
A contemplative, introspective, holistic approach to life, the universe and everything can provide solutions, insights, or holding patterns, not available from a purely materialist approach.

I was stood in line at Wal Mart yesterday, thinking the very same thing. :)
Funny that
Dee Cee
Muslim said:
So, how did you guys come to the conclusion there is no god? I mean did you wake up one night thought there isn't a god? Or did you do some research?

You assume that belief comes before disbelief. I was brought up without religion, and pretty much that is the way I have stayed. For me it was never a case of questioning something I had always been told.

As for how my beliefs have evolved, religion has never, ever made any sense to me- the idea that we can know something to be absolutely true is just incomprehensible. So I guess my psyche is the opposite of a religious person- i.e. where they cannot understand why I believe in evolution with its incomplete picture, I think their picture is too complete. That may seem contradictory as religion the world over fails to draw a complete picture when objectively viewed IMO, but every religious person canvases over the holes with what limited imagination.

My argument is not a 'My Dad is better than your dad,' argument, but religious people often subscribe to the idea that it is harder to have faith than have not. I disagree sheerly because of the imagination required to coble together ones own beliefs which have the scope to include such (massive) ideas as evolution.

And also what is your motivation in life? And do you ever think what life would be like if you believed in a god?

I'm still trying to figure out my motivation in life. Sometimes I have it sometimes I don't. I've dabbled in believing in god, but it has been at times when I want to externalise some of the things that I can't immediately handle, and at others when people have tried to force their beliefs onto me (I was young at the stage, and with hindsight have come to view the actions of those deceiving parties with disgust). The way I live is to me far more gratifying than that of a Christians. I create my own boundaries, my own beliefs, and I am able to evolve and change with new information. Christians do not have that freedom.

Also are things like thinking of death easy to handle like I mean do you guy fear dying?

I did, but I've come to terms with my finiteness. Indeed its given way to a disbelief in people's want to live for eternity- why live for eternity? Why?

Side note: I don't like it the way Atheist go around attack god, and religion Atheist create so many problems in the world. I mean you guys should not say nasty things about god and peoples beliefs it’s hurtful to people. I mean you guys are pretty offensive. See that is another point look at a Jehovah's witness he believe in a god? but is he violent and disrespectful no? You guys should take a page out of out book, and be alittle more respectful and tolerant.

Atheists create problems? I'm not entirely sure where that belief of yours stems from, but from where I stand the opposite is true. And if you want respect and tolerance don't be surprised if atheists don't have it in spades for religious people. Why reciprocate something when it is not given in the first place?
Dug-T said:
I'll say only one thing theres a reason why we have free will.
First - define "free-will".
Second - show/demonstrate that we actually have this definition of "free-will".
Third - provide evidence of a reason for this free-will.
Mythbuster said:
God has no beggining and has no end right ?

0 x infinity = undefined
That means he dont exist you twit !

I don't understand why some people simply cannot see this simple, easy fact; it's bloody preschool stuff.

Of course God does not exist you Twit, God does not exist in the physical sense of the Word, to exist, to be, God is not a Physical Being.

Atheist that believes in God!
I am an Atheist that believes in a Nameless, No Name God, Cause, Ruler, of the Heavens and the Earth.

I do not Worship Graven, Dead, non-existent Images of Reality, the mere Refection of Reality.

Being the Single True Nature, Spirit, of the Universe, the Nameless cause of the Heavens and the Earth, which can not be spoken of, given a Name, is innate to the Reality of Everything.

Most of those that worship a Named God, a God that can be spoken of, are submitting to Reality of a False God, a Graven, Dead, a False Image of the Single True Nature, Spirit, of the Universe.

It is the goal of Science to discover the Single True Nature, Spirit, of the Universe, the Nameless, No Name, Cause of the Heavens and the Earth.


Muslim said:
So, how did you guys come to the conclusion there is no god? I mean did you wake up one night thought there isn't a god? Or did you do some research?

And also what is your motivation in life? And do you ever think what life would be like if you believed in a god?

Also are things like thinking of death easy to handle like I mean do you guy fear dying?

Side note: I don't like it the way Atheist go around attack god, and religion Atheist create so many problems in the world. I mean you guys should not say nasty things about god and peoples beliefs its hurtful to people. I mean you guys are pretty offensive. See that is another point look at a Jehovah's witness he believe in a god? but is he violent and disrespectful no? You guys should take a page out of out book, and be alittle more respectful and tolerant.
wayne_92587 said:
God is not a Physical Being.
And thus, cannot exist. This is a physical world, a physical universe, and it it's not physical, it does not exist.
Let me call your attention to this common equivocation of 'exist' however, Hap.

Though I do agree with what you've written, I'd just like to caution you *how* you are stating it; existence being soley material. The statement "Gods do not exist" is logically false, despite being objectively true; they "exist" just as any illusion or notion, or fiction or confabulation can be said to "exist"-- as characterizable errors of perception, reasoning and memory.

Athiesm was first brought up because of free scientific inquiry, which continues to drive it. Some people claim to be athiest because they are angry at god because of unjustice in their life, they feel that god cant exist, much like someone would hate their mother for some childhood trauma. Some people choose god becasue they would rather focus their energy elsewhere in their lives(like a career), and would rather not waste their time contemplating something that will never be answered. some of these people actually impress me, but it still contains a sense of ignorance is bliss. I am nothing but a freethinking, I think about the existance of god and the lack there of, both have elements that impress and depress me.
wayne_92587 said:
I am an Atheist that believes in a Nameless, No Name God, Cause, Ruler, of the Heavens and the Earth.

