Bear with jar stuck on its head killed in MN

The bears wouldn't be coming down into human areas looking for food if they could find enough food in the wilderness. Too much of the environment has been destroyed for bears to get enough food.

This scenario highlights the fact that we need to do something to preserve nature, if not for nature's good, then for ours.

Wtf ? They can shoot it with a bullet but not with a tranquilizer ? How hard can it be to get hold of one :mad:
Poor bear.. :(

Apparently difficult, if you took the time to read the article.

Do I need to hold your little handsies and walk you through this? Are you guys illiterate?

article said:
At one point, the DNR was equipped to tranquilize the animal, "but we never had the opportunity ... because it stayed in forested areas" from its initial spotting July 21 until it met its fate in Frazee, he said.

So, for a little while, they had the tranq gun.

article said:
He [the police chief] said his department did not have ready access to a tranquilizer gun

article said:
The bear was behind the Baer Building while festivities were going on in front

So to explain it for you dumbfucks:
A bear was wandering around in the woods for 5 days. At some point, during those five days, they had a tranquilizer gun. Unfortunately, it was too thickly wooded to get the shot. On the sixth day, after they no longer had access to the tranquilizer gun, the bear wandered out into a town, where the bear could pose an immediate threat to humans. Since they did not have the tranq gun, the police department decided to kill the bear before anyone got hurt.

Let me know if you still have trouble understanding this.
Apparently difficult, if you took the time to read the article.

Do I need to hold your little handsies and walk you through this? Are you guys illiterate?
I've read the article :rolleyes:

So, for a little while, they had the tranq gun.


So to explain it for you dumbfucks:
A bear was wandering around in the woods for 5 days. At some point, during those five days, they had a tranquilizer gun. Unfortunately, it was too thickly wooded to get the shot. On the sixth day, after they no longer had access to the tranquilizer gun, the bear wandered out into a town, where the bear could pose an immediate threat to humans. Since they did not have the tranq gun, the police department decided to kill the bear before anyone got hurt.

Let me know if you still have trouble understanding this.
Yea the gun just vanished into thin air.. I get it now. Thanks for explaining. :rolleyes:
I don't know why people think a wild animal is more deserving of life than a cow or chicken.

It's not whether they are more deserving of life, per se, but that they should have the right to live their lives with minimal human interference. Humans harassing and killing bears deeply disturbs me, not just because of the gross advantages held by humans, but also the context of the situation.

Think of wild animals as analogous to the natives of the Americas or Australia. None live what could be called a romantic lifestyle, but they still get by. Then the Europeans colonise the area (or as you put it, 'migrate'), reduce biodiversity, and expand their territory until they enroach on native territory. Then when the natives start approaching the Europeans, either because your territory is close to theirs, or they can't obtain enough food from hunting due to European farming practices and overhunting, you condemn them and kill them.

It's bullshit. OK, fine, humans need to defend themselves against bears. But let's not spin this situation as though its a case of a dumb bear that should keep to its own borders, and any bear which does happen to stray is a rogue beast which must be put down post haste. The fact of the matter is that it's hard for wildlife to 'remain' within its borders when its land is insufficient for survival, due to constantant shrinkage, along with the deforestation and the loss of food caused by human interference.

I mean, what fucking nerve. A bear gets a *human* jar on its head, and then stumbles starving onto human territory which was most likely wild territory across which bears once roamed, and humans have the nerve to blame the bear? What the fuck?
Black bears are very skiddish. They only attack if they are provoked or if you come between them and their cubs. its unfortunate that this guiy got attacked, but my guess is that he hd it coming to some degree

Predatory black bear.

Black bears hunt people regularly. When a black bear attacks people, they usually do it because they think you're food. When a grizzly or brown bear does, they do it defensively. That's why you're supposed to curl up and lay still when Ursus arctos attacks, and why you fight back when U. americana attacks.
Yea the gun just vanished into thin air.. I get it now. Thanks for explaining.


