Athiests: I am buying souls

Just amazes me that no atheist has stepped up to the plate. And here I was- expecting to dole out hundreds of dollars for dozens of souls. No PMs, no real offers of souls- nothing.
Yes, and you'll choose to believe we're all scared, rather than accepting that you're rather amusing and nobody is taking you seriously.

We all believe exactly what we want to. Don't we.
Nobody believes in having a soul? I define the soul as my personal energy field that animates matter.
Well done jmpet, you have posted the thread about which there is the least controversy of any thread ever posted on sciforums.

The theists, and subvarieties, say that the soul does not belong to you, so you can't sell it. And the athiests and subvarieties, say that the soul does not exist, and therefore you can't sell it.

It is one of those rare things on which theists and atheists, and possibly everyone else, are agreed.
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:) Good post though.

There's lots of things you can't sell.

The smile of a baby.
A wonderful sunset.
A new shoot on a plant you thought might be dead.
Not everything is for sale, is it jmpet?
Athiests, I guess you are right.
I guess nothing happens after death. I guess we are excluded from the natural cycle of death and life being reborn. There is no such thing as a life force. Everything is understood in the context of western-medicine. Basically once you die, thats it, there is no more, just blackness, void, nothing more. No more stimuli. This is what has been happening since the beggining of time and the billions of people that died in history have become nothing. Makes sense.
Half a million? I can get a dozen hobos to jump off the Grand Canyon for that kind of money- what makes your soul worth so much?

Supply and demand kiddo. You said yourself you're not getting many takers(little business tip, keep that kind of info private in future) so clearly it's worth more than your assesment. I only have one to sell (in your opinion) so I name my price. If you think you can find an alternative then go for it. Business is business.

We could also say that should an Atheist be wrong the market value of the soul will fluctuate greatly.
Ill sell my soul. I have messaged you jmpet to get the form. You can have my karma for free if you like.
Athiests, I guess you are right.
I guess nothing happens after death. I guess we are excluded from the natural cycle of death and life being reborn. There is no such thing as a life force. Everything is understood in the context of western-medicine. Basically once you die, thats it, there is no more, just blackness, void, nothing more. No more stimuli. This is what has been happening since the beggining of time and the billions of people that died in history have become nothing. Makes sense.

Even in a non-religious sense it's seemingly so naive to think we just popped into existence without any determinism at all, we along with all these specific things the earth, the sun, the moon, the insect, the flower and then we just pop out of existence completely without any say or determinism.
Think you should look up the meaning of determinism Chiller. Many atheists believe in a deterministic universe..
The last soul I owned I gave to Satan in tribute- did it in '88 when I was a high school senior on a Halloween eve.

These souls- well- once I own them, it's really none of your business anymore, is it?

To me the whole thing is not a bussiness, as such a thing doesn't exist.
I was just curious of your frame of mind. Never mind.
To me the whole thing is not a bussiness, as such a thing doesn't exist.
I was just curious of your frame of mind. Never mind.

My frame of mind was the Paul Giamatti movie "Cold Souls" in which there's a machine that can take out your soul and store it for you- for people whose souls are weighing them down.
If you wanted to try and apply a reasoning for what a soul might be, then you only have to look the usage of computers. We know that a computer is made of hardware and that it runs software. The software itself doesn't "weigh" anything, it lacks physical essence as it inherits only what it needs to exist from the hardware provided.

You could suggest that if you implied a similar reasoning to Humans, your soul would basically be the software that is "You as an observer", your sum observations, your knowledge and occasionally wisdom. Again it's all housed in the physical parameters of your body and it can't be stripped from you and put into someone else, it can't be stolen or sold, the only thing that can happen is that it's destroyed which occurs in death.

Albeit an argument I put is that "Life" is a dreadful waste currently, because it's like taking years to write a book that is never published and then at the point of death just burning the book leaving only the "reviews" of a few loved ones as evidence that it ever existed.

This is one of the main reasons I started to steer down the Transhumanist route as I see death as a needless, obsolete action that only exists because we just aren't clever energetic enough (As opposite to lazy) to solve it yet.

On the subject of selling a soul
I wouldn't go selling your souls just yet, after all if in the future a Transhumanist group appears with a "Life Extension" or "Extra Life" package, they might well offer you a contract which you won't be able to take if you've already sold you soul.
Oh what a surprise jmpet, im still waiting for my contract, or are you as full of bullshit as all the religious nut cases. I want my 5 dollars you inept little troll.:bawl:

Sorry moderators for the language but he did make a promise in the OP.
F**k it ill just give it away.

I blindman do formally hand over my soul to jmpet. To do with as he pleases for the rest of time. That I free my self of any moral obligation and responsibilities placed upon it by any and all religions, gods, or entities. To validate the soul transfer jmpet need only write the words "I except blindman's soul." and post them on this thread. This offer is open till the end of time or the end of sciforums (which ever comes first). My soul is given "as is" .

There you go jmpet one free soul for you. If you dont like the wording of the contract please send your own version. I suggest that you go to the closest cross road and sell it on to the devil. Make your self a rich and powerful man, or what ever desire you have.
You see how easy it is to harvest ripe souls? They're falling over themselves waiting to hand them to me.

I will contemplate your offer to freely hand over your soul to me, blindman, and get back to you at some time between now and the end of time, as your offer states.
LOL you weak willed little man, I dare you to take it. What are you afraid of, the offer stand till time ends but what if I sell it to someone else in the interim. I hear that the devil has some good offers. You out there you red faced bastard, free soul up for offers, first in first served.

Well jmpet I will still let you choose. A new offer.. Evil laugh... he he he

I blindman do formally hand over my soul to jmpet. To do with as he pleases for the rest of time. That I free my self of any moral obligation and responsibilities placed upon it by any and all religions, gods, or entities. To validate the soul transfer jmpet need only post any message on this forum. This offer is open till the end of time or the end of sciforums (which ever comes first). My soul is given "as is" .

The choice is yours, post and my soul is yours, or move on..

Evil laugh he he he har haar haaar echoing into a distant thunder...
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Ohh the powers that be say I must warn you. That I may be evil, that souls continue to have free will, and some thing about possession, you know, you get my soul I get your body. Little details nothing to worry about... LOL
Think you should look up the meaning of determinism Chiller. Many atheists believe in a deterministic universe..

As far as I can tell that would only make sense if the atheist also believes in an eternal universe but I don't want to stray off-topic.