
comisaru said:
I think in an opposite way. The atheists are NOT at all offensive.

then i guess 95% of the atheists i've spoken to are exceptions... 95% exception? :eek: where are all the nice atheists hiding, huh?

shall i give you a recent example?

superluminal said:
Dear Kibbles,

See my avatar? Picture your bloody intestines hanging between my jaws, after having been ripped from your living, quivering, soon to be dead and eaten body.

Have a nice night.
Mythbuster said:
Without evidence that god exist, and that we made him on our own image ? Who can we be wrong ?

actually, that was a yes or no question
The guy who write the bible was an atheist. He create it so he doesn't need to worship it :D He just let his fans worship his idea. :cool:
then i guess 95% of the atheists i've spoken to are exceptions... 95% exception? where are all the nice atheists hiding, huh

While your blatant bias is somewhat sickening, it might aswell be said that all atheists can be nice, as I'm sure all religious people can. However, if you sit there trying to turn an atheist into a fundie, it shouldn't be a surprise that 95% of them stop being nice. I guess it would be the same if an atheist told a 'nice' fundie that jesus was a raving homo kiddy fiddler.

My advice would be to simply chat to people about their favourite film, computer game, sport etc and then you'll find out there really are nice atheists out there.

Of course you already knew all that, you're just being rather naive for the sake of it.. Right?
SnakeLord said:
While your blatant bias is somewhat sickening, it might aswell be said that all atheists can be nice, as I'm sure all religious people can. However, if you sit there trying to turn an atheist into a fundie, it shouldn't be a surprise that 95% of them stop being nice. I guess it would be the same if an atheist told a 'nice' fundie that jesus was a raving homo kiddy fiddler.

My advice would be to simply chat to people about their favourite film, computer game, sport etc and then you'll find out there really are nice atheists out there.

Of course you already knew all that, you're just being rather naive for the sake of it.. Right?

what i mean is that when it comes to discussing religion, atheists have a tendency to attack people for some reason
i don't know what it is about this subject that makes atheists so heated up... believers too, i guess... there difference there is just that insulting god to them must be like insulting a dear father or something

i guess atheists are just happy that there's no hell so that they're free to treat everyone like shit
Mythbuster said:
The guy who write the bible was an atheist. He create it so he doesn't need to worship it :D He just let his fans worship his idea. :cool:

you are a funny guy :p
Varda said:
of course my post has no value as an argument, silly :D
it's not even an argument, it's just a question
No I mean the question of belief is a strange one. Everyone seems to have a different idea of what the word God refers to, so is it really possible to believe in God?
Varda said:
what i mean is that when it comes to discussing religion, atheists have a tendency to attack people for some reason
i don't know what it is about this subject that makes atheists so heated up... believers too, i guess... there difference there is just that insulting god to them must be like insulting a dear father or something

i guess atheists are just happy that there's no hell so that they're free to treat everyone like shit

Do you know any atheists personally? They might be easier to talk to, in general. Message boards are often quite rude, as you have seen.

I think you will find a spectrum of people in any group you look at - there are asshole atheists and asshole theists.

Of course, there are no asshole agnostics, though.... :D
Bill Gates & Fusajiro Yamauchi are atheists so this tells us that being atheists is good.
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what i mean is that when it comes to discussing religion, atheists have a tendency to attack people for some reason

You attack an entire section of the population based on your own little experiences (while lacking any statistical data to support your generalization), and then you engage in the height of pot-kettle behaviour by claiming that atheists have a tendency to attack people during religious discussion. Oh my, my irony metre just exploded.

Once again:

I'm just curious, but have you ever considered the possibility that perhaps '95%' of the atheists you met didn't have an attitude problem? Perhaps it is YOU with the attitude problem. I mean, if you treat someone with condescension, why would you expect a polite response?
Athiests are like wild animals. we dont do war, we dont worship, we work to survive...

Theists are like barking dogs, that attack.. they worship the master... they wait untill the master give them food, they simply DIE without ther master...
Mythbuster said:
Athiests are like wild animals. we dont do war, we dont worship, we work to survive...

If only it were that simple.

Plenty of brutal killers have done their work without god or gods.

Pol Pot was a wild animal indeed.

Not to mention Joe Stalin and those wonderful, wonderful, logical folks that hed up the Chinese government with it's overflowing rationality and milk of human kindness.