Attitudes to rape

I believe the following are mitigating circumstances in rape (see first post):

  • Woman was wearing 'sexy' or revealing clothing.

    Votes: 7 10.6%
  • Woman had many past sexual partners.

    Votes: 7 10.6%
  • Woman was drunk at the time (i.e. got herself drunk).

    Votes: 10 15.2%
  • Woman at no time clearly said "No" to sex.

    Votes: 22 33.3%
  • Woman previously flirted with the rapist.

    Votes: 7 10.6%
  • Woman was in a relationship with the rapist at the time.

    Votes: 10 15.2%
  • Woman was married to the rapist.

    Votes: 13 19.7%
  • Woman had consented to sex with the rapist on another occasion.

    Votes: 10 15.2%
  • Woman had a reputation for being sexually promiscuous.

    Votes: 6 9.1%
  • None of the above.

    Votes: 37 56.1%

  • Total voters
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Sorry? Are you saying it's ok to have sex with somebody if they don't know what they're doing, as long as you can claim some kind of pre-existing romantic relationship? Surely not.

im saying that when 2 people are in a sexual relationship, i wouldnt call it rape unless one person revokes consent. otherwise it can be taken for granted that they consent.

its not my view about marriage because i dont act like this towards my wife, but isnt bieng married an ancient traditional standard with those rules that apply?

Nobody signs a marriage contract that obliges them to have sex at the whim of their partner.

rape to us humans in our modern society as a whole is not accepted ofcourse, but in the animal kingdom (wich we are a part of) it is accepted and common, we seem to be a bit confused here and have split ethics when it comes to science dont we james?

Rape is not "accepted" or condoned in the animal kingdom - nor is it common. But, on another level, it doesn't make much sense to talk about "rape" by non-human animals, since the concept doesn't really exist for them. They probably can't appreciate the implications of forced sexual intercourse on an intellectual or emotional level.

we like to state in the science world that we as humans are the beast, that we are controlled by instinctive urges, that we are bound by chemical reaction, that we are a product of our enviroment and natural law/cause, also that such things as love are derived from selfish means. that it is all chemical and a survival mechanism and it does not exist in the loving term that people class it as,

This is a nice mix of part truth and falsity.

False: human are "beasts".
Part truth: humans are "bound by chemical reactions".
Part truth: humans are a product of their environment and natural laws.
False: love is always selfish.

why do we expect humans to act loving and caring as if good and bad actualy exist as real things, and are not just perspective and subjective to opinions. i see split ideals and beliefs when it comes to ethics Vs scientific basis, is it not true that we are just animals?

In saying "just animals" you badly under-rate and underestimate animals. Also, you fail to appreciate the differences between human beings and other animals.

On the social level, you appear to think ethics and morality are purely subjective. I disagree.

so why when we are speaking in scientific terms, do we seem to act as if we are the beast, but in ethical and moral terms we speak as if we are kind loving spiritual biengs who listen to right and wrong and love each other, and as if we are actualy above animal instinct, as if we are not animals anymore but we are controlled loving biengs,

Our forte as humans is supposed to be that we are rational, thinking beings. If that is true, then we are not driven solely by "animal instinct".

what is it to be? are we the beast or are we the compassionate bieng?

This is a false dichotomy. We can be both.

im saying that when 2 people are in a sexual relationship, i wouldnt call it rape unless one person revokes consent. otherwise it can be taken for granted that they consent.

Just to let you know: be careful, because you are behind the times in terms of modern laws and ethics.

There is no implied consent to sex in relationships, according to the law and to most modern ethical philosophy. Every sexual encounter must be negotiated. You cannot take advantage of an unconscious partner, or drug them and have sex. Nor is it any defence to a charge of rape that the person had agreed to have sex with you voluntarily on previous occasions.
LAUGHS! James R,

All you have to do to expose the lying, self-serving pricks on this thread is turn the tables and put them in a position to be forcibly assraped and call it "natural" and see how agreeable they honestly would be. People like them disgust me. They take advantage of their favorable position to shit on others ignoring they have the same feelings and needs of self respect, dignity, choice and safety.
Just to let you know: be careful, because you are behind the times in terms of modern laws and ethics.

