
Ophiolite said:
My cat, who is called Jasmine and is four years old, assures me she has no interest in evolving. Morevoer, she is opposed to the evolution of mice, voles, rabbits and any other small edible creatures.
If required I can furnish you with affidavits and an attested paw print.

See c7tyi, this is what I was talking about incontrovertible proof. Where do I get my application form?
Muslim said:
Yeah so whats wrong with imagining it shows you have creativity.

There is something seriously wrong when people believe that what they imagine is reality.
Animals are instinctual entities, devoid of selfconscious intelligence.
I love how religious people tend claim things as truth when they have neither reason or evidence on their side. I guess thats what makes them religious.
c7ityi_ said:
Animals are instinctual entities, devoid of selfconscious intelligence.
So you think only humans are self-aware? :eek:

Please do some reading before you post such drivel.
Muslim said:
Atheist create so many problems in the world. I mean you guys are pretty offensive.

I think in an opposite way. The atheists are NOT at all offensive.
You can see also that when the schools are under the authority of religions, the progress of civilization goes down. It's the case in Europe in Midle Age and now in some Muslim regions.
Try also to see an atheist as a person who don't expect any reward after death. It could be an act of courage. An atheist it's only on his own feet, no help from any god.
Everything is aware of "itself", the difference is how much. The body limits the awareness and expression of ourself. If we are in an animal body, we are aware of emotions, but not thoughts. Even matter has some form of awareness, otherwise it couldn't follow mathematical laws or even hold itself together to exist: Everything we see is a form of consciousness.
Humans have lungs to breathe air, we are "naturaly" limited to operation on land as we require oxygen to breathe. Humans are unable to fly in the air, or to breathe water....
they don't need to tell me, i see it.

You can see thoughts?

{edit} Actually, it's worth pointing out that 'thoughts' can technically be seen. For instance: when a dog tilts his head it's because he's thinking. Humans do the very same thing.

It might not be agreed to, but from my own studies it would seem that head tilting is indeed an effect of thought, (or indeed you could just listen to stupid twonk happeh that thinks its due to masturbating) - much like looking up when deep in concentration or your eyes looking to a specific side of the brain when accessing certain information - not to mention your pupils get larger when you think.

Of course my statements above would be an indication that animals do indeed think, and thus you would be wrong. But hey, you already knew that before I made this post, right? Try thinking about it.
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