
Lemming3k said:
Most dont, i find religious people much more pushy as far as conversions go, and they constantly refer to atheists as satans children etc. I find Atheists much more accepting of other people.

Atheism is the minority, but feel free to prove your statement.

I'd say defensive, used to constantly being attacked, preached at etc, remember aAtheism is the minority.

No just a pain in the ass, but feel free to cite sources of all this atheist violence. :rolleyes:

Preaching to someone is neither respectful or tolerant, this is why most religious people struggle to gain respect from atheists, those who dont preach, are respected and tolerated.

So let me get this straight its alright for you to call god names and attack religious but we shouldn't preach. I don't necessarily mean you, as in you, you - if you get what I mean.
No they do exist, but they are illogical I mean think about it? it can't fly it lives in cold water and does nothing, and the way it walks it just don't look right I don't like them.
Lots of birds dont fly, its usually because they have no need to fly anymore to escape predators, the wings become redundant. Penguins are adapted to live in the cold, and what do you mean it does nothing? It survives the same as most animals, what it does or doesnt do, how it walks, and if you like it or not, doesnt make a difference.
Every thought maybe you researched the wrong religion I believe there is a religion out there for everyone and everyone should believe in a god.
Most religions have similar concepts, most people research more than one, and a lot of people dont need or want a god.
Lil Light Foot said:
I have researched many religions, and I still don't see a reason to believe in God.
What happens if you're wrong? What about if there really is nothing after death?
Have you gone out and researched the scientific basis for most atheists beliefs, or lack there of?

No, I haven't done that. And if am wrong, I'll never know will I. No I haven't researched into atheism. I didn't like it before but there is a girl in my college who is an atheist and I like her, and am just finding out so I can like talk to her. :eek:
So let me get this straight its alright for you to call god names and attack religious but we shouldn't preach. I don't necessarily mean you, as in you, you - if you get what I mean.
Yes i understand what you mean, and no it isnt right for anyone, but from my experience most atheists wouldnt insult a god or religion(outside of jest) since they dont believe the god exists, they may however insult a believer based on their attitude towards atheists, this is quite common when the believer is preaching, or insisting they are doing the devils work etc.
What i've noticed is atheists mostly defending their position and lack of belief in god in the face of preaching and insults, as i said, atheism is still a minority.
Lemming3k said:
Lots of birds dont fly, its usually because they have no need to fly anymore to escape predators, the wings become redundant. Penguins are adapted to live in the cold, and what do you mean it does nothing? It survives the same as most animals, what it does or doesnt do, how it walks, and if you like it or not, doesnt make a difference.

Most religions have similar concepts, most people research more than one, and a lot of people dont need or want a god.

Yeah, but the other birds that don't fly we eat them. I mean what are you on about they don't have predators I mean look at chickens I eat Chickens I am a predator but I don't see them evolving into some human killing beast.

But penguins don't make any sense. I mean look at them!
So let me get this straight its alright for you to call god names and attack religious but we shouldn't preach

In my personal experience, the only time atheists have called God names, and those who believe in him, has been after those said believers have spent a good long time preaching to them. If I had a £1 for everytime I was told I was going to hell just because I don't believe in God, I'd be very rich by now. They won't stop there though, No, they insist on trying to "save my soul" and convert them.
Lemming3k said:
Yes i understand what you mean, and no it isnt right for anyone, but from my experience most atheists wouldnt insult a god or religion(outside of jest) since they dont believe the god exists, they may however insult a believer based on their attitude towards atheists, this is quite common when the believer is preaching, or insisting they are doing the devils work etc.
What i've noticed is atheists mostly defending their position and lack of belief in god in the face of preaching and insults, as i said, atheism is still a minority.

I think I can see what your point is. Yeah I feel like that sometimes like everything some Muslim does something people question you like and you eventually get fed up of it and you just end up insulting them. So I suppose I can understand it in that sense. But really how would someone impress an atheist who believes in a god?
You mean, how would someone who believes in God, impress an atheist?

