Atheists: Get A Life!!!!!

Seems very dog in the manger to me.

I don't believe in God so you should not celebrate your religion in public kinda thing.

I mean, what is this?

A few months ago, the Illinois legislature had passed a law requiring public schools to observe a moment of silence in the classroom.

The law was called the “Silent Reflection and Student Prayer Act.”

Atheists Rob Sherman and his daughter Dawn Sherman filed a lawsuit against the bill leading to an injunction.

We’ve been in limbo regarding the law until now…

But there’s finally some good news to report!

A new version of the law — stripped of the “prayer” reference and making the moment of silence optional for educators — was voted on in the Illinois House today.

An atheism-promoting organization has withdrawn its lawsuit demanding that Christian baptisms of children be banned in Italy, after a U.S.-based legal team took on the defense of a bishop and the Roman Catholic Church there.

"This was a preposterous lawsuit, and we are pleased that it has been dropped," said Joseph Infranco, senior counsel for the Arizona-based Alliance Defense Fund.

However, he said, "Americans should be aware that such lawsuits may seem far-fetched, but they really are happening … foreign legal decisions are increasingly cited in American courts."

The ADF battled back when the Italian Union of Rationalist Atheists and Agnostics filed a lawsuit seeking an end to all baptisms of children in Italy. The organization alleged the practice encroached on its religious freedom and violated Italian Constitutional Court precedents regarding free will and personal privacy in religious decisions.

The organization alleged the law does not allow parents to enroll their children in certain groups such as trade unions, therefore the law also "does not allow, as well, that the parents may decide their children become members of a religious association."

The Alliance Defense Fund reported the plaintiff in the case was demanding that his name be erased from a baptism registry in what was described as a type of "debaptism."

An atheist group has unveiled an anti-religion placard in the Washington state Capitol, joining a Christian Nativity scene and "holiday tree" on display during December.

The placard reads: "At this season of the Winter Solstice may reason prevail. There are no gods, no devils, no angels, no heaven or hell. There is only our natural world. Religion is but myth and superstition that hardens hearts and enslaves minds."

The foundation's co-president, Dan Barker, said it was important for atheists to offer their viewpoint alongside the overtly religious Nativity scene and Christmas-style holiday tree.

"Our members want equal time," Barker said. "Not to muscle, not to coerce, but just to have a place at the table."

American Atheists Regional Director Gil lawrence Amancio won his battle early today to challenge the constitutionality of a nativity scene displayed in a public park in Somerset, Massachusetts. With the help of the local American Civil Liberties Union, Amancio argued that the creche endorsed a specific religious belief, advanced religion, and thus violated the establishment clause of the First Amendment.

Nothing better to do? "Friendly athiest" indeed. Atheism should be renamed as "Sour Notism" or how to introduce a sour note in an otherwise happy occasion. The Debbie Downer of belief systems.
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^ Those all seem like better causes than the rape and molestation of young women and the murder of female family members that are caught kissing.
Oh are atheists interested in those causes too? Or is it only frivolous lawsuits that make them tedious social companions?

The Supreme Court rejected an appeal Tuesday from an atheist father over Boy Scout recruiting at his son's public school.

John Scalise had asked the court to bar public schools from opening their doors to Boy Scout recruiters and promoting membership, arguing that the group discriminates against nonreligious boys and parents by denying them membership if they don't swear to religious oaths.

Scalise's dispute with the Scouts dates back to 1998, when his son was a third-grader in Mount Pleasant, Mich.

He claims he and his son were barred from a Scout program at the elementary school because they would not pledge "to do my duty to God and my country." They are nonreligious Humanists.

Oh for heavens sakes!
there are always people who take it too far with their ideas?
is that something new? no. fanatics are to be found everywhere.
humanity is unable to reach such a level of tolerance where people would stop caring what kind of words one is using in their speeches.

anyway why does religion need to be involved in politics? =S

btw, my god is rainbow coloured:D
Just harping on the cognitive dissonance of those who don't want other people to "impose their beliefs" going around imposing theirs.


Edwin Kagin, a Boone County lawyer and the national legal director of American Atheists, said he was appalled to read in the Herald-Leader last week that state law establishes praising God – and installing a plaque in God’s honor – as the first duty of the Homeland Security Office.

The plaintiffs ask for the homeland security law to be stripped of its references to God. They also ask for monetary damages, claiming to have suffered sleeping disorders and “mental pain and anguish.”

“Plaintiffs also suffer anxiety from the belief that the existence of these unconstitutional laws suggest that their very safety as residents of Kentucky may be in the hands of fanatics, traitors or fools,” according to the suit.