I do not Worship Graven, Dead, non-existent Images of Reality, the mere Refection of Reality.

Being the Single True Nature, Spirit, of the Universe, the Nameless cause of the Heavens and the Earth, which can not be spoken of, given a Name, is innate to the Reality of Everything.

Most of those that worship a Named God, a God that can be spoken of, are submitting to Reality of a False God, a Graven, Dead, a False Image of the Single True Nature, Spirit, of the Universe.

It is the goal of Science to discover the Single True Nature, Spirit, of the Universe, the Nameless, No Name, Cause of the Heavens and the Earth.


M*W: Well I see you're back, and you are still babbling. You didn't get the psychiatric help I recommended, did you?
And there is nothing wrong with Free Thought, until you realize- you get what you pay for.

dexter said:
Athiesm was first brought up because of free scientific inquiry, which continues to drive it. Some people claim to be athiest because they are angry at god because of unjustice in their life, they feel that god cant exist, much like someone would hate their mother for some childhood trauma. Some people choose god becasue they would rather focus their energy elsewhere in their lives(like a career), and would rather not waste their time contemplating something that will never be answered. some of these people actually impress me, but it still contains a sense of ignorance is bliss. I am nothing but a freethinking, I think about the existance of god and the lack there of, both have elements that impress and depress me.

For the next 10 years U should be placed right between where Genocides are commited ; so that U can count how many people prayed GOD howmany times before they are killed.
Hapsburg said:
And thus, cannot exist. This is a physical world, a physical universe, and it it's not physical, it does not exist.

Realities that are material, physical in nature, are readily apparent, measurable, can be spoken of, given a Name.

Realities that are non-physical, non-Material, Immaterial, Spiritual in Nature, are not readily apparent, are immeasurable, hidden, secret, sacred and thus any word spoken of them, an Name give to them is Blasphemy, hog wash :eek: , swill, is a perversion, a distortion, an adulteration.
wayne_92587 said:
Realities that are material, physical in nature, are readily apparent, measurable, can be spoken of, given a Name.

Realities that are non-physical, non-Material, Immaterial, Spiritual in Nature, are not readily apparent, are immeasurable, hidden, secret, sacred and thus any word spoken of them, an Name give to them is Blasphemy, hog wash :eek: , swill, is a perversion, a distortion, an adulteration.

physical and material,

like time? and empty space?

qwerty mob said:
Let me call your attention to this common equivocation of 'exist' however, Hap.

Though I do agree with what you've written, I'd just like to caution you *how* you are stating it; existence being soley material. The statement "Gods do not exist" is logically false, despite being objectively true; they "exist" just as any illusion or notion, or fiction or confabulation can be said to "exist"-- as characterizable errors of perception, reasoning and memory.


I am not sure this is in response to my post but if it is here is my reply.

There are material Realities, which are readily apparent, Physical Realities that exist independent of our thoughts concerning them.

There are Realities that are not readily apparent, non-Material Realities, immeasurable, hidden, secret, sacred Realities, Spiritual Realities, Realities that do no exist in the same sense of the word exist that material Realities do.

According to Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle, any measurement of a hidden, secret, anything spoken of, any Name give, to a Reality that is not
readily apparent, is a perversion, a lie, an adulteration, any Name give to a Sacred, Entity, to Name, to speak of an Immaterial, a Spiritual Reality,
is just so much hog wash, swill, is Blasphemous.

Simply put, any measurement of a Reality that is not readily apparent, of a non-material, non-physical, of any Reality that does not exist independent of our thoughts, Ideas, Imagining concerning it, is erroneous.
EmptyForceOfChi said:
physical and material,

like time? and empty space?


The Tao that can be spoken of, given a Name, is not Tao.

Any Name given to the hidden, secret, sacred, the Nameless cause of the Heavens and the Earth is Hog Wash, erroneous, Blasphemy.

I know not whose son, off spring it is, it is like the preface of God, it is like what God was before we put a face on him, spoke of the word God as being
Name of a person, place or thing, before the Word God became a Name,
a Physical God, a Graven Image.

The Word God was originally like the Word Tao, Just a Word, not a Name.

Primordially speaking the Word God was not a Name, God was, Nameless,
a straw dog with No Name.
Wayne, I agree otherwise, but beg to differ on two points.

"Spiritual reality" is something of an oxymoron, linguistically, and incoherent, logically. I don't discount subjective experiences summarily, but the fact that "each must have a vessel" means that all sets of lesser realities (hidden, secret, whatever) are contained within the larger set of objective realities (which is only plural, mind you, by virtue of the multi-sensory-experience model of Reality, singular). I've been through this all with solipsists before, and it's usually a one-sided argument; objective facts trump subjective "truths" in every regard, and not for a lack of serious challenges, and not simply because "someone says so." Of course, I could be misunderstanding what you meant more generally, so I'll gladly consider some correction or clarification on those "lesser" hypothetical or subjective realities.

And secondly, I caution anyone invoking Heisenberg philosophically; quantum contingencies don't mean "anything's possible"- we probably agree on that-- it means we simply cannot accurately predict exactly which state a quark will assume, even given well characterized starting parameters. It's a common argument though, even if sound, I suggest it be left to it's scientific context.

Thanks for your correspondence, Cheers
Freedom, does it exist.

Emptiness, does it exist.

I agree, any word used to describe a Reality that is not readily apparent, that is immeasurable, that is not a person, place, or thing, is lacking, to include, hidden, secret, not readily apparent, non-Physical, Immaterial, Spiritual, erroneous, whoops almost forgot, and Dark Matter.

is erroneous.