
SnakeLord said:
fucku smellyarabu.

Listen dickchops, the only reason we haven't yet annihilated you smelly fuckers is simply because we need your oil to drive our cars. Eventually, somehere along the line, someone is going to invent an engine that doesn't require petrol - and then you and your smelly kind are going the way of the dodo.

Of course, dicks that you are, you might just beat us to that inevitable conclusion -because for some bizarre reason you keep blowing yourselves up. You're like lemmings, but not as intelligent.

So in some ways I admire your kind. You don't have brains, you don't have health and you most certainly don't have looks.. but boy, you don't half have a lot of oil.

If you were to do a count of drug addicts vs population, you'd find "your men" are doing a seriously piss poor job. I personally have never understood why western men take drugs.. look at our women - that's enough imo to keep any man off the nose candy. Your women on the other hand all look like your avatar, so I would expect every muslim to be a coke snorter, but then you probably don't own enough camels to trade to get the fix you need.

P.S I didn't mean to get personal and insult that wonderful wife of yours in your avatar.

snakelord is getting pissed. i have never enjoyed that.
Muslim said:
So, how did you guys come to the conclusion there is no god? I mean did you wake up one night thought there isn't a god? Or did you do some research?

And also what is your motivation in life? And do you ever think what life would be like if you believed in a god?

Also are things like thinking of death easy to handle like I mean do you guy fear dying?

Side note: I don't like it the way Atheist go around attack god, and religion Atheist create so many problems in the world. I mean you guys should not say nasty things about god and peoples beliefs its hurtful to people. I mean you guys are pretty offensive. See that is another point look at a Jehovah's witness he believe in a god? but is he violent and disrespectful no? You guys should take a page out of out book, and be alittle more respectful and tolerant.
1.I did research and using Reason i concluded that god could not exist. Why you ask? if god is absolute then that means his traits would be absolute (Love, Grace, Justice, Fairness) and certian traits conflict each other. IE Grace & Justice.

2.My motivation is this. To pass on my ideas to my sons and or duaghters and try to leave my mark on this world.

3.Nothing isnt so bad. it will probably be like falling into a deep sleep.

4.The main problem of this world is religon so it our duty to rid the world of the parasite called religon and god so the human race can do some advancing.
Muslim said:
Yeah, but the other birds that don't fly we eat them. I mean what are you on about they don't have predators I mean look at chickens I eat Chickens I am a predator but I don't see them evolving into some human killing beast.

But penguins don't make any sense. I mean look at them!

Are you serious!?!? This is a joke, right? If you ARE serious then I really don't know where to start?
Just because humans don't eat penguins it doesn't mean that they are not part the of the biosphere, circle of life, food chain, whatever you want to call it. If you believe that god created every living creature from scratch, and that evoluution is wrong, then you've just contradicted your own argument since why would god create something useless. I could write for hours on this but to put it simply you should go to your college library and read up on evolution, biology, geography, and anything else that doesn't have the word 'holy' in the title. Oh yeah, and watch March Of The Penguins, it's quite good. :confused: :eek:
wsionynw said:
Are you serious!?!? This is a joke, right? If you ARE serious then I really don't know where to start?
Just because humans don't eat penguins it doesn't mean that they are not part the of the biosphere, circle of life, food chain, whatever you want to call it. If you believe that god created every living creature from scratch, and that evoluution is wrong, then you've just contradicted your own argument since why would god create something useless. I could write for hours on this but to put it simply you should go to your college library and read up on evolution, biology, geography, and anything else that doesn't have the word 'holy' in the title. Oh yeah, and watch March Of The Penguins, it's quite good. :confused: :eek:
"March of the Penguins" was quite good. And suggesting a visit to the library to Muslim was particularly funny! Ha! Sort of like suggesting a trip to a silent movie for Ray Charles.
Muslim said:
So, how did you guys come to the conclusion there is no god? I mean did you wake up one night thought there isn't a god? Or did you do some research? And also what is your motivation in life? And do you ever think what life would be like if you believed in a god?
Also are things like thinking of death easy to handle like I mean do you guy fear dying? Side note: I don't like it the way Atheist go around attack god, and religion Atheist create so many problems in the world. I mean you guys should not say nasty things about god and peoples beliefs its hurtful to people. I mean you guys are pretty offensive. See that is another point look at a Jehovah's witness he believe in a god? but is he violent and disrespectful no? You guys should take a page out of out book, and be alittle more respectful and tolerant.


This is one way how you can reach that conclusion:

First of all, the truth is desirable in itself, and in the long run,
it fares better much better than all the grandiose but false promises
in the world put together. The truth is a winner.

Furthermore, you must show pushy believers that their beliefs are false.
Because if you don't show them that, then sooner or later they will try
to push their ludicrous beliefs down your throat. Do you understand?
If you don't show them the light, they will show their dark side.

