Atheists: Get A Life!!!!!

No atheists ever tried to ban private nativity scenes. All religious accessories should be banned from any institution financed by taxpayer money because when you start to do that, you are officially sanctioning religion. This creates an atmosphere of religious freedom, because there is no official religion. Religious people, of all people, should realize this.
Right. All religious access should be banned from any taxpayer financed institution. Meanwhile, Obama was sworn in on Abe Lincoln's bible. Meanwhile, people are sworn in before testifying in court and invoke the name of God and even sometimes use a bible. to do so. Every session of Congress is opened with a prayer. Our currency invokes the name of God. But a nativity scene on the town square! Heaven forbid! That's an establishment of a Church of America!!!! Stop being so oversensitive and intolerant.
Right. All religious access should be banned from any taxpayer financed institution. Meanwhile, Obama was sworn in on Abe Lincoln's bible. Meanwhile, people are sworn in before testifying in court and invoke the name of God and even sometimes use a bible. to do so. Every session of Congress is opened with a prayer. Our currency invokes the name of God. But a nativity scene on the town square! Heaven forbid! That's an establishment of a Church of America!!!! Stop being so oversensitive and intolerant.

Yeah, I have a real problem with all of those things. They are incompatible with a secular state.
I think atheists will make the world a dull and dreary place.

Nobody will be able to celebrate anything without upsetting them and having their dull signs and tedious lawsuits to inject misery in every happy occasion. :bawl:

Soon you'll have their miserable pronouncements overshadowing every festival, Christmas will become a commercial enterprise lacking any cheer, nativity scenes will disappear, churches will be abandoned and replaced with sterile ugly [but practical] buildings. It will become impossible to have a Santa in the store and choirs and carollers will be banned. No more Christmas lights, Easter baskets no more public adhans or Diwali crackers in public.

Everyone will be dull and practical and live like drones.

Everyone will be rationalised to death.

You are confusing public with government funded things, so your criticism is unfounded. Churches are private buildings, christmas lights are mostly on private homes (although the lights could be considered secular, as long as they aren't shaped like a cross).
I can just see all the billboards with atheist advertising, all the Christmas decorations with athiest signs overshadowing them, athiests putting up lawsuits for anyone saying God on television or in books and movies. :bawl:
Some religion like Christianity and Buddhism make our society a lot better. Atheists doesn't have a religion to keep them in line.
M*W: Why do you think atheists need an imaginary god to keep them in line? What religion keeps you in line?
I think atheists will make the world a dull and dreary place.

Agreed, the excitement of holy wars, suicide bombers and commercial airliners hitting buildings will certainly makes ones blood tingle, if not boil.

Everyone will be dull and practical and live like drones.

Absolutely, who wouldn't want to live the highly stimulating lifestyle of a Saudi?
Agreed, the excitement of holy wars, suicide bombers and commercial airliners hitting buildings will certainly makes ones blood tingle, if not boil.

Absolutely, who wouldn't want to live the highly stimulating lifestyle of a Saudi?

^^^ Debbie Downer exhibit A :bawl:
It only applies to government funded things, not all the private trappings of Christmas we see every year, I have no problem with that.
Since the majority of taxpayers are theists, shouldn't they have a say in how their government funds stuff?
No, that's called the tyranny of the majority. You can't vote for slavery if you want it, you can't vote for all kinds of things that violate my rights.
Sounds more like tyranny of the minority. Its mostly their money, why should a minority have the say in how its spent? If atheists don't like nativity scenes in parks thats subjective, why shouldn't other people celebrate their religion because atheists are grumpy wet blankets?
Another example of the intolerance of atheists. We're trying to have a discussion about getting along, live and let live, yet it's constantly the atheists hurling insults. "You're insane!!! You're superstitous! You're revolting!" Really, your own words speak for themselves. Do you hear me calling you a heathen or a Godless SOB destined to burn in hell? Why can't you discuss the issue without insults? Why must you denigrate the beliefs of others? Are you that insecure about your own beliefs?

You do know that you are crazy, right? You worship a fictional character. And you people are mind-raping another innocent generation. Turning them into potential bigots who will impede our progress towards a nobler society.

I think the Italians are wising up...
You do know that you are crazy, right? You worship a fictional character. And you people are mind-raping another innocent generation. Turning them into potential bigots who will impede our progress towards a nobler society.

I think the Italians are wising up...

Warning: YET another atheist evangelist!!!!
I preach reason. You preach pedophilia.

The preaching we do have in common.

Let me know when athiests manage to build a society that survives.

And girls having sexual feelings and making a choice to act on them is not pedophilia.

Gotta focuz on the girl and her choice and not so much on the sex is a dirty dirty thing dogma.
Sounds more like tyranny of the minority. Its mostly their money, why should a minority have the say in how its spent? If atheists don't like nativity scenes in parks thats subjective, why shouldn't other people celebrate their religion because atheists are grumpy wet blankets?

Nothing wrong with it in your country, perhaps, but it's against the constitution here. It guarantees religious freedom for everyone by ensuring the government does not endorse one religion over another, or religion over no-religion.
Nothing wrong with it in your country, perhaps, but it's against the constitution here. It guarantees religious freedom for everyone by ensuring the government does not endorse one religion over another, or religion over no-religion.

So? No one is endorsing one religion over another. If the majority of people are Christian, you'll see a majority of Christian celebrations. But when a minority force their choice upon the majority, that is endorsing one religion over another.

Basically, atheist demands are unconstitutional.
Let me know when athiests manage to build a society that survives.

Let me know when particle physicists build a society that survives, let me know when artists, sculptors and poets build a society that survives, let me know when... This is a faulty argument, since religion isn't necessarily the thing that ensures that society survives. Mostly, who survives is the most agressive, militant culture with the best technology and abundant natural resources.
So? No one is endorsing one religion over another. If the majority of people are Christian, you'll see a majority of Christian celebrations. But when a minority force their choice upon the majority, that is endorsing one religion over another.

Basically, atheist demands are unconstitutional.

Secular demands, not atheist demands. Anyway, people are still free to celebrate all they want, just not with public money or property.