There is no implied consent to sex in relationships, according to the law and to most modern ethical philosophy. Every sexual encounter must be negotiated. You cannot take advantage of an unconscious partner, or drug them and have sex. Nor is it any defence to a charge of rape that the person had agreed to have sex with you voluntarily on previous occasions.

ok, maybe i need to put this into context, because you are misunderstanding me:

the other weekend i had sex with a girl that i met at a party, after we were done we went to sleep, i awoke in the morning while she was having sex with me. are you saying that it is rape just because i was asleep and unable to give consent? what happened to the consent i gave her 6 hours ago?

i realise that women have different attitudes towards sex, and therefore towards rape, but i just cant see how this counts.
the other weekend i had sex with a girl that i met at a party, after we were done we went to sleep, i awoke in the morning while she was having sex with me. are you saying that it is rape just because i was asleep and unable to give consent? what happened to the consent i gave her 6 hours ago?

Did she drug you? Or did you wake up at some point? When you woke up did you say "Hey! What are you doing? I don't want to have sex." Or not?

Now consider: if you had woken up and decided that you didn't like her taking advantage of you, what would have happened? You ask her to stop. If she doesn't stop, we're in clear crime territory, if you wanted to press charges. If she does stop, then you need to decide whether you want to go to the police, the courts etc. over this. Chances are that you will not choose to handle the situation that way, even though technically you have the right.

Realise that these kinds of borderline hypotheticals are very very far from the usual circumstances in which rape charges end up in court. I actually find it interesting that you seem to want to avoid the "main game" for this kind of triviality. You don't seriously want to see serious rapists to walk free because of your "implied consent" rules, do you?
no i dont want to let any rapists free.

your example gave me a much better way of wording this; had i woken up and decided that i didnt want her taking advantage of me then i would have told her to stop, but sex devoid of consent should be treated differently to rape. only if she had continued despite my objection would it be actual rape.
I don't know exactly, but ...I think there's a woman raped every twelve seconds in the USA alone. That's pretty horrible, ain't it?

But think about this ...there are millions of women who are NOT raped ...ever. Now tell me, what's the difference here? What do the raped women do that the un-raped women don't do? There must be something!

Baron Max

Its like the children who get abused vs the children who don't. What do the children who get abused do different? Nothing, Its nothing to do with the victim and everything to do with the rapist/abuser.
Nothing, Its nothing to do with the victim and everything to do with the rapist/abuser.

I'm just not so sure of that as you seem to be. I mean, it's easy to say that, Sam, but is there any evidence that helps explain it? I'm not trying to excuse rape, but I think there must be something that sets those women apart somehow ...if nothing else, for the rapist. What is it?

I think, for example, that it's extremely rare for old, fat, ugly women to be raped. So right there is one factor. It's extremely rare for a woman to get raped if she's with someone - male or female. There's another factor.

Women who are always careful and cautious, and go out with others, who don't walk around in dimly lite areas, who don't go jogging in parks alone at night,..... See? Those women probably don't get raped ...because they do things with caution and intelligence.

It's not much different to men getting mugged in the "bad" parts of town -- they don't go there! And even if they did, they wouldn't walk around with $100 bills hanging out of their pockets.

If I were a woman, I'd never get raped -- because I wouldn't put myself in that type of situation. See?

Baron Max

Nobody signs a marriage contract that obliges them to have sex at the whim of their partner.

Rape is not "accepted" or condoned in the animal kingdom - nor is it common. But, on another level, it doesn't make much sense to talk about "rape" by non-human animals, since the concept doesn't really exist for them. They probably can't appreciate the implications of forced sexual intercourse on an intellectual or emotional level.

This is a nice mix of part truth and falsity.

False: human are "beasts".
Part truth: humans are "bound by chemical reactions".
Part truth: humans are a product of their environment and natural laws.
False: love is always selfish.

In saying "just animals" you badly under-rate and underestimate animals. Also, you fail to appreciate the differences between human beings and other animals.

