Athiests: I am buying souls

We are desperate to transport your souls,for one time only we will transport any soul for the price of a snowglobe..
just pic your favorite snowglobe and send it to us, and we will utilize snowglobe to carry any soul that needs transported..

we will provide the first one..

Do you think that the mods on here have nothing better to do than respond to your inane sensibilities?
(I didn't report you by the way. I've only ever used the button twice, and one was when someone was threatening to murder me.)

Being one, I can say confidently: no.

I bet you get mad if someone squeezes a toothpaste tube from the wrong end.

Actually, there's only one end to squeeze from...

Please wake up.

btw How much would you sell your soul for?

Impossible to answer, as the question is illegitimate.

It's a loaded question. Of course, this is a classical fallacy. Obviously the OP hasn't the brain power to notice....

I object to this behavior - name calling and belittling - on the part of a moderator.

If this was an inappropriate thread or topic then advise the poster and delete it.
so are we gonna spend the rest of the posts saying what a bad thread this is?

or is someone gonna close it..?
Athiests: I am buying souls

Since you don't believe you have a soul, I would like to buy it from you. I am paying $5.00 for your soul. It's very simple- PM me, I PM you the form, you fill it out and PM it back to me and I PayPal you $5.00.

I tell you what jmpet, you seem like a smart guy. Let me make you an offer.

I am in fact a genuine atheist, and since you're looking to obtain souls, have you ever thought about making an investment?

I'm not exactly interested in five bucks (since there's not a whole lot I can do with that anyways) ---- however, I am willing to sell you shares of my soul at a current price of 5 dollars. In fact, it would be in your best interest to buy now because 6 months ago, my soul was worth 4.75 a share, and I'm expecting massive growth over the next 10 years. You are certainly guaranteed at least a 200% return on your investment.

I'll give you a link to my paypal if you want to do some serious business and looking to invest in at least 1000 shares.
Athiests: I am buying souls

Since you don't believe you have a soul, I would like to buy it from you. I am paying $5.00 for your soul. It's very simple- PM me, I PM you the form, you fill it out and PM it back to me and I PayPal you $5.00.

I'm in possession of over one hundred thousand souls, will you buy all of them from me?
100 is generally the limit for me. Anything over 100 posts and the thread become silly and the point becomes lost. So thanks for spamming and trolling an otherwise healthy thread with cancer.

All right, so here's the thing: I've been doing a bit of soul buying myself over the years and as of now I have the deeds to precisely 26,173 of them. Paid a fortune to own them. However, since I got myself in some peculiar situation lately I am willing to sell the whole lot at the dumping price of $5 apiece. That'll work to a little over $130,000 total, but being the generous soul that I myself am (modest too), I hereby make the offer to jmpet to have them all for as low as US$125,000.

jmpet, please let me know if you're interested.

I just flew back from Aladdin's home and purchased all 26,173 souls for the final price of $95,000- there were some discrepancies.

I don't know how this turned into a joke thread, but then again from my experience of reading posts in forums, everything turns to shit after 100 posts.

I am currently done buying souls, so may your souls rest.