What's truly tragic is that these sort of draconian measures aiming to preserve 'safety' don't just apply to non-humans. Excessive legislation is constantly being introduced by nanny states to curtail the rights of their citizens in order to 'protect' them.
Yea the gun just vanished into thin air.. I get it now. Thanks for explaining. :rolleyes:

They probably gave the gun back to the park service or whoever. They were faced with an immediate problem- an angry, hungry black bear just showed up in town, near people.

You're also shit poor with risk assessment.
Predatory black bear.

Black bears hunt people regularly. When a black bear attacks people, they usually do it because they think you're food. When a grizzly or brown bear does, they do it defensively. That's why you're supposed to curl up and lay still when Ursus arctos attacks, and why you fight back when U. americana attacks.
They truly are monsters aren't they ?
Black bears hunt people regularly

Looks like you need to read your own link, retard:

Like many animals, they [black bears] seldom attack unless cornered, threatened, or wounded. They are less likely to attack humans than grizzly bears and typically flee for cover as soon as they identify a human visitor. Deaths by black bear, though, are most often predatory, while the more numerous grizzly fatalities on humans are often defensive.[17] This makes feigning death when a black bear attacks ineffective. Although 15 North Americans have been killed since the year 2000, it is estimated that there have been only 56 documented killings of humans by black bears in North America in the past 100 years.
They probably gave the gun back to the park service or whoever. They were faced with an immediate problem- an angry, hungry black bear just showed up in town, near people.

You're also shit poor with risk assessment.

Yea that makes perfect sense, just keep making things up..
They truly are monsters aren't they ?

I accept that you don't get- you're totally removed from the natural world and have never experienced wilderness. That's ok.

Just don't pretend you know what's going on.
How is that relevant to your claims that "Black bears hunt people regularly" and "When a black bear attacks people, they usually do it because they think you're food."?
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I've read the article :rolleyes:

Yea the gun just vanished into thin air.. I get it now. Thanks for explaining. :rolleyes:

The Department of Natural Resources is not the police. The DNR are in the business of tranquilizing animals, the local police are not. The DNR had a tranquilizer gun, the local PD did not. Black bears are not even close to an endangered species, so the local PD decided that even a slight threat was unacceptable.

I'm not sure about Minnesota, but certainly in most of the west, bears and other large predators were hunted to near extinction through the nineteenth and early part of the twentieth century. The bear on the state flag of California, the Grizzly, was actually exterminated. Hunting was then banned or strictly regulated, allowing populations to recover. Which they have done, to the point that many states are lifting hunting bans, or extending hunting seasons, because excess bears are becoming a nuisance.

If the police chief had waited for a tranquilizer gun to become available, and anyone had been hurt in the slightest because of having to wait for it, he would certainly have lost his job.
The Department of Natural Resources is not the police. The DNR are in the business of tranquilizing animals, the local police are not. The DNR had a tranquilizer gun, the local PD did not. Black bears are not even close to an endangered species, so the local PD decided that even a slight threat was unacceptable.

I'm not sure about Minnesota, but certainly in most of the west, bears and other large predators were hunted to near extinction through the nineteenth and early part of the twentieth century. The bear on the state flag of California, the Grizzly, was actually exterminated. Hunting was then banned or strictly regulated, allowing populations to recover. Which they have done, to the point that many states are lifting hunting bans, or extending hunting seasons, because excess bears are becoming a nuisance.

If the police chief had waited for a tranquilizer gun to become available, and anyone had been hurt in the slightest because of having to wait for it, he would certainly have lost his job.

Why did the DNR leave ? It's their job isn't it ? Could they have left a dart gun with the police ?

And "excess bears are becoming a nuisance" is a sickening phrase.
It more like the other way around..
I'm willing to bet my bottom dollar that more people die from bee stings.

Well, just wait until somebody here complains about little bees being killed with a honeyjar on their heads.

By the way, what was your point?