Attitudes to rape

I believe the following are mitigating circumstances in rape (see first post):

  • Woman was wearing 'sexy' or revealing clothing.

    Votes: 7 10.6%
  • Woman had many past sexual partners.

    Votes: 7 10.6%
  • Woman was drunk at the time (i.e. got herself drunk).

    Votes: 10 15.2%
  • Woman at no time clearly said "No" to sex.

    Votes: 22 33.3%
  • Woman previously flirted with the rapist.

    Votes: 7 10.6%
  • Woman was in a relationship with the rapist at the time.

    Votes: 10 15.2%
  • Woman was married to the rapist.

    Votes: 13 19.7%
  • Woman had consented to sex with the rapist on another occasion.

    Votes: 10 15.2%
  • Woman had a reputation for being sexually promiscuous.

    Votes: 6 9.1%
  • None of the above.

    Votes: 37 56.1%

  • Total voters
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10%? Geez, that ain't very many, is it? And it's so few that I ain't even gonna' worry my pretty little head about it.

Now ....what is it that women do or don't do that DON'T get raped? We really should explore this because it could have major consequences for all the future rape victims of the world. I mean, in medicine, when one group gets a disease, but another similar group does not, they examine what makes the two groups different. So ...let's explore that a little instead of bounce bullshit accusations and statistics around. What makes them different?

Baron Max

Why don't you tell me? You seem to have your own notions. e.g. you can tell me what is behind the spate of few months old babies being raped in South Africa?
e.g. you can tell me what is behind the spate of few months old babies being raped in South Africa?

Geez, Sam, that's not rape, that's just plain ol' killing and murder. Ain't nothin' "rape" about that kind of thing and you know it. And if you don't, or pretend that you don't, then I feel more sorry for you than I already do.

Baron Max
Men get raped outside prison too. About 10% of rape victims are male and that is the absolute minimum figure since men are even more unlikely to report rape than women.

sorry but under no circumstance could i ever get raped by anouther man, they would have to kill me, i carry a weapon on me 100% of the time. i dont leave my hosue without some kind of weapon capable of killing someone,

i would cut there throat with no remorse, they better not get any penis out while my hunting knife is unsheathed, or its castration time,

if a women wanted to rape me thats anouther story, gang raped is better,

sorry but under no circumstance could i ever get raped by anouther man, they would have to kill me, i carry a weapon on me 100% of the time. i dont leave my hosue without some kind of weapon capable of killing someone,

i would cut there throat with no remorse, they better not get any penis out while my hunting knife is unsheathed, or its castration time,

if a women wanted to rape me thats anouther story, gang raped is better,


If they drugged you, you'd not have much choice. Ask Genji. ;)
Mitigation? i refuse to vote on this stupid and absurd poll. EVEN if she is a pro and she walks naked enticing me, i would give her a towel to cover her self. AND NO I AM NOT JOKING.

Geez, Sam, that's not rape, that's just plain ol' killing and murder. Ain't nothin' "rape" about that kind of thing and you know it. And if you don't, or pretend that you don't, then I feel more sorry for you than I already do.

Actually, dude, that's more or less the definition.
sorry but under no circumstance could i ever get raped by anouther man, they would have to kill me, i carry a weapon on me 100% of the time. i dont leave my hosue without some kind of weapon capable of killing someone,

i would cut there throat with no remorse, they better not get any penis out while my hunting knife is unsheathed, or its castration time,

if a women wanted to rape me thats anouther story, gang raped is better,


wow,does it ever get tiring being so manly?

of course it is possible for you to get raped.your arrogance makes no difference.
wow,does it ever get tiring being so manly?

of course it is possible for you to get raped.your arrogance makes no difference.

no it doesent.

i guess under some real fucked up unlikely circumstances it might be possible, but i would bet everything i own that i will never be raped. i am not a victim people dont trouble me in that way, why would somebody target me when there are much smaller easyer targets? who would you try to rape a 6 ft 3 inch 90 kilo guy who usualy wears a shaolin gong fu uniform, or a little girl or weak looking man?

im just not victim material and im bieng honest.


