Athiests: I am buying souls

If I sold you my soul, how would I go about delivering it to you? And how would you know when I delivered it to you?

The sample letter would go something like this:

"I, (your user name) on sciforums hereby sell my soul (if I have one) to jmpet on sciforums- to own forever."

What are your main beliefs?

I believe in an Almighty God. I believe the reason for the universe is so that it can make soulful sentient beings, which God collects and plugs into some sorta "Matrix" that is made up of our collective consciousness.

I believe reality is a book on God's bookshelf and it's written by the beings within the universe. I believe reality is a book God reads and edits to make better. I don't fall for finite religions (all religion doctrines), I believe God runs the universe and has a billion trillion quadrillion lives to watch on a billion billion different planets.

And out of all of it, God edits and pairs it down to one story- a movie that runs a trillion years and portrays the most important moments of reality in this universe.

As I said, reality is a book on God's bookshelf.
Sorry, your wording wouldn't work. It implies I might have a soul. I can't morally stipulate to something I regard as false. The number 27 has personal significence unrelated to this transaction. I thought of asking for $666 but I decided that might imply that I believed in the devil or some other mythical creature, which would also make the transaction fraudulent.

You can have my nonexistent soul with the original wording and price.

I am sorry to tell you but bluntly you are one soul out of a million billion quadrillion septillion- it ain't worth that much on the market.

Think of all the souls I could have reaped from 100-300AD when Christians went, by the masses, to their deaths for their beliefs.

Or more recent, say I went to where homeless people lived and offered them $20 for their souls. How many souls would I collect in one night!

$5 is a fair price for a non-believing soul. It's a free lunch. It's a simple acknowledgement.

And for the record, I posted this same thread in another forum and STILL have yet to get one taker... where are you non-soul-believing folk!!!
No. Dimwit, we have a soul (bigger and more profound than your poor little mind can comprehend), it just doesn't go on for eternity.

I've got free tickets to heaven ( I stole 'em off an old Nun), thousand bucks apiece, send me your credit card details sunshine.

That old nun was my Auntie Bridie from Ballyfaunis.
She got the tickets through the post, from someone anonymous, after praying at the Statue of St Francis outside Ballyfaunis children's home and laundry.
Take care spud. Her brother was Captain of the Ballyfaunis IRA.
He has one eye, and three guns.
We used to call him Uncle Dougan.

Do you have to be an atheist to take advantage of this offer?
I'm certainly not an atheist.
I vary between agnosticism and a doubting faith. Not quite the same thing.
What I am certain of however, is that souls cannot be sold, so I'd like a free $5 from yourself, or Satan, or anyone else.
Like to buy some magic beans at the same time?

Could you make it $20 though?
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Do you have to be an atheist to take advantage of this offer?
I'm certainly not an atheist.
I vary between agnosticism and a doubting faith. Not quite the same thing.
What I am certain of however, is that souls cannot be sold, so I'd like a free $5 from yourself, or Satan, or anyone else.
Like to buy some magic beans at the same time?

Could you make it $20 though?

Five bucks. One PM. Immortal servitude of your soul to me. A good deal. You won't feel a thing.
Athiests: I am buying souls

Since you don't believe you have a soul, I would like to buy it from you.

That doesn't make sense. If somebody wants to buy my big-screen TV, and if I don't own a big-screen TV, then I can't very well sell them what they want.

I guess that traditionally, souls are supposed to be the essence of a person's subjectivity and rationality or something, imagined somewhat crudely and misleadingly as if that was some kind of non-physical substance. I don't believe that substance exists. Even if I did, I don't have a clue how I could separate it from my own subjectivity (given the definition, wouldn't that be a contradiction?) and convey it to another person.

But I don't really have a problem with your imagining that you own my soul. So feel free to think of it as your property if that pleases you.

Consider it my Christmas gift to you.
That doesn't make sense. If somebody wants to buy my big-screen TV, and if I don't own a big-screen TV, then I can't very well sell them what they want.

