
EmptyForceOfChi said:
i do not believe in "god".

but i do ot attack god or peoples beliefs. i respect all views on life and the universe.
i may be said to be an athiest, but there are different types, and some are very offensive, and believe others to be morons because they believe something different.

i am a daotheist maybe.


I like it, that you don't be rude. That is how everyone should be. This is what Islam teaches me not to be rude to people unless they are really really deserving it. Actually prophet Mohamed said that, if you're anger then sit down and if you're still anger then lay down. ;)
EmptyForceOfChi said:
yes i agree with you, but he dosent see you as equal to him, so he shouldent treat believers with the same respect as someone on his level of inteligence.

like religious people are stuck in a set idealistic view of the universe and life. so are athiests stuck in the same situation just applied to the opposite end of the scale, "there is no god 100 fact" "there is a god 100 fact"

its the same mindset just at the opposite end of the scale.


Yeah but why was he being rude. This was the first time I he posted to me. I mean you can't say someone is dumb because he follow a religion. Intelligence is not measured by religion.
Now U believe Why Rationalists are Superior to U Humans.

That Moron Muslim has no guts to face my warth.

Muslim said:
So, how did you guys come to the conclusion there is no god?.
We didnt.

I mean did you wake up one night thought there isn't a god? Or did you do some research?.
Nope we just looked at U.

And also what is your motivation in life?
Its Geenetic.

And do you ever think what life would be like if you believed in a god?
Ya I had seen my neighbours suffer.

Also are things like thinking of death easy to handle like I mean do you guy fear dying?
Nope, If had we feared we would have been Atheist given the fact that people all around us are ready to beat us bule and black for challenging the devinity.

Side note: I don't like it the way Atheist go around attack god, and religion Atheist create so many problems in the world.
Ya, Some think they are superior and I think they are but they are also arrogant because of it.

I mean you guys should not say nasty things about god and peoples beliefs its hurtful to people.
dont listen.

I mean you guys are pretty offensive.
Its funny for them as looking at U, life seems a joke.

See that is another point look at a Jehovah's witness he believe in a god? but is he violent and disrespectful no? You guys should take a page out of out book, and be alittle more respectful and tolerant.
I agree that U morons should be left alone and we should not waste time on U i.e. until U dont come in our way of life, which U often do.
Muslim said:
I like it, that you don't be rude. That is how everyone should be. This is what Islam teaches me not to be rude to people unless they are really really deserving it. Actually prophet Mohamed said that, if you're anger then sit down and if you're still anger then lay down. ;)

I try to avoid the rude behavior as well, as it is juvenile. But sometimes it is hard to refrain after you have been attacked.

So based on you quote from Mohamed, I ask in all seriousness, why are so many muslims rioting over cartoons instead of sitting or lying down?
Lerxst said:
I try to avoid the rude behavior as well, as it is juvenile. But sometimes it is hard to refrain after you have been attacked.

So based on you quote from Mohamed, I ask in all seriousness, why are so many muslims rioting over cartoons instead of sitting or lying down?

Yeah good point. But 1.6 billion obviously we are going to have a few 1000 nutters.

I mean in Pakistan these idiots burned a bank - yeah like that is going to really piss Denmark off, yeah destroy your own country. they are just uneducated idiots.
Anomalous said:
Now U believe Why Rationalists are Superior to U Humans.

That Moron Muslim has no guts to face my warth.

We didnt.

Nope we just looked at U.

Its Geenetic.

Ya I had seen my neighbours suffer.

Nope, If had we feared we would have been Atheist given the fact that people all around us are ready to beat us bule and black for challenging the devinity.

Ya, Some think they are superior and I think they are but they are also arrogant because of it.

dont listen.

Its funny for them as looking at U, life seems a joke.

I agree that U morons should be left alone and we should not waste time on U i.e. until U dont come in our way of life, which U often do.

I heard you the first time. I am not avoiding you. your questions, you're just rude.
Muslim said:
Does it really matter? I mean believing in a god yes we don't have evidence to prove god, and god may-well not even exist.