no it would not be ok to rape her because she is a slut. However if she does gets raped the government must not protect her, for she brought this evil unto her self, so when she does say that she was raped, the government must not condemn it as a rape.

i'm sorry but i feel complelled to ask you this for the sake of all rational people but are you nuts. i'm not saying this to be mean or to be insulting but honestly do you have mental problems. I mean how low do you have to go to blaim a victim of a crime.
no it doesent.

i guess under some real fucked up unlikely circumstances it might be possible, but i would bet everything i own that i will never be raped. i am not a victim people dont trouble me in that way, why would somebody target me when there are much smaller easyer targets? who would you try to rape a 6 ft 3 inch 90 kilo guy who usualy wears a shaolin gong fu uniform, or a little girl or weak looking man?

im just not victim material and im bieng honest.



everything you own?would be a shitty day if you lost.
im not saying u are going to get raped,but your attitude stinks.
everything you own?would be a shitty day if you lost.
im not saying u are going to get raped,but your attitude stinks.

why does my attitude stink? i just dont think people will pick me out as a rape target, who the hell wants to rape a big guy? ive been to prison aswell, and nobody tried to rape me there either,

I would check "none of the above" if I wasn't a bit confused about these two:

What about when men are raped? I know it's rare and it's usually something men DREAM of.

How the f*ck does a man get raped? Obviously, if the man does not find the woman sexually enticing, he will not get an erection.
[a-5];1408263 said:
How the f*ck does a man get raped? Obviously, if the man does not find the woman sexually enticing, he will not get an erection.

Finding a sensation to the genitals pleasurable does not mean "I want to have sex with the person causing the sensation." If a man starts rubbing a woman's shoulders, the salient question in evaluating the action is, "Did he have permission to touch her?" not "Did the massage feel good?"

Men can also have erections while asleep or unconscious, negating any possibiilty of consent.
oh, I get this... men cannot control their sexual urges thus must have "negating factors" for rape.

Rape is rape. If you have sex with someone WITHOUT THEIR CONSENT it is rape. If you have sex with someone WHO IS UNABLE TO GIVE CONSENT it is rape. If you start having sex with someone consentually and they withdraw consent and then you do not stop IT IS RAPE. I do not care if you are married, I do not care if you have had sex before, I do not care if she fights you. It is rape. Period. End of story. If you do not know what consent is then do not have sex.

Do you know what the rate of false rape claims are? 2%. Do you know how many rapists see a DAY in jail? Even have a police report filed against them? There was a survey of CHILDREN who said it was "ok to force a women to have sex if you paid for dinner". Their are thousands and thousands of women walking around with PTSD because someone thought it was ok to force them to have sex. PTSD rates are higher among rape survivors that war survivors. Think about it. Rape is sex without consent. Rape is an attempt to control another person. Rapists aren't the monsters in dark allies, rapists are friends, sons, husbands, and fathers.
and ducks, dont forget ducks,

heres a rape victim, how many people care about her?

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and ducks, dont forget ducks,

heres a rape victim, how many people care about her?


You really can rationalize, in your brain, making rape a joking matter? Comparing rape to the natural instinctual behaviors of animals, who happen to have brains the size of walnuts? Or maybe you think rape is natural and instinctual in humans.

Seriously- you can joke about a lot of things, but joking about Rape just makes you seem like an asshole.
You really can rationalize, in your brain, making rape a joking matter? Comparing rape to the natural instinctual behaviors of animals, who happen to have brains the size of walnuts? Or maybe you think rape is natural and instinctual in humans.

Seriously- you can joke about a lot of things, but joking about Rape just makes you seem like an asshole.

i joke about anything and everything, why take life so seriously? we all suffer, we all die in the end, why not have fun while we are here on earth?

lighten up.

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i joke about anything and everything, why take life so seriously? we all suffer, we all die in the end, why not have fun while we are here on earth?

lighten up. did they teach you to act like this at your femanist lesbo meetings?


Firstly, it is feminist, not femAnist. Secondly, my sexual orientation has nothing to do with this. If I was lesbian, bisexual, straight, transgendered, asexual, or celibate it would have no baring on my beliefs.

I will lighten up about rape when it stops happening to 1 in 4 women.
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