Just harping on the cognitive dissonance of those who don't want other people to "impose their beliefs" going around imposing theirs.

Every example you have given is one of atheists attempting to PREVENT someone else from imposing THEIR beliefs on them. It isn't an imposition of their "non belief", it is them asking you nutcases to stop forcing your superstition on the rest of society, especially children too young to know they are being brainwashed.

Please provide some examples of atheists going into churches or people's homes and trying to convince them that there is no god. THEN you will have a parallel for the bullshit that theists do daily.

Since you are one of the insane, you can not see or experience the hell it is for a non-believer to have other peoples fantasy shoved down your throat all day long. It is revolting and I fully support every case you have presented which attempts to end this nonsense.
Every example you have given is one of atheists attempting to PREVENT someone else from imposing THEIR beliefs on them. It isn't an imposition of their "non belief", it is them asking you nutcases to stop forcing your superstition on the rest of society, especially children too young to know they are being brainwashed.

What part of not imposing your ideology on other people is hard to fathom? Atheism per se is a negative movement. Anti-everything they don't agree with. Not pro-anything
What is this thread? Stupid Trolling Fundamentalists United?
We really should abbreviate that to S.T.F.U.
What part of not imposing your ideology on other people is hard to fathom? Atheism per se is a negative movement. Anti-everything they don't agree with. Not pro-anything

That's my point. You are whining and moaning in here about atheists forcing their opinions on people, but these cases are about the exact opposite.

You are being a hypocrite or you just aren't getting it. Most likely both.
It's not just atheists, but anyone that isn't a monotheist who should be worried about the endorsement of the idea of God as a matter of official policy. "So help me God" isn't a part of the oath of office, so why even include it? Why don't people care? ...Because it happens to coincide with their own religion, perhaps? What if it didn't?

I have since learned that the oath for Vice President does contain the phrase, "so help me God". This is especially ironic, since Jesus said to, "...take no oaths, let your yes mean yes, and your no mean no...".
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That's my point. You are whining and moaning in here about atheists forcing their opinions on people, but these cases are about the exact opposite.

Nope they are not. In all the above examples which of the opinions are not atheistic?
Every example you have given is one of atheists attempting to PREVENT someone else from imposing THEIR beliefs on them. It isn't an imposition of their "non belief", it is them asking you nutcases to stop forcing your superstition on the rest of society, especially children too young to know they are being brainwashed.
What about the Italian case SAM listed where the atheists sought to ban baptism? What the fuck is that? That is, essentially, banning Christianity. Or the case trying to barr the boyscouts of America from public schools? That's complete bullshit. Or trying to ban nativity scenes? Again, atheists trying to prevent others from celebrating their faith. I liked the case SAM quoted where the atheists just put up their own sign saying there is no God. You want equal time or equal access to the public square, fine. But when you seek to barr someone from the public square or the public school based upon religious affiliation, that's wrong.
Since you are one of the insane, you can not see or experience the hell it is for a non-believer to have other peoples fantasy shoved down your throat all day long. It is revolting and I fully support every case you have presented which attempts to end this nonsense.
Another example of the intolerance of atheists. We're trying to have a discussion about getting along, live and let live, yet it's constantly the atheists hurling insults. "You're insane!!! You're superstitous! You're revolting!" Really, your own words speak for themselves. Do you hear me calling you a heathen or a Godless SOB destined to burn in hell? Why can't you discuss the issue without insults? Why must you denigrate the beliefs of others? Are you that insecure about your own beliefs?
No atheists ever tried to ban private nativity scenes. All religious accessories should be banned from any institution financed by taxpayer money because when you start to do that, you are officially sanctioning religion. This creates an atmosphere of religious freedom, because there is no official religion. Religious people, of all people, should realize this.
. All religious accessories should be banned from any institution financed by taxpayer money because when you start to do that, you are officially sanctioning religion. This creates an atmosphere of religious freedom, because there is no official religion. Religious people, of all people, should realize this.

What if the majority of people are theists and like to spend their taxpayer money on such things?
I think atheists will make the world a dull and dreary place.

Nobody will be able to celebrate anything without upsetting them and having their dull signs and tedious lawsuits to inject misery in every happy occasion. :bawl:

Soon you'll have their miserable pronouncements overshadowing every festival, Christmas will become a commercial enterprise lacking any cheer, nativity scenes will disappear, churches will be abandoned and replaced with sterile ugly [but practical] buildings. It will become impossible to have a Santa in the store and choirs and carollers will be banned. No more Christmas lights, Easter baskets no more public adhans or Diwali crackers in public.

Everyone will be dull and practical and live like drones.

Everyone will be rationalised to death.
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