On the social level, you appear to think ethics and morality are purely subjective. I disagree.

Our forte as humans is supposed to be that we are rational, thinking beings. If that is true, then we are not driven solely by "animal instinct".

This is a false dichotomy. We can be both.

rape is common in the animal kingdom, i guess you have never been a dog owner of a male and female dog at the same time, and in the animal kingdom the biggest strongest male gets the sex, just watch a chimp documentary show, when the dominant male wants sex he gets it and nobdy stops him or they get a beat down,

i understand the difference between human and other animals, humans love the smell of there own farts.

i think ethics are subjective yes,

If I were a woman, I'd never get raped -- because I wouldn't put myself in that type of situation. See?
So you'd NEVER go anywhere on your own?
james thats the difference.

So you'd NEVER go anywhere on your own?

I didn't say that. Where did you get that I said or implied something like that?

People get mugged around here, the Dallas area, all the time. But I've never been mugged or beaten because I don't go to places where that would or could occur. My home has never been burlarized because I take steps to prevent it and make it damned difficult for the burlars.

Nope, if I were a woman, I'd never be raped. And you'll notice that millions of other women have done the same things ....and they've never been raped either. The women who get raped are doing something that allows the rape to happen, allows the rapist a chance to rape. What is it?

Baron Max
I didn't say that. Where did you get that I said or implied something like that?

People get mugged around here, the Dallas area, all the time. But I've never been mugged or beaten because I don't go to places where that would or could occur. My home has never been burlarized because I take steps to prevent it and make it damned difficult for the burlars.

Nope, if I were a woman, I'd never be raped. And you'll notice that millions of other women have done the same things ....and they've never been raped either. The women who get raped are doing something that allows the rape to happen, allows the rapist a chance to rape. What is it?

Baron Max

Baron :L you are kinda right.. but listen... some woman are just walking along an alley or somethin and going to work, then outta nowhere they're attacked and force raped. I once heard of this stalker who would rape woman by using a stun gun, once they fell he could do anything and they hadn't a chance, this is not their fault it's random occurence. In truth this fellows ideas was rather brilliant, stun them not hurting them, get in them, then leave them...

Now the real issue is this, the only thing they did was exist, there wasn't a greater chance for them to be raped over another person, they just were within stun range. So some girls get raped cuz they drink alcohol and stuff, or tease men very badly, but others are unlucky :(

I'm still tired of this thread, save me..
"I think, for example, that it's extremely rare for old, fat, ugly women to be raped."

"Nope, if I were a woman, I'd never be raped."'d be an old, fat, ugly woman, Baron?
I didn't say that. Where did you get that I said or implied something like that?

People get mugged around here, the Dallas area, all the time. But I've never been mugged or beaten because I don't go to places where that would or could occur. My home has never been burlarized because I take steps to prevent it and make it damned difficult for the burlars.

Nope, if I were a woman, I'd never be raped. And you'll notice that millions of other women have done the same things ....and they've never been raped either. The women who get raped are doing something that allows the rape to happen, allows the rapist a chance to rape. What is it?

Baron Max

Most women are raped by people they know.
So some girls get raped cuz they drink alcohol and stuff, or tease men very badly, but others are unlucky

Totally! Everyone knows that women are Amazonian Goddesses unless the touch a drop of demon whiskey, and that there's NO WAY a man could overpower a woman half his weight unless she was drinking.

How fucking retarded.

Xev - who is an Amazonian Goddess when drinking, but only Jaeger.
I didn't say that. Where did you get that I said or implied something like that?

People get mugged around here, the Dallas area, all the time. But I've never been mugged or beaten because I don't go to places where that would or could occur. My home has never been burlarized because I take steps to prevent it and make it damned difficult for the burlars.

Nope, if I were a woman, I'd never be raped. And you'll notice that millions of other women have done the same things ....and they've never been raped either. The women who get raped are doing something that allows the rape to happen, allows the rapist a chance to rape. What is it?

Baron Max

what they are doing is not carrying a 44 around with them,

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