
Lerxst said:

I find that agnosticism is liberating.

Life is hard to be agnostic, i was agnostic and everytime i think about god i keep asking the same question over and over... (Is god watching me ?) I always HATED that question cause im not free do do what i want to do with girls you know what i mean ? You say yes, you say no.... you go with yes and no... you get very confused, you dont know wich religion to choose, you get fair that maybe someone is watching you and paranoid start from there.

They know that the bible is wrong and they are not sure to believe in science. They think maybe god made religion to kill our self and join heaven faster. Other agnostics might worship the big 3 religions and not believe in god at the same time (oximoron) or believe in god but not believe in the bible.

I donno... maybe... yes and no... soso... :confused:

Is like taking the red and the blue pill.

By the way, i WAS a theist, then agnostic. To be honest with you guys. It is impossible to become theist to atheist in one day. Then i was a theist i had to do internet research to be sure to avoid my fear of god, then i start to say... i donno... i donno... i donno and i did more research and finaly i say NO ! enough is enough... then i go back and say i donno... and you get the idea.

Im not perfect atheist like you guys. Im a very easy comfusing person so, sorry if i was wrong.
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If you're doing something wrong, it doesn't matter who's watching you. You should do the right thing because it is the right thing to do. We have to live by principles. Principles are a form of truth. Religion is a manmade construct and so is the myriad definitions of god. god is an illusion for me. If I worship anything, it is truth and love.
Do you have any comment on "monotheists are atheists too, they simply believe in one more god than I do?"
yes but not the gods in those bibles, they are just weak gods not perfect gods. I realy cant say how the universe started, im no scientist, im just a computer artist and this is the reason why im no good athiest cause i need those gods to imagine things. I can draw a character and do crazy stuffs.

Playing with imagination.
Artists have gods but those gods aren't to worship, Artists use those gods as a tool for creativity.
what i mean is that when it comes to discussing religion, atheists have a tendency to attack people for some reason
i don't know what it is about this subject that makes atheists so heated up... believers too

So.. what you're basically saying is that both atheists and believers have a tendency to attack people when discussing religion. In that case, the problem is with the topic, not the people - so why make a post trying to put down 95% of atheists? Hmmmm

there difference there is just that insulting god to them must be like insulting a dear father or something

A dear father? Eh? lol.. Perhaps I can help clarify. It would be more like insulting a leprechaun.

i guess atheists are just happy that there's no hell so that they're free to treat everyone like shit

Well, didn't take you long to turn back to your naive little ways did it?

Celestial and Cosmic origins are not inseparable from a discussion about Gods and Goddesses... I've yet to read a single modern, tangible argument for Deism that isn't grounded in utterly shallow references to Spinoza, Einstein (or Hawking, Kaku, etc) or "Eastern Philosophy" (Buddhism, Monism, etc), and suppose that this is so because it is not a concise philosophy but a means of avoiding adopting one. (Similarly, Agnosticism- if others are reading this)


"I think it's important to realize that when two opposite points of view are expressed with equal intensity, the truth does not necessarily lie exactly halfway between them. It is possible for one side to be simply wrong."

-Richard Dawkins


I'm an artist, a multi-instrumental musician who's played and studied since the age of 3, but I've never believed in God, gods or goddesses, and first recall arguing there wasn't at the age of 8... I don't discount that imagination (even "faith") is central to creativity in other artists, but gods aren't anything special to me...
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I agree qwerty mob.

I can use those gods to avoid religious gods. It all as to do with imagination. The more stronger the imagination is, the stronger the imaginative character will be. It's like when athiests use ther powerfull invisible pink unicorn.

The reason to create one or many gods is when it comes to dabate religious peoples. I love confusing them with my gods so yeah... in my head i know they are fake but religious peoples take it seriously cause it will be difficult to deny them. Also it doesn't need much effort to confuse them.

Athiest need alot of knowleadge to deny gods. But to avoid fights ill just use my goddess wrath into ther throat :p


All she as to do is take off her clothes, do a dance and let all the male gods fall in love at her and worship her.
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I'm smitten. Nice work, and thanks for the correspondence. Please consider that point about deism/agnosticism again.
i apologise for the misunderstanding
my posts were not meant to be understood as attack, they were just observations
So you say. But everyone here knows that you were insulting atheists. You have an agenda, and don't bother trying to deny it.

i'm sorry... did i sound rude or unfriendly to you?
Please don't play dumb. You know that you were rude and condescending.

"atheists have a tendency to attack people for some reason"

"i guess atheists are just happy that there's no hell so that they're free to treat everyone like shit"

No, those above statements aren't offensive... right?

Let's try this one...

"I guess Christians are just happy that as long as they worship God, they will always get into heaven. So they are free to treat everyone like shit."

Offended yet?

