
AAF said:

No, it is not based on a fallacy, but on hard facts.

The Muslim Clergy is, of course, a minority.
But those clerics are the religious elite and their
influence is tremendous. In other words, the
Muslim masses, in comparison, are nothing but
sheep that must revere their clerics and follow
their fatwas!
Moreover, to confront those nutty clerics does not mean to play
the role of a policeman and jail them!
But to use your 'right to freedom of speech' effectively
against their fatwas and debunk and demolish their arguments.
Can you do it?


Why don't you do that? I have better things to do like provide for my family not everyone sits on his ass all day watching all that propaganda on the TV.

Why should Muslims be apologetics?

And anyway, your argument is like a black man saying to a white man who doesn't have jack all to do with the slave trade to apologies for it - like as if he was the one started it. Its just silly you can't hold a whole race/religion accountably for the actions of a minority.

Its like saying all Germans are Jew killers and Germans should apologize for the actions of Nazi's

Muslim: "Why don't you do that? I have better things to do like provide for my family not everyone sits on his ass all day watching all that propaganda on the TV...".

Good one!
That is your job, bum!
It's you damn religion.

Muslim: "...Why should Muslims be apologetics..."?

Because, either you clean up your religion and become a good apologetic for it, or eventually your people would be demonized and put in the same list with the Nazis, the Khmer Rouge, and the Hutus.

Muslim: "...And anyway, your argument is like a black man saying to a white man who doesn't have jack all to do with the slave trade to apologies for it - like as if he was the one started it. Its just silly you can't hold a whole race/religion accountably for the actions of a minority...".

What the Blacks and the Whites have to do with bloody Islamic terrorism?
Terrorists are using your own religion to justify their crimes, and it's your
duty to debunk them and denouce their actions.

Muslim: "...Its like saying all Germans are Jew killers and Germans should apologize for the actions of Nazi's".

Old crimes cannot justify committing new ones.
And that, certainly, would not clean up your religion.
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Muslim said:
Why don't you do that? I have better things to do like provide for my family not everyone sits on his ass all day watching all that propaganda on the TV...


I think I've been asking you to do the impossible, family man!
The task of cleaning up your religion is certainly bigger than
you and bigger than people more qualified than you.

The reason for this impossibility is that the 'Quran', the holy book
of Islam, is composed of two diametrically opposed parts:

1. The first part of the Quran was written by Mohammed of Arabia
during the first years of his mission (about 10 years) in Mecca.
In those years, he was out of power and in the opposition.
As expected, Mohemmed, in this first part of the Quran, was preaching
peace, love, tolerance, and freedom of belief. In short, he was a
sweet and very kind man.

2. The second part of the Quran was composed by Mohammed
during the final years of his mission (about 10) in Madena. There, he
was in power. By all accounts, his teachings, in this phase, were
harsh, draconian, and savage. In a nutshell, he was a nasty and
brutal tyrant. Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts

Since the final barbaric part came after the humane one,
religious extremists always have the upper hand in any
theological debate based on the Quran.

Therefore, your religion, Muslim, cannot be cleaned up
or reformed. Scarp it! It is not good for your well-being.

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'Muslim', 'Muslim', 'Muslim'!
Where are you?
Allah does not exist.

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Muslim said:
So, how did you guys come to the conclusion there is no god? I mean did you wake up one night thought there isn't a god? Or did you do some research?

And also what is your motivation in life? And do you ever think what life would be like if you believed in a god?

Also are things like thinking of death easy to handle like I mean do you guy fear dying?

Side note: I don't like it the way Atheist go around attack god, and religion Atheist create so many problems in the world. I mean you guys should not say nasty things about god and peoples beliefs its hurtful to people. I mean you guys are pretty offensive. See that is another point look at a Jehovah's witness he believe in a god? but is he violent and disrespectful no? You guys should take a page out of out book, and be alittle more respectful and tolerant.

Yeah. Logic.

Motivation in life is to be a good person.

Side note: I don't like it the way Religious folks go around and attack athiesm, and people of other religions. Religion causes the majority of the problems in the world, I.E. TERRORISM, HOLY WARS, POLITICAL DEBATE, CORRUPTION, BLINDNESS, DEPENDENCE, etc! Religious people yell at athiests, so why can't we yell back. I'm an athiest and I don't care what you beleive in as long as it doesn't harm people and you're not trying to puch your beleifs on others. Religious people are equally if not more intolerant than athiests, so really, I don't know what the point of this is.
AAF said:

I think I've been asking you to do the impossible, family man!
The task of cleaning up your religion is certainly bigger than
you and bigger than people more qualified than you.