Do you see that?
I'm sure you do.
You have used, above, the alias 'Muslim'.
I suppose you know quite a lot about current Islam.
In particular, you know that the failure of Muslims to confront
their nutty clerics and show them the truth for many centuries
has resulted in a disaster. Those lunatic clerics are so lionized
to such a degree to take young Muslims away from their parents
and families, load them with explosives, and let them blow themselves up!
Now do you think if the truth was known to them, those evil clerics would
dare to commit such a horrible crime and brag about it?
I think not!
Their false 70-heavenly-virgins promise can never be accepted
by enlightened public.
Therefore, it is a must to show Muslims that thier 'Allah' is a myth
and has no basis in reality, and to do it time after time until they
can see the light and free themselves of the shackles of their
own false beliefs.

And so atheism is important.

Last edited:
atheists may appear to attack religion, but only because they feel the need to defend themselves from constant religious invasion

i am agnostic, not atheist, simply because no one can know for sure that there is no god - i simply reject all current religions and the idea of an omnipotent being
wootboot said:
atheists may appear to attack religion, but only because they feel the need to defend themselves from constant religious invasion

i am agnostic, not atheist, simply because no one can know for sure that there is no god - i simply reject all current religions and the idea of an omnipotent being
Agnosticism and Atheism are not different branches of the same tree - but branches of different trees that quite often entwine.

If you do not have a belief in the existence of a God, for whatever reason, you are atheist.
If you think that the nature the God in question (i.e. whether you believe it exists or not) is unknown or unknowable - then you are agnostic.

One deals with your stance on belief.
The other is your epistemoligical stance with respect to God.
Sarkus said:
No one is saying you do not have the right to believe what you want to believe. To suggest otherwise is a fallacious.

The question, if you re-read it, was whether it was "reasonable" - not "acceptable" but REASONABLE.

i.e. can you, through reason, explain your belief in whatever it is you imagine and believe exists (e.g. Pink Unicorns).

Again, I stress, NOONE is saying you don't have the RIGHT to believe what you want. That is not the question - so do not raise it.

Yes, by believing it is right. I make it right by believing it is right. Because as a Human I have a right to believe what ever I want. And I can believe that is rational/reasonable to believe that.
AAF said:

This is one way how you can reach that conclusion:

First of all, the truth is desirable in itself, and in the long run,
it fares better much better than all the grandiose but false promises
in the world put together. The truth is a winner.

Furthermore, you must show pushy believers that their beliefs are false.
Because if you don't show them that, then sooner or later they will try
to push their ludicrous beliefs down your throat. Do you understand?
If you don't show them the light, they will show their dark side.

Do you see that?
I'm sure you do.
You have used, above, the alias 'Muslim'.
I suppose you know quite a lot about current Islam.
In particular, you know that the failure of Muslims to confront
their nutty clerics and show them the truth for many centuries
has resulted in a disaster. Those lunatic clerics are so lionized
to such a degree to take young Muslims away from their parents
and families, load them with explosives, and let them blow themselves up!
Now do you think if the truth was known to them, those evil clerics would
dare to commit such a horrible crime and brag about it?
I think not!
Their false 70-heavenly-virgins promise can never be accepted
by enlightened public.
Therefore, it is a must to show Muslims that thier 'Allah' is a myth
and has no basis in reality, and to do it time after time until they
can see the light and free themselves of the shackles of their
own false beliefs.

And so atheism is important.


This is a small minority. Its like saying every Jew in the world should confront the actions of the Israeli Government. You're argument is based on a fallacy. Its not my job its the police's job. I don't get paid to confront nutty clerics - don't have freedom of speech if you don't like what people want to say its pretty much as simple as that. And Muslims have as much right to freedom of speech as anyone else as many died fighting Hitler to keep these freedoms.
wsionynw said:
Are you serious!?!? This is a joke, right? If you ARE serious then I really don't know where to start?
Just because humans don't eat penguins it doesn't mean that they are not part the of the biosphere, circle of life, food chain, whatever you want to call it. If you believe that god created every living creature from scratch, and that evoluution is wrong, then you've just contradicted your own argument since why would god create something useless. I could write for hours on this but to put it simply you should go to your college library and read up on evolution, biology, geography, and anything else that doesn't have the word 'holy' in the title. Oh yeah, and watch March Of The Penguins, it's quite good. :confused: :eek:

All Muslims believe in evolution theory it was Muslims scentists who came up with the fundamental stages of it. Even Dawrins counter parts agreed the Muslim version of the evolution theory was better then Darwin's own.
Muslim said:
So, how did you guys come to the conclusion there is no god? I mean did you wake up one night thought there isn't a god? Or did you do some research?

I have no need for a God. God was invented by people because they searched for an easy answer to everything they didn't understand. The current religions are just like those of old and long gone: bullshit. The Quran and the bible are hypocritical and full of crap. No I'm not going into discussion with you about that, just look on the internet, there are plenty of websites about this. That is, if you dare to have a critical look at the Quran, and not just explain everything that seems impossible with "only God could understand".

And also what is your motivation in life?
I have no motivation in life. Life holds no value for me.

And do you ever think what life would be like if you believed in a god?
Why would I?

