Atheists here

I agree atheists enjoy pretending that theism is so irrational when they possess the same evidence of absence, no reasoning why God doesn't exist, they think unverifiability = false, they will say that they will believe if there was evidence but cannot give an example of what can be considered as evidence, and really think that a Flying Spaghetti Monster has anything to do with existence or non-existence of can atheists being fools say anything that is not foolish?

i think a lot of people calling themselves atheists are merely opposed to organised religion. there are a lot of contradictions within the bible (depending on your interpretation), and the behaviour of many zealous people is dislikeable. they don't want to be part of the same crowd, and they don't see the religion as the most plausible explanation of everything.

mention of the spaghetti monster is just alluding to the fact that there are so many hundreds of sects of different religions, and everyone thinks they've got it right and the others are wrong. shows how easily people get sucked into religion.

if you approached an atheist and said 'is it possible that the universe was created by something other than the big bang' rather than 'do you believe in the lord almighty who sees everything and goes around smiting and judging, and owns your ass' i reckon you'd be getting very different responses.
Athiests deny any of gods existence.

No they don't

You do not understand religion, you do not seem to .. care at all!

Yes they do (at least I do) , Yes they do (at least I do)

Have you refuted Berkley? No? Then you should probably not profess god does not exist.

I don't profess that god doesn't exist - so why do I need to refute Berkeley

Have you refuted God?

No - haven't bothered - its not important

Well you should probably not be refuting him.

I'm not.

Sisyphus - I think the problem you have here is that you are only talking about what dark-haired atheists think - I'm blonde)ish) so I have other ideas about atheism - redheads think differently to both grouos