Atheists: Get A Life!!!!!

I wish I could go back in time an grab some grubby Neanderthal man and ask him to make sense of the world and what it has become. It seems back then, humans were simply allowed to be, without all of this religious propaganda.

Its funny how in a time where god didnt exist it did not affect the love and growth of the great cavemen, free to roam the planet without an imaginary creature (god) dictating their every move.

Oh and by the way, in this day and age, if you hear a voice in your head (even if it is the word of god) it is called scitzophrenia.
I wish I could go back in time an grab some grubby Neanderthal man and ask him to make sense of the world and what it has become. It seems back then, humans were simply allowed to be, without all of this religious propaganda.

Its funny how in a time where god didnt exist it did not affect the love and growth of the great cavemen, free to roam the planet without an imaginary creature (god) dictating their every move.

Oh and by the way, in this day and age, if you hear a voice in your head (even if it is the word of god) it is called scitzophrenia.

I agree with your sentiments, but do you really consider the "great" Neanderthal an ikon of love, freedom and filled with worldly sense? My understanding of anthropology was that they ate each other, hadn't the skill to throw spears (they used them to stab with), lived in small harem groups and died out because he could not compete with us humans.

Also, what enabled us humans to live in large groups that could kill game the Neanderthal could not kill was that we had language-based ideological systems that gave our large groups a feeling of unity and brotherhood. Those ideological systems were primitive, but they grew better over time. Now we have what we call a secular one. In time, we will do better still.
Belief in "spirits" is not neceasarily part of ideology---only the old and now obsolete ones.

I wish I could go back in time an grab some grubby Neanderthal man and ask him to make sense of the world and what it has become. It seems back then, humans were simply allowed to be, without all of this religious propaganda.
i wish you could too..but i'm sure you'd be disappointed..
Its funny how in a time where god didnt exist it did not affect the love and growth of the great cavemen, free to roam the planet without an imaginary creature (god) dictating their every move.
i think it's funny too..only i think because it's atheists didn't exist then..
Oh and by the way, in this day and age, if you hear a voice in your head (even if it is the word of god) it is called scitzophrenia.

exactly..THIS day and age..
My understanding of anthropology was that they ate each other, hadn't the skill to throw spears (they used them to stab with), lived in small harem groups and died out because he could not compete with us humans.

I think your understanding would be largely wrong. For instance, there is far more evidence of modern humans eating one another than H. neanderthalensis.

Effective spear throwing necessitates the atlatl, which is a technology the Neanderthal didn't possess, but also one that many human cultures never possessed.

I don't think I've ever read or heard Neanderthal lifeway described as "harem groups."