Also are things like thinking of death easy to handle like I mean do you guy fear dying?
To me beiing dead is simply not beiing able to perceive anything. I have no reason to think that there might be something after death.

For as long as humen are in existence, they have been fantasizing about a God and an afterlife. There have been numerous religions and Islam is simply one of them.

I don't like it the way Atheist go around attack god and religion
I don't like the way Muslims blow themselves up and kill hundreds of innocent people. I bet your first reaction to this was something along the lines of: "oh.. not again". But then you're beiing hypocritical. Perhaps next time you should place the word "some" behind Atheists.

Atheist create so many problems in the world.
Religion has done almost nothing but create problems and conflicts.

I mean you guys should not say nasty things about god and peoples beliefs its hurtful to people.
It's only hurtful if you want it to be.

I mean you guys are pretty offensive.
I'm getting tired of your hypocracy. You don't want me to say that Muslims are primitive fanatics that like blowing themselves up and kill many innocent people, but you think you do have the authority to generalize other people.

I guess it doesn't really matter. Humen are hypocrites of nature.

See that is another point look at a Jehovah's witness he believe in a god? but is he violent and disrespectful no?
WHAT THE HELL?????? You just keep going do you. Saying that Jehovah's witnesses are violent and disrespectful is like saying that Muslims are fanatical terrorists, ignorant and stupid spreaders of hate on everything Western.

You guys should take a page out of out book, and be alittle more respectful and tolerant.
Respectful and nonviolent Muslims burn ambassies because of a few drawings in a Danish newspaper.
s0meguy said:
I have no need for a God. God was invented by people because they searched for an easy answer to everything they didn't understand. The current religions are just like those of old and long gone: bullshit. The Quran and the bible are hypocritical and full of crap. No I'm not going into discussion with you about that, just look on the internet, there are plenty of websites about this. That is, if you dare to have a critical look at the Quran, and not just explain everything that seems impossible with "only God could understand".

I have no motivation in life. Life holds no value for me.

Why would I?

To me beiing dead is simply not beiing able to perceive anything. I have no reason to think that there might be something after death.

For as long as humen are in existence, they have been fantasizing about a God and an afterlife. There have been numerous religions and Islam is simply one of them.

I don't like the way Muslims blow themselves up and kill hundreds of innocent people. I bet your first reaction to this was something along the lines of: "oh.. not again". But then you're beiing hypocritical. Perhaps next time you should place the word "some" behind Atheists.

Religion has done almost nothing but create problems and conflicts.

It's only hurtful if you want it to be.

I'm getting tired of your hypocracy. You don't want me to say that Muslims are primitive fanatics that like blowing themselves up and kill many innocent people, but you think you do have the authority to generalize other people.

I guess it doesn't really matter. Humen are hypocrites of nature.

WHAT THE HELL?????? You just keep going do you. Saying that Jehovah's witnesses are violent and disrespectful is like saying that Muslims are fanatical terrorists, ignorant and stupid spreaders of hate on everything Western.

Respectful and nonviolent Muslims burn ambassies because of a few drawings in a Danish newspaper.

I have no problem with you saying Muslims blow them selfs up ect, ect. its true that does happen. Just like Atheists killed many people you know Starlin? he was an Atheists.

Everything you said can apply to any-human. Any human is capable of doing violent things.

Islam teaches tolerance love and brotherhood, you cannot judge a religion based on the actions of those who claim to follow it. Its human who do the wrong, religion tries to help humans understand each other.

We don't want to lose our moral values by becoming atheists, atheists want that, they want society to have no ethics and morals.
You are so deluded. Atheists have morals and ethics. Just becuase we want religon gone dosent mean we want morals gone aswell.
spiritual_spy said:
You are so deluded. Atheists have morals and ethics. Just becuase we want religon gone dosent mean we want morals gone aswell.

No you can't have ethical and moral values if you're an Atheists. For one its unethical not to believe in a god and its also immoral to disrespect god. Which leads to the conclusion Atheists don't have more or ethical values. Its an oxymoron.
Muslim said:
No you can't have ethical and moral values if you're an Atheists. For one its unethical not to believe in a god and its also immoral to disrespect god. Which leads to the conclusion Atheists don't have more or ethical values. Its an oxymoron.
its an oxymoron only if you believe in god. No its no unethical not to beleive in god and its not immoral to disrespect something that dosent exist.
spiritual_spy said:
its an oxymoron only if you believe in god. No its no unethical not to beleive in god and its not immoral to disrespect something that dosent exist.

your philosophy is all wrong. Its like saying well we have laws, but am not going to believe in them I want my own laws made by me - which kind defeats the propose of everything. Because you will construct your own laws as not to restrict you. And can you prove that god doesn't exist?
Muslim said:
your philosophy is all wrong. Its like saying well we have laws, but am not going to believe in them I want my own laws made by me - which kind defeats the propose of everything. Because you will construct your own laws as not to restrict you. And can you prove that god doesn't exist?
We have our own set of moral values. We dont need some god to give us a sense of right and wrong. And to find that god dosent exis it is simple as going to google and typing god cannot exist.