You can't base it around her beliefs or lack of, find things she's interested in etc.
Yeah, but the other birds that don't fly we eat them.
Have you eaten an ostrich? An emu? A kiwi?
I mean what are you on about they don't have predators I mean look at chickens I eat Chickens I am a predator but I don't see them evolving into some human killing beast.
Its evolution, as far as im aware they evolved into flightless birds before being domesticated and eaten by humans, they wont evolve back quickly.
But penguins don't make any sense. I mean look at them!
Yes they make perfect sense, they have adapted to survive in a cold environment where others have probably failed, some penguins actually live in africa and south america. Whats the difference between them and kangaroos in australia, lions in africa, i mean what do you expect these creatures to do?
Lil Light Foot said:

In my personal experience, the only time atheists have called God names, and those who believe in him, has been after those said believers have spent a good long time preaching to them. If I had a £1 for everytime I was told I was going to hell just because I don't believe in God, I'd be very rich by now. They won't stop there though, No, they insist on trying to "save my soul" and convert them.

I know this crazy Christian women used to come to my house and give us books I mean at first I was like all cool, because I was getting free movies off her and books. But then when I questioned her on things like the trinity she just went crazy on me, and she would say the same thing over and over again "oh Jesus died for your sins" but I don't do that to Atheists. I mean I would try to convert them at first if they just said to me look I am not interested I would leave them alone.

But what am really interested in is how to impress a Atheist girl.
Well, first off, don't try and convert her, that's one of the biggest mistakes you can make.

Like I said, just find out her interests, hobbies, say for example, she's into art, do a bit of research and start talking to her about art.
Lil Light Foot said:
You mean, how would someone who believes in God, impress an atheist?

You can't base it around her beliefs or lack of, find things she's interested in etc.

Shes interested in clubbing and stuff like that parting all sinful stuff. But I really like her now. I mean theres more to live then sex, and partying.
I think I can see what your point is. Yeah I feel like that sometimes like everything some Muslim does something people question you like and you eventually get fed up of it and you just end up insulting them. So I suppose I can understand it in that sense. But really how would someone impress an atheist who believes in a god?
I dont think you should be thinking to impress someone, just be you, but accepting of others, most people can get on really well unless they're prejudice in which case, who cares about them? Really muslims are getting a bad reputation at the moment, most people are smart enough to be aware it isnt a majority that are causing trouble, however it is a propertionately high number it seems and they do seem to take it further than just simple defensiveness sometimes, and a lot of reliigous leaders dont condemn what they do, which only makes it seem worse.
Lil Light Foot said:
Well, first off, don't try and convert her, that's one of the biggest mistakes you can make.

Like I said, just find out her interests, hobbies, say for example, she's into art, do a bit of research and start talking to her about art.

I don't like really have any experience with girl, I mean I haven't been interested in them before. And am not shy or anything I just don't know what to say to her I mean what does a guy talk to a girl about.
You can't generalise, not all of us are the same. (yes, I am female!)
If you see her in school, bring up a topic from class, or offer her help if she gets stuck, or if it's at work mention a difficult customer or something..
Lemming3k said:
I dont think you should be thinking to impress someone, just be you, but accepting of others, most people can get on really well unless they're prejudice in which case, who cares about them? Really muslims are getting a bad reputation at the moment, most people are smart enough to be aware it isnt a majority that are causing trouble, however it is a propertionately high number it seems and they do seem to take it further than just simple defensiveness sometimes, and a lot of reliigous leaders dont condemn what they do, which only makes it seem worse.

I suppose.
Lil Light Foot said:
You can't generalise, not all of us are the same. (yes, I am female!)
If you see her in school, bring up a topic from class, or offer her help if she gets stuck, or if it's at work mention a difficult customer or something..

Yeah, that sounds like a good idea. Thanks.