Atheists here

Scientists performed many innumerable experiments to detect if the ether existed and detected nothing...this is evidence of absence...

No it is not; it's not evidence at all.

Existence ontologically is not mutually exclusive: the denial of one does not necessarily assert the other.

Well right now nothing can prove the existence nor non-existence of God because it's unverifiable...

In this, you are indeed correct.

It is interesting because they do not believe in a "diety". They have given up apparently, or rather, they fail to understand a Gods existence....
How is this different to god/gods?
What do you mean how is it different? Can you tell me which experiment can verify if God exists or not? That's how its different....

shaman_ said:
Which is why there are weak atheists and agnostic atheists.
Weak atheism is just the same as atheism except they don't want to admit that atheism requires faith so they say we're "weak atheist"..."we don't believe in God but we disbelieve in God" wtf?
What do you mean how is it different? Can you tell me which experiment can verify if God exists or not? That's how its different....
No it is the same thing. Scientists couldn't know for sure if the experiments to detect aether were the right ones either. The theory was left behind due to lack of evidence and better ones came along. The lack of evidence for god/gods is ignored by people because they desire to believe in magic deities - blind faith.

Weak atheism is just the same as atheism except they don't want to admit that atheism requires faith so they say we're "weak atheist"..."we don't believe in God but we disbelieve in God" wtf?
No the definition of weak athiesm is fairly clear. You just refuse to accept it.
God must exist in at least form. [ I] Do not deny it.

Why must a god or gods exist? You've not established this. There simply is no good reason to accept that there must be a god. Ontological arguments go on about "the most perfect being," "prime movers," "original causers," etc.,
but none of them provide an explanation that doesn't fit with a godless universe that doesn't require "creation." Indeed, the godless universe is more parsimonious and fits Occam's Razor since it doesn't include an infinite regression of "creators."

[A]thiests deny any of gods existance.

Some do. But the ones I know (including myself) simply state that there is no good reason to accept that the man-made concept of a god exists. Being an agnostic atheist, I recognize that I can't possibly know everything about the universe and thus cannot fully discount the existence of a god in it (I can't test every square km of the universe); but I don't accept the man-made explanations of the gods of humanity. Not Zeus, not Apollo, not Wotan, not Quetzecoatl, not Yahweh. There simply is no good reason to believe that either of these silly delusions of humanity are real.

You do not understand religion, you do not seem to .. care at all!

Being an anthropologist and archaeologist that specializes in ancient religion and cult practices, I'd say I'm far more credentialed in this area than you, but I'll not bother with it further.

Have you refuted Berkley? No?

Actually, yes. Indeed, many have. Berkeley was the nutty philosopher that believed that trees existed because we thought of them. And since there was no way that a tree in existence could exist all the time if we weren't always thinking about them, there must be an infinite being that is thinking about the tree in my backyard to hold that thing in existence. Thus, said Berkeley, a God must exist.

Does such nonsense really need detailed refutation?

Then you should probably not profess god does not exist. Have you refuted God? No? Well you should probably not be refuting him.

If there is a god, may he strike me down. Now. Right, freaking now........

I'm still here. God is refuted.
I agree atheists enjoy pretending that theism is so irrational when they possess the same evidence of absence, no reasoning why God doesn't exist, they think unverifiability = false, they will say that they will believe if there was evidence but cannot give an example of what can be considered as evidence, and really think that a Flying Spaghetti Monster has anything to do with existence or non-existence of can atheists being fools say anything that is not foolish?

YOU disproof the Flying Spaghetti Monster then VitalOne ! Come on, disproof him. Lets see if you can do it.
God must exist in at least form. [ I] Do not deny it. [A]thiests deny any of gods existance. You do not understand religion, you do not seem to .. care at all! Have you refuted Berkley? No? Then you should probably not profess god does not exist. Have you refuted God? No? Well you should probably not be refuting him.

i do understand religion, i was bought up in a Mormom household, but the bible just contradicts itself all of the time, yes it is a good story but thats all people should see in it, a good story!

the idea that one man will save us all, is atually quite absurd!! no i am not a believer and i do not have to proove that he doesnt exsist i have to see proof that he does exsist! and until someone can do that i will keep being an atheist
No it is the same thing. Scientists couldn't know for sure if the experiments to detect aether were the right ones either. The theory was left behind due to lack of evidence and better ones came along. The lack of evidence for god/gods is ignored by people because they desire to believe in magic deities - blind faith.
No, it's not a lack of evidence, but experimental evidence that shows that the concept of ether was for god/gods the lack of evidence is caused by unverifiability not someone performing an experiment and finding the concept of God's like someone saying there's no evidence for the many-worlds interpretation and being unable to give an example of evidence that can be considered as evidence of the many-worlds interpretation...

YOU disproof the Flying Spaghetti Monster then VitalOne ! Come on, disproof him. Lets see if you can do it.
Regardless if I could disprove the Flying Spaghetti Monster, it wouldn't tell us anything about the existence or non-existence of's like someone trying to disprove the theory of relativity by saying "well I don't believe in the geocentric theory" it doesn't make any sense...
Regardless if I could disprove the Flying Spaghetti Monster, it wouldn't tell us anything about the existence or non-existence of's like someone trying to disprove the theory of relativity by saying "well I don't believe in the geocentric theory" it doesn't make any sense...

It would however neatly illustrate why the burden of proof lies with you, and not with the atheists.
So.. do you or do you not believe in the Flying Spaghetti Monster ?
Haha... I figured you guys would be discussing this forever.

Skinwalker and Crunchy Cat:

Your arguements which I have failed to read, do not even begin to scratch the surface of the comments presented thusfar. Don't try to lure me into being an atheist when, theism is the only perspective which captures the essence of Gods existance as existing.
Your arguements which I have failed to read, do not even begin to scratch the surface of the comments presented thusfar

Perhaps it's just me, but if you failed to read their arguments how would you know they do not begin to scratch the surface?

A prime example of theist intelligence?
Crunchy Cat:

Your arguements which I have failed to read, do not even begin to scratch the surface of the comments presented thusfar.

How can you know so much about something you failed to read? Consequently, there was no argument in my post. 3 questions, 1 request, and 1 answer.

Don't try to lure me into being an atheist when, theism is the only perspective which captures the essence of Gods existance as existing.

Which is more important to you, the perspective or truth?
Both crunchy cat. You also fail to meet my demands.

Perhaps it's just me, but if you failed to read their arguments how would you know they do not begin to scratch the surface?

A prime example of theist intelligence?

I stated my premise.

To me, this post is a prime example of a person who is unwilling to discuss intellectually! LoL.

scorpius says:

" why not? "

existabrent responds:

Stick around. Hopefully the arguement I actually am presenting will be put forth in the end; and we will see as I origonally intended the stupidity of most of the atheistic claims here. The logical ones, are another matter. But the prejudices aganist theists are uncalled for. Hence the thread. I'll get back around with my origional statement, and, POSSIBLY, meet crunchy cats "Demand"
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