Attitudes to rape

I believe the following are mitigating circumstances in rape (see first post):

  • Woman was wearing 'sexy' or revealing clothing.

    Votes: 7 10.6%
  • Woman had many past sexual partners.

    Votes: 7 10.6%
  • Woman was drunk at the time (i.e. got herself drunk).

    Votes: 10 15.2%
  • Woman at no time clearly said "No" to sex.

    Votes: 22 33.3%
  • Woman previously flirted with the rapist.

    Votes: 7 10.6%
  • Woman was in a relationship with the rapist at the time.

    Votes: 10 15.2%
  • Woman was married to the rapist.

    Votes: 13 19.7%
  • Woman had consented to sex with the rapist on another occasion.

    Votes: 10 15.2%
  • Woman had a reputation for being sexually promiscuous.

    Votes: 6 9.1%
  • None of the above.

    Votes: 37 56.1%

  • Total voters
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Well.. that's debatable. The fact that we're all 'animals with urges' doesn't explain why some people rape and others don't, does it.

So there's clearly more to it, isn't there.

But in any case the thread's not about 'why rape happens'. It's about attitudes to rape. So a better contribution would be to explain how and why, in your opinion, style of dress, or amount of drink consumed, or marital status constitute mitigating circumstances in an assault.

Or you could leave it at saying that you checked all of the options except the last one, and leave us all to wonder about your reasons for doing so.


and my attitude towards rape is what i stated above. that it will continue to happen in society because we are all animals and some of us do not control our natural urges to mate.

its like murder it happens in nature and society every single day, and will continue to do so no matter what laws are in-place or made up by human law, because it is natural law that makes people fight/murder/rape, and natural law will always prevail over man made laws.

i wouldent personaly rape anybody, but i have always had a partner/girlfriend/wife. since early teenage years, maybe if i went 20 years without sex from this day forward i will become a rapist (most likely not because i have good self control, but who is to say?)

i am saying that no matter what we do we cannot stop fighting/murder/rape, it just cannot be done as a whole in society, sorry for the idealist people who think we can have a utopia of peace and harmony but we cannot, and we have to deal witht he fact that we are animals at the end of the day and we only follow natures law.

So do you think the rape of old age pensioners is primarily motivated by sexual urges? I mean, why not choose someone younger and more attractive?

Also, you still haven't explained your poll votes:

Why is being married to someone who rapes you a mitigating circumstance in rape?
Why is being drunk a mitigating circumstance in rape?
Why is wearing a short skirt a mitigating circumstance in rape?
What about all the other things that you think make rape excusable or a lesser offence?
if you are married then you have taken the oath and vows to give the male sex when he likes,

if you are drunk then peoples senses are deluded more than usual,

if somebody is unstable and has a chemical imbalence wich causes them to act less "humane" and they see women with revealing clothes, the women is advertising sex and bieng flirtasious just by her dress code, and by natural law when males are sexualy attracted they try to get sex physicaly,

and wait a second, mitigate doesent mean excused, it means to lesson or soften,

No, I'm not a police officer. Do dogs have higher brain functions that allow them to ponder the difference between 'right' and 'wrong' in any rational, meaningful way?

Once it's been proven there isn't an excuse, short of proven mental impairment under which case being committed to an institution for life would be the best idea for everyones safety.
Though I don't like the attitude that if you regret something then afterwards you can call it rape, such as if you were drunk, or using the word to merely seek attention, that's cowardly and crying wolf and very disrespectful for people who actually have to go through it.
Also, if someone increases the risk that it might happen to them in some circumstances, then why shouldn't that decrease our sympathy for them? Sure it shouldn't happen, but a lot of things shouldn't and yet they still do, I doubt anyone is truely that naive to believe they can do nothing about it in some cases.

P.S. be careful everyone- If you don't highlight some words for some people, they completely change what you wrote in these debates.:D:p

if you are married then you have taken the oath and vows to give the male sex when he likes


You have an archaic idea about marriage. You don't give away control over your own body when you sign a marriage certificate. There is nothing about "conjugal rights" in the marriage vows, or elsewhere. That idea might have had some currency in the 15th century, but we're in the 21st century now.

Also, why the double standard? Why is the woman expected to "give the male sex when he likes", but the male is not expected to "give the female sex when she likes"? And, if the latter holds, then why not the corollary: the male is expected to "not give the female sex when she doesn't like"?


if you are drunk then peoples senses are deluded more than usual.

And that makes rape acceptable, does it? Is a woman who has a few drinks "fair game", according to you?

if somebody is unstable and has a chemical imbalence wich causes them to act less "humane" and they see women with revealing clothes, the women is advertising sex and bieng flirtasious just by her dress code, and by natural law when males are sexualy attracted they try to get sex physicaly

Explain how it is a woman's fault if a man chooses to rape.

i see rape murder and fighting as acceptable in nature, would you arrest a dog for raping another dog?

