
qwerty mob said:
Wayne, I agree otherwise, but beg to differ on two points.

"Spiritual reality" is something of an oxymoron, linguistically, and incoherent, logically.
I could not agree more!!!!!


I don't discount subjective experiences summarily, but the fact that "each must have a vessel"
Thanks for your correspondence, Cheers

Funny that you should use the word Vessel, Man is the Holy Grail, the dwelling place, is the vessel that holds the Spirit of God.

When God breathed what into man's nostrils, the breath, the spirit, the Nature of God, it was the Spirit, the Nature of God that was made manifest a Living Soul, a Physical Being. Mankind, he and she being of the Nature of God are the Sons and Daughters of God, The Spirit of God, Boundlessness, the Single True Nature of the Universe alive in the Flesh Man, made manifest a living Soul.
Muslim said:
So, how did you guys come to the conclusion there is no god? I mean did you wake up one night thought there isn't a god? Or did you do some research?

Religion was something I learned about from my friends mostly. My parents taught me what religion was, and the main idea that there was a, or sometimes several gods, depending on which religion(they themselves had been raised religious, but had never really believed...though my mother still calls herself a "non-practicing" Muslim) Then when I was a bit older, my parents sent me to diffrent religious camps so I could learn about other religions. Interesting, but not my thing. Though I must say, religious stories are fun for camp fires.

I just don't care enough to go out of my way and, in my opinion, waste my time. Do I care whether ther is a god? No. With so many religions, and each one preaching it's the best, it seems like gambling to me to try and pick one anyways.

And also what is your motivation in life?

I never really thought about motovation. Life is life. I do what I do, try and make myself, and as many others happy, and move on.

And do you ever think what life would be like if you believed in a god?

No, though I do think about what it would be like if no one believed in god...or even if we all believed in the same god.

Also are things like thinking of death easy to handle like I mean do you guy fear dying?

Here is something that I do wonder about. I don't look forward to dying, at least not now(I'd say I'm fairly young, so death hasn't quite become an issue in my little teenage bubble of a life), but I wonder if it'd be easier if I really believed something was going to happen afterword. But for now, I accept that I will die, and that will be that. Not that it really matters.

Side note: I don't like it the way Atheist go around attack god, and religion Atheist create so many problems in the world. I mean you guys should not say nasty things about god and peoples beliefs its hurtful to people. I mean you guys are pretty offensive. See that is another point look at a Jehovah's witness he believe in a god? but is he violent and disrespectful no? You guys should take a page out of out book, and be alittle more respectful and tolerant.

I don't attack god...why would I attack something that I don't believe is there...I'd say that be a fair waste of my time....

Of course if you consider "not believing in god" an attack, then, ya, every athiest is being quite offensive. I don't know athiest who go out of their way to preach their beliefs to others, though honestly, I know very few religious people who do that either. Everyone needs to be a little bit more respectful and tolerant when it comes to religion.
crazyfreespirit said:
Here is something that I do wonder about. I don't look forward to dying, at least not now(I'd say I'm fairly young, so death hasn't quite become an issue in my little teenage bubble of a life), but I wonder if it'd be easier if I really believed something was going to happen afterword. But for now, I accept that I will die, and that will be that. Not that it really matters.

This is it, there ain't no more, better to enjoy life while you can.

Materiality-ism, however is not the best way to enjoy life.

Wounded Iraqi Muslim said:
You will all become Muslims one day.

I will the day that that Muslims do not follow, submit, to the Reality of Allah as told to he and she by False Prophets????????????

All those that speak in the Name of, for a Named God, are Blasphemers,

You know nothing of Allah other than what your False Imams, Pharaohs, Pharisees, tell you.

Why do Muslims submit to the Reality of Allah as told to he and she by False Prophets????????????
Wounded Iraqi Muslim said:
You will all become Muslims one day.

I am an only an Atheist in the sense that I am A non-Believer in a Graven Image, a False Image of the Reality of the Single True Nature of the Universe, a False God, My only claim is to not be an Idolater.

Anyone that speaks in, of, or for a Named God is a Blasphemer.

You can not speak in the Name of, for, something that is Faceless, not readily apparent, that is hidden, secret, sacred, without first carving a graven image of said Reality, without being an adulterator of the Word God.

:eek: Repent for the eyes of the Lord are upon you.
Listen you literal shithead, you couldn't even conquer a bag of chips. Don't worry, we'll continue to pay you dole money and look after your raggedy scrawny asses until you've developed enough to be on par with the rest of the world.
Wounded Iraqi Muslim said:
There is only one Khudae Parvardigar, and you will get his blessing when we will conquer the world.
Afghanis don't want you, Iraqis don't want you, you are doomed. Islam will survive, but infidels like you won't be a part of it.
Yeah that was good SL I have the picture in my head still, "Inshallah I shall open this bag of chips if it's the last thing I do", Oh the humanity.
Wounded Iraqi Moron said:
Kuhdie shukergujar, but we are very well capable of taking our care, we get billions of dolar from your durg addicts, we have our men in your goverment that wag their tails and help us sell drugs to you, you all become drug addicts.

What's a durg addict??
to point out that there's not point to point out spelling errors if you know what the words mean.

but i guess there is a point
so, yeah, maybe what i said was pointless then.
but etc.
Ok, Osama is no longer here.. post edited :)

Apologies for my clear irritation, people like that really piss me off.
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