If I sold you my soul, how would I go about delivering it to you? And how would you know when I delivered it to you?
The sample letter would go something like this:
"I, (your user name) on sciforums hereby sell my soul (if I have one) to jmpet on sciforums- to own forever."
What are your main beliefs?
I believe in an Almighty God. I believe the reason for the universe is so that it can make soulful sentient beings, which God collects and plugs into some sorta "Matrix" that is made up of our collective consciousness.
I believe reality is a book on God's bookshelf and it's written by the beings within the universe. I believe reality is a book God reads and edits to make better. I don't fall for finite religions (all religion doctrines), I believe God runs the universe and has a billion trillion quadrillion lives to watch on a billion billion different planets.
And out of all of it, God edits and pairs it down to one story- a movie that runs a trillion years and portrays the most important moments of reality in this universe.
As I said, reality is a book on God's bookshelf.