This is an example of the "appeal to nature" fallacy. Even if rape, murder and fighting are "natural", that doesn't mean it is morally acceptable to rape, murder or fight. And in fact, it is illegal to do those things (except in certain specific circumstances in the case of fighting).
Maybe I am just a neandrathal but i like my girlfriend to dress sexy even when I am not with her. She feels sexy and I beat on my chest when I hear comments about her. We are in a civilized society and give up a lot of freedoms to insure that our women, children and ourselves are safe. What a women wears is her dang business. I liked the post about even hookers have the right to control their bodies and turn down johns. even sluts have standards and The same right to privacy that every one does. Rape is one of the worst violations of self that can occur. It denies the victim the capacity to control anything even their own person. Weather you are married single man or woman even children deserve the right to control their own bodies "obviously parents control their childrens bodies in carefully proscribed manners". Even in the closest most suffocating relationships there are differences of opinions and uhm scheduling conflicts. I have never liked girlfriends that were easily controlable. I like women who know what they want because if they don't how the heck am I supposed to figure it out. The only circumstance in the list that I can see giving the slightest mitigating factor would be not saying NO. I believe that any attempt to convey no counts. Please don't, stop, even an oh god help ecetera counts. There are obviously a thousand different variations of this theme of what counts as no and if force or coercion is used then there must be an expected and implied resistance. I would probably lean towards no sympathy or mitigation but it is the one example that I can see as having the potential to being an extinuating circumstance. She must have been ok with it she didn't use the safe word. what safe word? blahhhh blahhhh blahhhh. It would take a pretty good story to convince me but I do believe that there are situations which imply consent and in those situation there has to be some/any communication of negation. No means no but there are a thousand ways for your body to convey yes particularly in an established relationship where a lot is said without words. This does not mean permission for sexual relations given once or multiple times is automatic permission in perpetuity. But there has to be some obligation to indicate a change in status or the rules.
to me the only exception to 'rape' is if you are in a sexual relationship and you have sex with her while she is unable to consent(eg, drunk).
to me the only exception to 'rape' is if you are in a sexual relationship and you have sex with her while she is unable to consent(eg, drunk).

Sorry? Are you saying it's ok to have sex with somebody if they don't know what they're doing, as long as you can claim some kind of pre-existing romantic relationship? Surely not.


You have an archaic idea about marriage. You don't give away control over your own body when you sign a marriage certificate. There is nothing about "conjugal rights" in the marriage vows, or elsewhere. That idea might have had some currency in the 15th century, but we're in the 21st century now.

Also, why the double standard? Why is the woman expected to "give the male sex when he likes", but the male is not expected to "give the female sex when she likes"? And, if the latter holds, then why not the corollary: the male is expected to "not give the female sex when she doesn't like"?


And that makes rape acceptable, does it? Is a woman who has a few drinks "fair game", according to you?

Explain how it is a woman's fault if a man chooses to rape.

This is an example of the "appeal to nature" fallacy. Even if rape, murder and fighting are "natural", that doesn't mean it is morally acceptable to rape, murder or fight. And in fact, it is illegal to do those things (except in certain specific circumstances in the case of fighting).

its not my view about marriage because i dont act like this towards my wife, but isnt bieng married an ancient traditional standard with those rules that apply? it is a religious bond/tie and i thought the old rules still applied to it if you choose to take those vows. i wasnt aware that the marriage honors were changed.

i didnt say the man shouldent give the women sex when she wants it. again its not my view its what i thought the rules and vows for bieng married were according to the religious standards in wich marriage comes from, (because lets face it bieng married is a religious ceramony and tradition)

rape to us humans in our modern society as a whole is not accepted ofcourse, but in the animal kingdom (wich we are a part of) it is accepted and common, we seem to be a bit confused here and have split ethics when it comes to science dont we james? we like to state in the science world that we as humans are the beast, that we are controlled by instinctive urges, that we are bound by chemical reaction, that we are a product of our enviroment and natural law/cause, also that such things as love are derived from selfish means. that it is all chemical and a survival mechanism and it does not exist in the loving term that people class it as,

why do we expect humans to act loving and caring as if good and bad actualy exist as real things, and are not just perspective and subjective to opinions. i see split ideals and beliefs when it comes to ethics Vs scientific basis, is it not true that we are just animals? so why when we are speaking in scientific terms, do we seem to act as if we are the beast, but in ethical and moral terms we speak as if we are kind loving spiritual biengs who listen to right and wrong and love each other, and as if we are actualy above animal instinct, as if we are not animals anymore but we are controlled loving biengs,

i do not stand on either side of the debate completely, there are always 2 sides to every coin, but how can we use ethics and morality seperately to how we say humans are in human science.

what is it to be? are we the beast or are we the compassionate bieng?

debate fatality,


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I haven't replied much to this thread, if you review my past polls as sderenzi and stuff you will see my answers. I do think I'm tired of it though, all this whoop-la about rape and stuff. I think every guy has that fantasy at some point, he picks a girl out of the crowd he'd just like to bang and get it over-with. Truly it's just not possible anymore, I accept that humanity is changing, that rules and such apply. Right now I wouldn't rape anyone, you know why? Because it would so devestate my moral that I had to force a girl into it I would probably kill myself, no joke. Thus I exist, moment to moment, and I will forever be single. I saw a nice girl that I like kinda but she gets picked up by this guy so I think he's her partner :L I'm tired..

I agree with EmptyChi, he's pretty right about all his stuff he says, good that he joined the collective here. This debates tiring and weres me down, I will now go sleep or think of sleep :(

I think every guy has that fantasy at some point, he picks a girl out of the crowd he'd just like to bang and get it over-with.
I don't know exactly, but ...I think there's a woman raped every twelve seconds in the USA alone. That's pretty horrible, ain't it?

But think about this ...there are millions of women who are NOT raped ...ever. Now tell me, what's the difference here? What do the raped women do that the un-raped women don't do? There must be something!

Baron Max
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