You asked why we don't believe in god, and yet even you admit god might not exist. It seems to me you've answered your own question.

Muslim said:
It kind of creates a bond and keeps people in a limit. I mean image this, one-day the government announces that is it, there are no more laws and no one is going to get punished for their actions. What do you think would happen?

What does "believing in god" have to do with any of this? You seem to be addressing specific religions, rather than god per se.

Along that line, the religious represent a higher fraction of the prison population than they do of the general population, so the argument from morality just doesn't fly.

Muslim said:
its just better on a whole rather to believe in a god then not to.

Even if this is true, which certainly hasn't been demonstrated, the fact that something is better on whole does not make it better in part. You and I are parts of society.
spamandham said:
You asked why we don't believe in god, and yet even you admit god might not exist. It seems to me you've answered your own question.

What does "believing in god" have to do with any of this? You seem to be addressing specific religions, rather than god per se.

Along that line, the religious represent a higher fraction of the prison population than they do of the general population, so the argument from morality just doesn't fly.

Even if this is true, which certainly hasn't been demonstrated, the fact that something is better on whole does not make it better in part. You and I are parts of society.

Sometimes, people want to believe in things. Why can't we just let that slide, if I believed in flying unicorns would you think am dumb? I mean people believe in weird shit everyone just needs to be treated equally calling someone dumb like calling a black person a nigger, he can't do anything about it. And just because you believe in a religion or god that doesn't make you dumb.
Muslim said:
Sometimes, people want to believe in things. Why can't we just let that slide, if I believed in flying unicorns would you think am dumb?

I don't know where this is coming from. How is answering your questions about why I don't believe in gods tantamount to calling people dumb?

Do I think that religious beliefs are stupid? Yes, but that doesn't mean I think the people who hold them are stupid. I know plenty of intelligent religious folks.
Muslim said:
And just because you believe in a religion or god that doesn't make you dumb.

So, as an adult, that is if you are an adult, you feel it quite acceptable to believe in anything ones imagination can conjure? Is that smart?
Muslim said:
I like it, that you don't be rude. That is how everyone should be. This is what Islam teaches me not to be rude to people unless they are really really deserving it. Actually prophet Mohamed said that, if you're anger then sit down and if you're still anger then lay down. ;)

So maybe you deserve to be treated with rudeness.
Hapsburg said:
Such as:
"Menschheit, Vorwärts! für ihrer Sorte und Vaterland, Marsch Vorwärts, und erobern alle! Die Weltall ist ihre, Humanität! nehmen Sie ihn!"

I'm not sure those would support a rational direction. Appeal to emotion by itself is kind of pointless "God save the queen!"
Muslim said:
So, how did you guys come to the conclusion there is no god?
depends what do you call god.
define god,what is it made of,what it looks like and well take it from there.
And also what is your motivation in life?
I live to make the world a better place for the next generations,
b/c I know this life is all we have (yes you too) so might as well make it the best we can.
only haven we can ever have is if we create it here on earth.
Also are things like thinking of death easy to handle like I mean do you guy fear dying?
depends on how you go,dying slow from some lingering sickness would be the worst.
Side note: I don't like it the way Atheist go around attack god, and religion Atheist create so many problems in the world.
when have you ever seen any atheist kill anyone "in the name of atheism"??
never would be my guess.
can you say the same about your religion?
no you cant,
no one is atacking any gods,IF religion didnt create such mindless zombies who do anything they are told we wouldnt have to try to open your eyes to see the reality
(Q) said:
So, as an adult, that is if you are an adult, you feel it quite acceptable to believe in anything ones imagination can conjure? Is that smart?

Yeah so whats wrong with imagining it shows you have creativity.
Muslim said:
Yeah so whats wrong with imagining it shows you have creativity.
Nothing is wrong with the imagining - but the question was whether it is acceptable to BELIEVE that the imagined thing EXISTS.