Atheists here

Kant for example, said that god must exist according to some ethical principal, don't remember that one...
You don't know do you?

Well read some more. Read until you die. And when you have died then you may then perhaps understand that you are not dead and nothing, but dead with something.

Of course I don't know, that's why I asked you. :rolleyes:
Oh god definately exists...

but it's just an idea.

The idea "god" definately exists.

But the subject of the idea as in "a being" could never be confirmed or denied with any real confidence.
Oh god definately exists...

but it's just an idea.

The idea "god" definately exists.

But the subject on the idea as in "a being" could never be confirmed or denied with any real confidence.

All quite correct, as I've pointed out previously.

The problem here is that a few people refuse to comprehend this kind of definition....
Well said wes. The idea is presented in a form which clarifys it for our audience of (not intended as a attack) "stOOpid" atheists.
All quite correct, as I've pointed out previously.

The problem here is that a few people refuse to comprehend this kind of definition....


Whassup man.

Kickass to interact with ya man. You and crunchy are two of my several favorites. :)

Wow Xev posted too. Madness.
Maybe god is death :D

God is "Life" be separated from Him is to exist in the state of death. One's only escape from this state of separation/death is faith in Jesus Christ.

The Living Word of God (both Written and Incarnate) gives Life to the dead.
But wes you are saying that the idea of god exists. The idea of it is something you cannot so easily refute. The it is the idea of god that gives rise to god.
Refuting a god is not the point, refuting the claims for god is the point.

That's why I asked you at the beginning of this thread which gods YOU don't believe in, or do you believe in them all?

Thor, Zeus, Apollo, Allah... take your pick and tell us which one you believe in and which one(s) you don't?

The issue of which God is not technically a problem. The point is, that at least one God must be present in the universe's creation, who claims to be all-powerful, all-knowing, and the creator. Some mythical Gods claim to rule the "sun" or "moon"; these don't warrant a God who created the universe. The criteria any God must follow is, He must say He created all the universe.

Last edited by SkinWalker : 07-25-07 at 01:11 AM. Reason: Removed most of the unintelligent trolling but left the unintelligent mispellings

LOL: SkinWalker, you misspelled "mispellings"! Pot calling the kettle black, eh?
Mainly the one about the words i'm seeing being reflected back into my eyes or whatever... that one.

Do you have a problem with words being reflected back into your eyes?

the othern, which does not concern you, is the loss of emotion. Which i have started a thread 4 in bout members.

Sounds loony.

Forgot what I said, and I frankly don't give a rats ass.

Have you ever given a rats ass? Must make an aweful gift.

I doubt you or anyone else on this site can disprove Gods existance, much less, the god of Quantum Quack.

Give me some details about <place your favorite diety here>. I'll disprove it for you.
It's all what you make it

Existabrent said:

God must exist in at least form

Sure. Ideas exist. Gods don't create people. It works the other way 'round.

God is a concept,
By which we can measure
Our pain.
I'll say it again:
God is a concept
By which we can measure
Our pain.
I don't believe in magic.
I don't believe in I-ching.
I don't believe in bible.
I don't believe in tarot.
I don't believe in Hitler.
I don't believe in Jesus.
I don't believe in Kennedy.
I don't believe in Buddha.
I don't believe in mantra.
I don't believe in Gita.
I don't believe in yoga.
I don't believe in kings.
I don't believe in Elvis.
I don't believe in Zimmerman.
I don't believe in Beatles.
I just believe in me.
Yoko and me.
And that's reality.
The dream is over.
What can I say?
The dream is over.
I was dreamweaver,
But now I'm reborn.
I was the walrus,
But now I'm John.
And so dear friends,
You just have to carry on,
The dream is over.

(John Lennon)​
The issue of which God is not technically a problem. The point is, that at least one God must be present in the universe's creation, who claims to be all-powerful, all-knowing, and the creator. Some mythical Gods claim to rule the "sun" or "moon"; these don't warrant a God who created the universe. The criteria any God must follow is, He must say He created all the universe.

So, one mythical claim is supposed to have credibility over another, merely based on 'one' parameter? :rolleyes:

The Flying Spaghetti Monster DID create the universe. That is a fact. ;)
The Flying Spaghetti Monster DID create the universe. That is a fact. ;)

Wrath of the FSM?

So, one mythical claim is supposed to have credibility over another, merely based on 'one' parameter? :rolleyes:

The Flying Spaghetti Monster DID create the universe. That is a fact. ;)

As long as you acknowledge an intelligent creator of the univese, I have no problem. Associating the creator with a specific name or image is immaterial and not of any concern to me. You can call the creator a "Flying Spaghetti Monster", and you can tag images to His or Her name. Far be it for me to judge you on something so harmless to me.
As long as you acknowledge an intelligent creator of the univese, I have no problem.

You SHOULD have a problem with that, that is the point. How many "intelligent creators" will mankind invent before you do have a problem?