
spiritual_spy said:
We have our own set of moral values. We dont need some god to give us a sense of right and wrong. And to find that god dosent exis it is simple as going to google and typing god cannot exist.

That is not proving jack-shit. LOl its exactly what I mean when you say shit like "we have our own set of moral values" lol if you create them how are they going restrict you, say there is another atheists and he has his own moral values and claims morally its OK to rape woman - we would have a society out of control everyone making their own laws. It wouldn't work we would all ascendant into irreversible lunacy - and that is what atheists what to do.
Muslim said:
That is not proving jack-shit. LOl its exactly what I mean when you say shit like "we have our own set of moral values" lol if you create them how are they going restrict you, say there is another atheists and he has his own moral values and claims morally its OK to rape woman - we would have a society out of control everyone making their own laws. It wouldn't work we would all ascendant into irreversible lunacy - and that is what atheists what to do.
....everyone has a moral compass. Everyone knows what is right and wrong. That is what i meant by "we". Plus that is what mans laws are for.
spiritual_spy said:
....everyone has a moral compass. Everyone knows what is right and wrong. That is what i meant by "we". Plus that is what mans laws are for.

Don't talk out of your ass. Are you telling me, if there was a baby and we never taught it anything it would grow up and have a sense of "right" and "wrong"? and have you gone crazy whats with the "we" why are you asserting yourself like you're two people?
Muslim said:
Don't talk out of your ass. Are you telling me, if there was a baby and we never taught it anything it would grow up and have a sense of "right" and "wrong"? and have you gone crazy whats with the "we" why are you asserting yourself like you're two people?
. You ever talk to a kid who has been molested? I have. He wasnt even in preschool and his parents thought that that would never happen to there son. So he went into a situtation not knowing that it was wrong. But he had a feeling in his gut. he knew it was wrong even though he was never tuaght. That is your built in moral compass.
........Im not even going to argue with you. its worthless. Your god-set mind will never think for itself. You will always instead leave your life in the hands of a false ideal. The peice of advice i can give you is this. Wake up and find some reason.
spiritual_spy said:
........Im not even going to argue with you. its worthless. Your god-set mind will never think for itself. You will always instead leave your life in the hands of a false ideal. The peice of advice i can give you is this. Wake up and find some reason.

Thats because you have intellectually lost this debate.
Muslim said:
Thats because you have intellectually lost this debate.
No i havent lost. Your mindset just prevents you from seeing the facts so im not even going to bother.
spiritual_spy said:
No i havent lost. Your mindset just prevents you from seeing the facts so im not even going to bother.

No it doesn't you're just making excuses up. Lets refresh you said god doesn't exist I said prove - you didn't do that. I said its morally un ethical not to believe in a good and I gave reason why this is you couldn't debunk me, then you posted about the kid and I said this just further proves there is a god as god told/messaged him telling him it was wrong and immoral.
Muslim said:
No it doesn't you're just making excuses up. Lets refresh you said god doesn't exist I said prove - you didn't do that. I said its morally un ethical not to believe in a good and I gave reason why this is you couldn't debunk me, then you posted about the kid and I said this just further proves there is a god as god told/messaged him telling him it was wrong and immoral.
Wrong i said its simple as going to google.
Again how is it immoral or unethical not to beleive in a god if one dosent exist?
No its called your built in moral compass. I even provided a link to show that atheists have morals. yet you obviously ignore it.
spiritual_spy said:
Wrong i said its simple as going to google.
Again how is it immoral or unethical not to beleive in a god if one dosent exist?
No its called your built in moral compass. I even provided a link to show that atheists have morals. yet you obviously ignore it.

Google didn't prove shit. google is not the absolute holder off all truth and knowledge in the universe.

No its called your built in moral compass

Lol this is the most funniest thing I have ever heard. Why don't animals have this so called "moral compass"? :rolleyes: I did not ignore it I said it could have been god who divinely messaged him. There is no such thing as "moral compass" and calming there is without sufficient evidence proves you're intellectually depleted of resources and are now randomly making you own theories to justify your own ignorance.
From my link...

Why should an Atheist be moral, without a god to make him to do so? You may as well ask why he should use his head for something besides a mobile hat rack. Morality is a built-in condition of humanity; the moral tendency exists in just about everyone, barring psychopaths.

Where does the Moral Tendency come from?

And that, luckily enough, leads us to the foundational principle of morality: empathy. Psychopaths lack empathy with their fellow human beings, and cannot be truly said to have a moral impulse.

The principle of morality is empathy; what differs are our approaches to that principle, and how we interpret our feelings of empathy in order to make a coherent system.

For more refer to my link.
spiritual_spy said:
From my link...

Why should an Atheist be moral, without a god to make him to do so? You may as well ask why he should use his head for something besides a mobile hat rack. Morality is a built-in condition of humanity; the moral tendency exists in just about everyone, barring psychopaths.

Where does the Moral Tendency come from?

And that, luckily enough, leads us to the foundational principle of morality: empathy. Psychopaths lack empathy with their fellow human beings, and cannot be truly said to have a moral impulse.

The principle of morality is empathy; what differs are our approaches to that principle, and how we interpret our feelings of empathy in order to make a coherent system.

For more refer to my link.

That dosen't prove anything really. Animlas don't have empathy
Nah, you think? humans are the most evolved animals on this planet. Of course there gonna have some perks that other animals dont have.
spiritual_spy said:
Nah, you think? humans are the most evolved animals on this planet. Of course there gonna have some perks that other animals dont have.

:bugeye: lol thanks for disproving your own argument. That would mean morals are acquired and not a fundamental part of nature.
....Empaty was aquired as a result of the evolution of the human brain. it dosent mean it was given to him by some supernatural god.
spiritual_spy said:
....Empaty was aquired as a result of the evolution of the human brain. it dosent mean it was given to him by some supernatural god.

That doesn't sound logical. Genetically ape's are not that different from humans yet they do not have Empathy. If evolution is correct then they should show aleast some form of reasoning and Empathy.