The reason for this impossibility is that the 'Quran', the holy book
of Islam, is composed of two diametrically opposed parts:

1. The first part of the Quran was written by Mohammed of Arabia
during the first years of his mission (about 10 years) in Mecca.
In those years, he was out of power and in the opposition.
As expected, Mohemmed, in this first part of the Quran, was preaching
peace, love, tolerance, and freedom of belief. In short, he was a
sweet and very kind man.

2. The second part of the Quran was composed by Mohammed
during the final years of his mission (about 10) in Madena. There, he
was in power. By all accounts, his teachings, in this phase, were
harsh, draconian, and savage. In a nutshell, he was a nasty and
brutal tyrant. Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts

Since the final barbaric part came after the humane one,
religious extremists always have the upper hand in any
theological debate based on the Quran.

Therefore, your religion, Muslim, cannot be cleaned up
or reformed. Scarp it! It is not good for your well-being.

MOahmmed never written the Qu'ran atleast try to get your facts straight dumbass. The Qu'ran was compiled some years later after Mohammed's dead I think 100 years later although am not shore might have been about 20 - 50.

And you're so full of shit, bring one verse form the Qu'ran you don't agree with. you can make claims without backing them up.

Here is a website I want you to check out, because I don't want to be an apologetic I am just clearly you're misconceptions up:

So don't believe everything you see in the media as Muslim being portrayed as intolerant extremists majority of Muslims have absolutely nothing to do with terrorism, there is a small group of Whabbis who are creating all the problems.

Muslim: "MOahmmed never written the Qu'ran atleast try to get your facts straight dumbass. The Qu'ran was compiled some years later after Mohammed's dead I think 100 years later although am not shore might have been about 20 - 50...".

No, that is wrong.
Mohammed of Arabia wrote the Quran.
He dictated every verse of it to his close companions.
In other words, there was no Allah to write the Quran.
Mohammed of Arabia was the author of the Quran.

Now what you are talking about is not the writing or the
re-writing of the Quran, but the change of the alphabet
many years later after Mohammed's death, and the Khaliph
Osman's decree regarding the official copy of the Quran
for the Sunni sect in Islam.

Muslim: "...And you're so full of shit, bring one verse form the Qu'ran you don't agree with. you can make claims without backing them up...".

You (Muslim) are the one who is 'so full of shit'!
There are a lot of verses in the Quran that incite
violence (Jihad) against non-Muslims.
Take a look!

Muslim: "...Here is a website I want you to check out, because I don't want to be an apologetic I am just clearly you're misconceptions up:

Both websites are not official and carry no authority whatsoever.

Muslim: "...So don't believe everything you see in the media as Muslim being portrayed as intolerant extremists majority of Muslims have absolutely nothing to do with terrorism, there is a small group of Whabbis who are creating all the problems.

And you should not believe everything you see on the NET.
A 'small group of Whabbis'?
But they have money and religious authority.

Is that clear?

AAF said:

Muslim: "MOahmmed never written the Qu'ran atleast try to get your facts straight dumbass. The Qu'ran was compiled some years later after Mohammed's dead I think 100 years later although am not shore might have been about 20 - 50...".

No, that is wrong.
Mohammed of Arabia wrote the Quran.
He dictated every verse of it to his close companions.
In other words, there was no Allah to write the Quran.
Mohammed of Arabia was the author of the Quran.

Now what you are talking about is not the writing or the
re-writing of the Quran, but the change of the alphabet
many years later after Mohammed's death, and the Khaliph
Osman's decree regarding the official copy of the Quran
for the Sunni sect in Islam.

Muslim: "...And you're so full of shit, bring one verse form the Qu'ran you don't agree with. you can make claims without backing them up...".

You (Muslim) are the one who is 'so full of shit'!
There are a lot of verses in the Quran that incite
violence (Jihad) against non-Muslims.
Take a look!

Muslim: "...Here is a website I want you to check out, because I don't want to be an apologetic I am just clearly you're misconceptions up:

Both websites are not official and carry no authority whatsoever.

Muslim: "...So don't believe everything you see in the media as Muslim being portrayed as intolerant extremists majority of Muslims have absolutely nothing to do with terrorism, there is a small group of Whabbis who are creating all the problems.

And you should not believe everything you see on the NET.
A 'small group of Whabbis'?
But they have money and religious authority.

Is that clear?


And Mohammed spake unto multitude, let all ye who are Men, bring thine fallacial piece upon the bearer of thine seeds. And shall ye nurture them with My word: Speak only the truth infadel or ye shall be c0ck-slammed unto the ninth layer of the Abyss. - [Book of STFU, 1:1]
Mohammed is one hilariously fucked up dude! Apparently mohammed also had penis envy.