I guess that traditionally, souls are supposed to be the essence of a person's subjectivity and rationality or something, imagined somewhat crudely and misleadingly as if that was some kind of non-physical substance. I don't believe that substance exists. Even if I did, I don't have a clue how I could separate it from my own subjectivity (given the definition, wouldn't that be a contradiction?) and convey it to another person.

But I don't really have a problem with your imagining that you own my soul. So feel free to think of it as your property if that pleases you.

Consider it my Christmas gift to you.

I like that!

Since there is no consideration with a gift , there can be no fraud.

Jmpet, you can have my non-existent soul for free as a Christmas present :)
Five bucks. One PM. Immortal servitude of your soul to me. A good deal. You won't feel a thing.

Don’t do it! You can sell it for more on eBay. I Sold my Soul on eBay
What would you call this, a soul broker?

We have this deeply imbedded need to claim that we have a soul, as if it implies a meaning or purpose to our existence. The old concept of a soul is not an explanation. It is evading an explanation.

Soul: - an entity distinct from the body, the spiritual part of man in contrast to the purely physical,
the spiritual part of a person, believed to exist after death.

My preferred definition is a person's inner character, intellectual development, containing their true thoughts and feelings, strong and good human feeling, especially that gives a work of art its quality, or enables somebody to recognize and enjoy that quality.

It’s funny how the believers put such strong emphases on losing your soul, while robbing you of your intellectual faculties. It is simple minded. Science does not take away anything from our creative endeavors. It adds to it. It does not take away our need for peace and love. It adds to it. It does not take away from the beauty or awe of the universe. It adds to it.

You need to keep your money to purchase books. Would you like me to PM you with some recommendations?
A lifelong servitude to yourself, it’s a great deal, but I can’t promise you that you won’t feel a thing, quite the contrary.:mufc:

"How is it that hardly any major religion has looked at science and concluded, 'This is better than we thought? The Universe is much bigger than our prophets said, grander, more subtle, more elegant'? Instead they say, 'No, no, no! My god is a little god, and I want him to stay that way.' A religion, old or new, that stressed the magnificence of the Universe as revealed by modern science might be able to draw forth reserves of reverence and awe hardly tapped by the conventional faiths."
Carl Sagan
Athiests: I am buying souls

Since you don't believe you have a soul, I would like to buy it from you. I am paying $5.00 for your soul. It's very simple- PM me, I PM you the form, you fill it out and PM it back to me and I PayPal you $5.00.

What kind of form? I would be happy to allow you to give me $5, but I don't want to share any personal information.
I do believe in a soul but in a very philosophical sense of the word. I believe it is as mortal and vulnerable to damage as our bodies are.

Having said that, I already sold my soul (or, to be more precise, a piece of paper with the words 'Jennie's Soul' written on it) when I was 6.

Sorry :)
hmm, interresting, so, you know what is the dark matter and the dark energy? i mean, do you know everything about those? and etc... ?
Gentlemen. might we offer our services?


We will serve as transportation coordinators,we will assure that any sole transfered between parties,will be delivered intact and unmolested..

Our price to you is small,just one soul for every ten transported..
we will hold those souls that we collect sacred,
we will put them into tiny glowing globes for the rest of their existence, (we ran out once but someone brought a snowglobe)
Just amazes me that no atheist has stepped up to the plate. And here I was- expecting to dole out hundreds of dollars for dozens of souls. No PMs, no real offers of souls- nothing.
In the UK, we can change our gas and electricity suppliers.
I check a comparison site online about one a year, and if the difference between one and another is over £50, I change. Otherwise why bother? They're all in cahoots anyway.
I'm not changing my soul ownership for less.
Just amazes me that no atheist has stepped up to the plate. And here I was- expecting to dole out hundreds of dollars for dozens of souls. No PMs, no real offers of souls- nothing.

How can one sell something that does not exist?

If you believe this is possible, I have a bridge to sell you.