Atheists here

Crunchy cat:

Why do you care so much about my problems?

At the moment, I refuse to respond to your post.

Reason? You care too much about my problems. You do not know me at all.

I understand my problems, and besides the matter, you have not refuted God, yet. Or ever....
Crunchy cat:

Why do you care so much about my problems?

I didn't realize I did :shrug:. Which problems specifically?

At the moment, I refuse to respond to your post.

Reason? You care too much about my problems. You do not know me at all.

Whatever floats your boat.

I understand my problems, and besides the matter, you have not refuted God, yet. Or ever....

Would you like me to? I can refute all the man-made claims of 'God' but not a generic idea of one.
I understand my problems, and besides the matter, you have not refuted God, yet. Or ever....

Refuting a god is not the point, refuting the claims for god is the point.

That's why I asked you at the beginning of this thread which gods YOU don't believe in, or do you believe in them all?

Thor, Zeus, Apollo, Allah... take your pick and tell us which one you believe in and which one(s) you don't?
I didn't realize I did :shrug:. Which problems specifically?

Mainly the one about the words i'm seeing being reflected back into my eyes or whatever... that one.

the othern, which does not concern you, is the loss of emotion. Which i have started a thread 4 in bout members.

Whatever floats your boat.

Forgot what I said, and I frankly don't give a rats ass.

Would you like me to? I can refute all the man-made claims of 'God' but not a generic idea of one.

I doubt you or anyone else on this site can disprove Gods existance, much less, the god of Quantum Quack.

sure meat head:

Simply, the god which is the god of existance. I don't believe in any fairy tells, however they do have interest, which has not been refuted (aka the bible). The god of Quantum Quack is impossible to refute, however. But the god of the flying meat ball or whatever the hell , which is actual, is not dis prove either. I don't believe god will ever be refuted. And I want to believe that. And there is reason behind it.

Shove it.
sure meat head:

Simply, the god which is the god of existance. I don't believe in any fairy tells, however they do have interest, which has not been refuted (aka the bible). The god of Quantum Quack is impossible to refute, however. But the god of the flying meat ball or whatever the hell , which is actual, is not dis prove either. I don't believe god will ever be refuted. And I want to believe that. And there is reason behind it.

Shove it.

Such eloquent dialog. There is no such god called, the god of existance. Please specify your god of choice?
My "god of choice" as you pretend to claim it,

is the god of our natural existances's existance or existance.... it simply isn't defined yet how god exists, therefore most of the atheists here are simply.... scratching sticks, as they refuse to believe their naturality.
My "god of choice" as you pretend to claim it,

is the god of our natural existances's existance or existance.... it simply isn't defined yet how god exists, therefore most of the atheists here are simply.... scratching sticks, as they refuse to believe their naturality.

I don't understand, is your god made up by you? What's his name?
This inane thread is still going on???


I see it has fallen upon (Q) to point out the lack of reason displayed by existabrent and VO....

Please specify your god of choice?

Alas, despite how many times a simple request for a definition is given, it never is delivered.

Thus, reasonable discussion cannot occur.
I call him existence.

That's all I need to know. So, you made him up. thanks.

Of course, that still leads to the same problem, in that you believe in this god you call 'existence' but you don't believe in all the other gods. So, you are in the same boat as the atheists. Very little difference.
No i am in no different boat than the atheists.

The flying spiegitti monster is a perfectly reliable god until all of him is disproven, which will not happen.

And the defination, Mr Glaucon the grandest, ... is hidden within all of my words. Shame, huh? Oh well. Check out my thread lost emotion at at the members. Shame. Hopefully this youngan will grow up and be happy, you say?

Either way, existence has many was a god can manefest. That is why I call him my god.
No i am in no different boat than the atheists.

The flying spiegitti monster is a perfectly reliable god until all of him is disproven, which will not happen.

And the defination, Mr Glaucon the grandest, ... is hidden within all of my words. Shame, huh? Oh well. Check out my thread lost emotion at at the members. Shame. Hopefully this youngan will grow up and be happy, you say?

Either way, existence has many was a god can manefest. That is why I call him my god.

You're in a completely different boat. The difference is that atheists don't believe in a FSM.

Can you try and describe your god for us?

And, if people seem to miss what you're trying to say, it's not cause they didn't read properly or ignored it. It's because your communication skills suck.
Thank you very much you edjucated bitch.

I have no emotion, give me a fucking infraction.

I have described it.
Pages back .

God exists because he is a part of our nature.
You cannot believe that there is no such thing as non-self, for example.
There are many examples of god and until they are refuted I will remain to believe in something "other than self".

Of course I could go on and on and on. There are more definations to go up my ass, somewhere.

The flying spiegitti monster is a perfectly reliable god until all of him is disproven, which will not happen.

Again, the problem is simply that it is illogical to say that existence is something that can be disproven. 'Proof' (sic) of existence is prima facie: something is either A or B; one cannot disprove not A, rather, one must (in this example) prove B.

And the defination, Mr Glaucon the grandest, ... is hidden within all of my words.

Then it fails to qualify as a definition. A definition must be explicit.
Thank you very much you edjucated bitch.

I have no emotion, give me a fucking infraction.

I have described it.
Pages back .

God exists because he is a part of our nature.
You cannot believe that there is no such thing as non-self, for example.
There are many examples of god and until they are refuted I will remain to believe in something "other than self".

Of course I could go on and on and on. There are more definations to go up my ass, somewhere.

I believe in plenty of things that are "other than self." Like rocks and stuff. Why does belief in god have to follow that thought process?
You don't know do you?

Well read some more. Read until you die. And when you have died then you may then perhaps understand that you are not dead and nothing, but dead with something.