"atheists are angry" is not an affirmation to be statisticaly proved... i made it clear that this is my own opinion, i talking about people that i've met and spoken to...
Ahh, I see. But earlier on, you touted your opinion as fact. You said:
"what i mean is that when it comes to discussing religion, atheists have a tendency to attack people for some reason"

You DIDN'T say, 'The atheists I HAVE MET have had a tendency to attack people when discussing religion'. You implied that ALL atheists have a tendency to attack people, which is a load of crock. I called you on it, and now you're pretending that you have been 'misinterpreted'. Your bigoted statement is available for all to see. There will be no backpeddling for you, dear girl.

i'm sorry if you feel offended
Too late. Apologizing with the mere intent of projecting the appearance of an angelic attitude is tired and lame. You MEANT to offend with your comments. Your comments WERE bigoted, and false generalizations. Now that you've been caught with your pants down, you're backpeddling. Next time, think twice before talking such nonsense.

if it matters at all, you are not really doing much to better the image of atheists imo
Ahh, see! Right after giving a half-hearted apology, you attempt to demonize atheists. Apologize, and then attack immediately after. Have a guess at how much credibility your apology has now... NONE.

Quite simply, I couldn't give a shit what you think. People like you cannot have their minds changed. You act rudely, condescendingly, and aggressively. And when your 'opponent' (he/she is your opponent because you have made him one) acts defensively, you cry YOU'RE ATTACKING ME! TYPICAL ATHEIST!'

You need to realize 2 things.

1. One atheist does not represent the entire 'community'. Atheists are not drones, they don't have the same beliefs, and are often arguing with each other about such issues as abortion, gay marriage, secularism, etc.

2. Placing the blame for an atheist's hostility ONLY on the atheist is wrong-headed. It often takes two to tango. Perhaps you should approach atheists with a little more respect, and then you will likewise be treated with respect.
Atheist need to be respected cause they do hard jobs to set you guys free & live life as an open minded person.
Wow, nice post mountainhare, rather forceful yet mildly forgiving... hope it sinks in.


I've noticed a tendency when arguing with so-called "fundies" (but this also applies to others) of "accidental offense"- I'm sure you're aware of it, but I caution those who haven't experienced it-- that is the phenomenon of "insulting you while being polite."

It's like the proverbial (ubiquitous, rather) "Jesus loves you, but you're going to burn in Hell" syndrome... they're trying to be sincere, and believe themselves to be doing no wrong whilst trying to "save" that jolly little imaginary thing called your "soul"... others may have a different (or better) name for the phenomenon (I used to call it "underwater firefighter" behaviour).

"The root of all misunderstanding is ignorance."

The time I spent reading, posting, and flaming and being flamed in alt.atheism, etc. was very illuminating in that regard.

Heh, but what do i know...

All the Best
Mythbuster said:
Let's reword it then, God exists, for the weak minded, the delusional, the misguided, the confused, the deceived, the disinformed, the foolish, the ill-advised, the imprudent, the misled, the misplaced, the mistaken, the unreasonable, the unwise, the disfunctional religious prat.

I find that atheists are usually very intelligent people, although they misinterpret what believing in God means. It does not mean the old guy in heaven with a white robe, you know, that christian god.

And yes religion is used to control people, and has been since the beginning of time. Feel special for being the "elite" that realizes that?

Personally, I can't believe "existance", as in everything that exists, cannot just pop up out of nowhere and then be on its merry way. It's too organized. And had to come from somewhere, that somewhere is god. And not the christian god particularly, as some people might have others believe.
Varda said:
then i guess 95% of the atheists i've spoken to are exceptions... 95% exception? :eek: where are all the nice atheists hiding, huh?

I said that atheists ar not at all offensive, thinking at a political level. They don't try to make ideologies, or establish political parties, so they don't ever rule any country. Also there were no crusades in the name of the atheism against the theists. And they never push someone to abjure its faith.
In the forums they appear to be offensive because of theirs powerfull faith in no god existence.
If you are 100 % sure that the sky is blue, and the majority of others believe that is red, what should you do ?
Wow, nice post mountainhare, rather forceful yet mildly forgiving... hope it sinks in.
Thanks! :D Personally, I don't think that I'm very verbose, or an 'intellectual'. But I do try my best.

I've noticed a tendency when arguing with so-called "fundies" (but this also applies to others) of "accidental offense"- I'm sure you're aware of it, but I caution those who haven't experienced it-- that is the phenomenon of "insulting you while being polite."
Heh, how true! Another common trait fundamentalists display is the 'persecution' complex. Somehow, society is always persecuting them. If the secular laws don't agree with their religious laws, then we're persecuting them. If an atheist dare points out the irrational mindset behind a fundamentalist interpretation of scripture, the fundie screams 'persecution'. God forbid actually trying to rebut the claim... just scream 'persecution and oppression'. Demonize your opponent instead of substantiating your own claims. A number of fundies here do that, especially Jan Ardena.
qwerty mob said:
Historically, Huxley intended agnosticism to be a "process" rather than a creed, do you concur?

That makes some sense to me.