How do you know God was made up???
How do you know he wasn't?
Also you're using an argument from ignorance...
Of course the obviouse irony is that your original argument, VitalOne, was from ignorance, Q simply responded with the exact same one. Of course Q claims god was made up, the proof lies in the fact that nobody claims god wrote the bible, everyone (eg priests) who I have spoken to state that it was indeed created by humans; "God was made up as intended reality, an intended truth": the writers did intend it to be a book of truth, thus they made up this god from their ideas (even if they were based on sound evidence of god, thoug hwe can't prove that.) No this does not mean god does not exist, but it means there is still no proof for him to exist.
The difference between the bible and the book on the FSM is that in one, we assume the authors beleived what they were writing, and the other, the others didnt beleive. However, beleif does not effect truth.
you atheists will try any cheap tactic in order to preserve and protect the atheistic faith-based belief do this in order to win converts and to promote and spread the faith...
Reductio ad absurdum the "cheap tactic" you are reffering too, and a valid argument. It doesn't say much for you that your counter-point is an argument ad hominem either.
No, I don't understand at all...what does any of this have to do with God, the causeless cause?
All of these (God, and invisible pink unicorn, and a teapot floating in space) have 2 identicle characteristics: neither have evidence proven in favour of them, and neither have evidence disproving them. Thus, we have the same amount of knowlege of the existance of each, ie: God is just as much likely to exist, or not exist, as an invisible pink unicorn.
No, none of it is hard evidence and this is ALL intended fiction,
Well, the fact is we happen to know weather those sources of the FSM were made by humans or not, but that does not disproove the FSM.
Just because something has been made up as fiction doesnt mean the idea could not be correct.
The point is to demonstrate how atheists see texts such as the bible: useless, not a provable text of god.
Yeah, you're right atheism is entirely based off ridiculing theism...
Once again, ad hominem.
If you say that FSM has the EXACT same attributes, properties, characteristics, etc...of God then I would say there's no point in the word's just another tactic used to ridicule theists and preserve the atheistic faith-based belief system....why call something a Flying Spaghetti Monster if it has absolutely nothing to do with anything flying, spaghetti, or monster-like?
Of course, if your definition of god then happened to coincide with the attributes of the predicted singularity which precluded the big bang (see Hawkings works) then in turn, god would be a pointless word...
Ok...God is the unborn, unmade, the causeless cause, the cause of all causes, always present within you, the cause of all existence, the one without second, unchanging, the non-doer, smaller than the smallest particle, the origin of all things, the source of all, the origin of reality itself, the basis of all realities/universes, etc...
So, let's compare to a singularity then:
-unborn and unmade: in a singularity, time has no meaning, so it cannot be born or made.
-the causeless cause, the cause of all causes, the cause of all existence, the origin of all things, the source of all, the origin of reality itself, (grouped these together since they essentialy mean the same thing): since time has broken down, so has causality, thus it is the starting chain of all causes, it is the start of all existance, and the origin of reality etc...
-the one without second, unchanging: once again, no time = no change and thus no seconds.
-the basis of all realities/universes: well that's the very basis of the theory.
-smaller than the smallest particle: indeed, such a singularity would have been infinitly small.
-always present within you: ah, the oddball, a very vague statement too. However, the universe is always presant within me, and it was the singularity, thus one could say it is always within me.
So then, looks like god is just a fancy name for the singularity that was the universe before the bigbang.