
Have there been any major incidents in the US where atheists were persecuted?
superluminal said:
Well, the founding fathers were what some call "deists" I guess. They clearly believed in some higher being in the universe but it certainly was not any traditional "god". They also recognized the absolute need to seperate the government from religious influence. They knew the history of theocracies. All bad.

And Bush is not really Christian, it's just another way of trying to get Christians on his side. It's all a ruse.

It really sickens me how he's doing this.

Bush: "Jesus is my favorite philosopher"

He's not a God damned philosopher you twit!
samcdkey said:
Have there been any major incidents in the US where atheists were persecuted?
Not major but if your a known atheist you will probably get property damage (as i stated). And when it gets reported to the police they say they will do an investigation and some how no one ever gets charged.....
spiritual_spy said:
Not major but if your a known atheist you will probably get property damage (as i stated). And when it gets reported to the police they say they will do an investigation and some how no one ever gets charged.....
Hm, and I thouht homosexuals got the most abuse here, seems Athiests are getting just as much.
Regulus said:
Hm, and I thouht homosexuals got the most abuse here, seems Athiests are getting just as much.
Ha...homos dont know persecution. Homosexuals even though are persecuted they still have there freinds outisde of homosexuality (the heavy news coverage of homo persecution). Atheists on the other hand....well we only have other atheists.
samcdkey said:
Seems like wikipedia is the new improved Bible
Ha. Maybe.

I know of no large scale "persecution" of atheists in the current US in the way you may be thinking of it.
spiritual_spy said:
Ha...homos dont know persecution. Homosexuals even though are persecuted they still have there freinds outisde of homosexuality (the heavy news coverage of homo persecution). Atheists on the other hand....well we only have other atheists.
Hey hey lol, I'm not an athiest, and I'll befriend anyone :D

Though I am geneally not religious, I just believen a higher being.

Seems like wikipedia is the new improved Bible
I happen to agree on this. Though Wikipedia boasts EXTREMELY reliable, and very convenient, it's reasonably infered that seeing as it's writen by everyday users like ourselves, there's no actual proof becuz not all of it is cited.

I generally use it alot becuz of the success rate, becuz so for it's proved useful to me.
Regulus said:
Hey hey lol, I'm not an athiest, and I'll befriend anyone :D

Though I am geneally not religious, I just believen a higher being.

I happen to agree on this. Though Wikipedia boasts EXTREMELY reliable, and very convenient, it's reasonably infered that seeing as it's writen by everyday users like ourselves, there's no actual proof becuz not all of it is cited.

I generally use it alot.
There are some good theists but most of them veiw atheists as the very pinacle of evil. :bugeye:
spiritual_spy said:
Ha...homos dont know persecution. Homosexuals even though are persecuted they still have there freinds outisde of homosexuality (the heavy news coverage of homo persecution). Atheists on the other hand....well we only have other atheists.

Hey don'y generalize; you need to move from wherever you are!!
samcdkey said:
I just read this article; isn't law and religion separate in the Constitution?

Do they still make people swear on a religious text in the witness box in court?
thus the stupidty of our system. They say you can have a secular version and swear on the constitution but most courts dont even have a constitution and you are just told to swear to the flag. And most of the time your testimony is useless becuase the jury just reguards you as a lying peice of scum. (You can tell by the looks on there faces)
samcdkey said:
I just read this article; isn't law and religion separate in the Constitution?
Only this: That the government shall make no law respecting the establishment of religion. Most support for the intentions of the framers comes form other documentation they wrote.

Do they still make people swear on a religious text in the witness box in court?
Yes. (see SS's response).
Spiritual Spy:
you are lucky. in the US they think that atheists shouldnt even be considered citizens. And most of the time if you are known as an atheist you will probably get propert damage
Over here it's generally considered "quaint" to have religion. About on a par with a loopy old aunt living in the spare bedroom - it happens but normally not brought up in conversation.
For most of my life atheism (or at least non-practising believers - "Umm well I never really thought about it but there probably is god") has been the norm for the vast majority of people I meet.
And here I was thinking the TV shows over here that show US evangelism were demonstrating a fringe thing.
Although that would explain why the few American people we've had over to work in the office seemed sort of freaked out with a normal night out's discussion and attitudes - I'd always assumed they were a statistically small sample and we'd got the short end of the stick when representatives were chosen to be sent over. :D
Oli said:
Spiritual Spy:

Over here it's generally considered "quaint" to have religion. About on a par with a loopy old aunt living in the spare bedroom - it happens but normally not brought up in conversation.
For most of my life atheism (or at least non-practising believers - "Umm well I never really thought about it but there probably is god") has been the norm for the vast majority of people I meet.
And here I was thinking the TV shows over here that show US evangelism were demonstrating a fringe thing.
Although that would explain why the few American people we've had over to work in the office seemed sort of freaked out with a normal night out's discussion and attitudes - I'd always assumed they were a statistically small sample and we'd got the short end of the stick when representatives were chosen to be sent over. :D
Appreciate that and be glad you dont live in the US. :D Your shunned from society if you debate god over here.(Most of the time but not always so that way im not generalizing the good theists)
spiritual_spy said:
Appreciate that and be glad you dont live in the US. :D Your shunned from society if you debate god over here.
SS is correct. I openly admit my atheism to coworkers (ones I know well enough that is) and even if they aren't particularly religious, they get sort of quiet and almost embarressed. The religious indoctrination is that strong over here.