Athiests: I am buying souls

Your logic eludes me Big, determinism is about cause and effect. What has that to do with the eternality of the universe?
You see how easy it is to harvest ripe souls? They're falling over themselves waiting to hand them to me.

I will contemplate your offer to freely hand over your soul to me, blindman, and get back to you at some time between now and the end of time, as your offer states.

Pay up, you welscher!
I think he is chicken, these poor religious types are blinded by their own misguided convictions. But I am a little disappointed at the atheists here, we should have swamped him with souls.
Message from God

God: I have been watching this thread with interest.
Well done theists. You are correct. A soul cannot be bought and sold.
And well done atheists. You are wrong in saying I do not exist, but you came to the right conclusion.
And well done Blindman. You have brought the matter to a conclusion.
But woe to thee jmpet, your sacrilege will not be forgotten on the day of doom
when I am casting fiery darts from the firmament.
I see no sacrilige by offering to buy other people's souls. If you don't own your soul, then who does? If people are willing to sell their souls who am I to stop them? And if I benefit from a trove of souls at my dispatch, who are you to judge me?
God: Ah. So you set your face against me, as did Lucifer and his Angels.
You say that you know not to whom souls belong, but you know well.
They are mine, your creator and judge.
Oh jmpet a thank you would have been nice. Watch it my soul is a little slow in the morning, oh and any abhorrent sexual desires that cross your mind, eeck those are mine. :) Shame you don't have a girl. Ill help you there as well.

Kremmen say hi to Carla for me, and stop channeling gods, you must know its bad for the soul.... LOL
Carla says hi.

The words just came to me.
Ir could be God, or the other one, the Great Deceiver.
Or just my imagination:)

Do tell us if you get the money.
I have a feeling he's not going to pay up.
I did not ask for money, he got it free, as a gift. We all know he was not going to front the dosh. I will be watching him now, well till I go back to work. cue evil laugh and dramatic music.
Your logic eludes me Big, determinism is about cause and effect. What has that to do with the eternality of the universe?

Let's go back to your initial response to my post do you think determinism is irrelevant to or unsupportive of us all popping into and out of existence?
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All right, so here's the thing: I've been doing a bit of soul buying myself over the years and as of now I have the deeds to precisely 26,173 of them. Paid a fortune to own them. However, since I got myself in some peculiar situation lately I am willing to sell the whole lot at the dumping price of $5 apiece. That'll work to a little over $130,000 total, but being the generous soul that I myself am (modest too), I hereby make the offer to jmpet to have them all for as low as US$125,000.

jmpet, please let me know if you're interested.
Sounds interesting. If you're up for it, I will send you my address and you can mail me the 26,173 documents of soul ownership and if I am satisfied, I will have my accountant mail you a cashier's check for $125,000 from one of my Swiss bank accounts.
As you stated, we atheists do not believe we have souls. To sell our non-existent souls to you would be fraud. Although I cannot speak for everyone, my moral code doesn't allow that.

What is the purpose of the form? What information are you collecting?

What he said. I's got's plenty of soul but no soul. :shrug:
Sounds interesting. If you're up for it, I will send you my address and you can mail me the 26,173 documents of soul ownership and if I am satisfied, I will have my accountant mail you a cashier's check for $125,000 from one of my Swiss bank accounts.
You're all talk.
You'd never pay up.
At least with the Devil you get a fair deal.
And he gives you riches and stuff, not a measly $5.
This is not the first time you have called me out. What is your beef with me, or are you purely insults?
This is not the first time you have called me out. What is your beef with me, or are you purely insults?

Did you think this was joke or what? You started this thread. Did you follow through with your offer?
Perhaps there was an intellectual point behind this thread- more than a $5 offer. But if all you see of this learning oppourtunity is a sale of souls then line up-