so because it's hungry.

You've yet to demonstrate this.

Putting it all together, you get...?

A fallicious conclusion based on faulty, conjectural premises?

Also note that the list doesn't list all attacks; only fatal ones. In the past 2 months, two women were attacked by grizzlies here in Alaska, though neither died.
So you're also relying on incomplete information to back up your argument? This just gets better and better!

I'd rather take the bee sting than having my face caved in by a 800 lb carnivore.

You might not say that if you were suffering from anaphylactic shock.

Oh, and by the way. You've engaged in a lot of verbal gymnastics, but haven't answered my original questions, which were (in case you've forgotten):

How is that [portion of wikipedia article you cited: Originally Posted by wiki
Deaths by black bear, though, are most often predatory, while the more numerous grizzly fatalities on humans are often defensive.] relevant to your claims that "Black bears hunt people regularly" and "When a black bear attacks people, they usually do it because they think you're food."?
You can't figure out my point? What are you, some sort of simpleton?

Oh OK, so I thought correctly, there wasn't one.

Bees are just here to be swatted.. as are flies and most insect really.

let me see, bees are useful, bears are the #1 public enemy. Otherwise I like the comparison... :)

Anyway, to close this stupid thread, the bear would have been killed anyway, if you guys ever read How to deal with a bear for Dummies.
Predatory black bear.

Black bears hunt people regularly. When a black bear attacks people, they usually do it because they think you're food. When a grizzly or brown bear does, they do it defensively. That's why you're supposed to curl up and lay still when Ursus arctos attacks, and why you fight back when U. americana attacks.

This is wrong. I've lived in MN my whole life and have been in many forests where there are many bears and I have many many friends who have cabins way up north and spend lots of time in the woods, as I myself have spent much time in the woods. I have never ever in my life heard of someone bein hunted by a black bear or even attacked by a black bear. If you come across one in the wild, it runs. never a doubt, it runs like fuck, and doesn't come back.

I accept that you don't get- you're totally removed from the natural world and have never experienced wilderness. That's ok.

Just don't pretend you know what's going on.

And you have experienced it?
Why do the experts tell you to fight back against an attacking black bear, and curl up vs. a grizzly?

Is it
a) an arbitrary decision
b) voodoo
c) because when a black bear attacks you, it's hungry and looking to eat you. Brown bears are most likely doing it to defend cubs or because they're spooked
d) some ineffable reason
e) otter and/or duck

This is wrong. I've lived in MN my whole life and have been in many forests where there are many bears and I have many many friends who have cabins way up north and spend lots of time in the woods, as I myself have spent much time in the woods. I have never ever in my life heard of someone bein hunted by a black bear or even attacked by a black bear. If you come across one in the wild, it runs. never a doubt, it runs like fuck, and doesn't come back.

Common != regular.
Sheesh. It feels like I'm talking to immigrants here.

And you have experienced it?