I'm just going to assume that the "Book of STFU" is the book of "Sufi Traditional Fire Ululations". Or am I mistaken???
Muslim said:
MOahmmed never written the Qu'ran atleast try to get your facts straight dumbass.

Do not be angry my brother. All your questions will be answered by the study of the origin of your faith. Seek and you shall find the truth.

We are the human race. To argue theology is a tragedy, the beauty of life awaits you. Enjoy life and all its splendor.

The Athiest
the koran was written from different acounts of mohamad's teachings, just as the new testament is compiled of different accounts of jesus. Neither of these great philosophers wrote in their respective books.
Oniw17 said:
the koran was written from different acounts of mohamad's teachings, just as the new testament is compiled of different accounts of jesus. Neither of these great philosophers wrote in their respective books.

Thank you. At least someone has some common sense.
superluminal said:
Mohammed is one hilariously fucked up dude! Apparently mohammed also had penis envy.


I'm just going to assume that the "Book of STFU" is the book of "Sufi Traditional Fire Ululations". Or am I mistaken???

By the way, You blabbering excuse for a forum poster, that was the most incoherent piece of tripe I have heard in my year as a poster here. Quasi-verbose, pseudo-intellectual wannabee making up for the fact that you really are a cockless son-of-a-motherless-goat.


Stick to being a poster child, cretin. I bet you thought it was just coincidence that your parents had the same surnames before they married?
Muslim said:
By the way, You blabbering excuse for a forum poster, that was the most incoherent piece of tripe I have heard in my year as a poster here. Quasi-verbose, pseudo-intellectual wannabee making up for the fact that you really are a cockless son-of-a-motherless-goat.

Stick to being a poster child, cretin. I bet you thought it was just coincidence that your parents had the same surnames before they married?

That is fucking hilarious muslim! Look at the part in red. You are a prize my friend. BTW. Thanks for clearin up that STFU thing for me. I was really confused, you know, being mentally challenged and all that.

Thanks again,
Oniw17 said:
the koran was written from different acounts of mohamad's teachings, just as the new testament is compiled of different accounts of jesus. Neither of these <strike>great</strike> imaginary philosophers wrote in their <strike>respective</strike> intolerant, racist, homophobic, misogynistic, mass-murder advocating books.
Just a minor correction.
superluminal said:
That is fucking hilarious muslim! Look at the part in red. You are a prize my friend. BTW. Thanks for clearin up that STFU thing for me. I was really confused, you know, being mentally challenged and all that.

Thanks again,
You are an outrageously blabbering wretch and a disgusting, enema-addicted lamentable mistake by your parents an unconscionably gluttonous barbarian and a myopic, coma-inducing dreg of the Internet a precociously narcissistic loafer and a repugnant, sheep-molesting cause of nightmares in small childerin unutterably blighted miscreant and a dastardly, sock-sucking personification of vulgarity petty, air-polluting depraved orgy of subhuman indecency wickedly reprehensible trollop and a dastardly, acidly acrimonious failure to endure the scrutiny of those with distinction.

Anyway, I'm not really good with fools, but a friend who is good with fools wrote something down for me. Oh, yeah, "Shut the fuck up, stupid!"
Muslim said:
You are an outrageously blabbering wretch and a disgusting, enema-addicted lamentable mistake by your parents an unconscionably gluttonous barbarian and a myopic, coma-inducing dreg of the Internet a precociously narcissistic loafer and a repugnant, sheep-molesting cause of nightmares in small childerin unutterably blighted miscreant and a dastardly, sock-sucking personification of vulgarity petty, air-polluting depraved orgy of subhuman indecency wickedly reprehensible trollop and a dastardly, acidly acrimonious failure to endure the scrutiny of those with distinction.

Anyway, I'm not really good with fools, but a friend who is good with fools wrote something down for me. Oh, yeah, "Shut the fuck up, stupid!"

Is that the result of Islamic upbringing?
Muslim said:
You are an outrageously blabbering wretch and a disgusting, enema-addicted lamentable mistake by your parents an unconscionably gluttonous barbarian and a myopic, coma-inducing dreg of the Internet a precociously narcissistic loafer and a repugnant, sheep-molesting cause of nightmares in small childerin unutterably blighted miscreant and a dastardly, sock-sucking personification of vulgarity petty, air-polluting depraved orgy of subhuman indecency wickedly reprehensible trollop and a dastardly, acidly acrimonious failure to endure the scrutiny of those with distinction.

Anyway, I'm not really good with fools, but a friend who is good with fools wrote something down for me. Oh, yeah, "Shut the fuck up, stupid!"

how long did it take you to think that one up muslim