atheists don't have the right to be atheists.


I'm not allowed???
If we were allowing only sensible things, 98% of your posts would be deleted, including that 1.

Hardly anyone is just shrugging it off, obviously.

It's delusional if you can prove it's not delusional???


if no one can prove it's not delusional, how can you say it's delusional? what makes a fact not a delusion, other that no one can prove it so?

if a delusion deludes EVERYONE, how would anyone know?

it's the foundation for the "we might be brain in vats" theory.

and mind you, even if that's so, then god exists:D
Can you prove his existence? If not, what shall we call you?

Delusional seems more appropriate and well defines that scenario.

so if a kid can't prove the relativity theory he's delusional?

if I can't prove it , that says little.

if I can prove it, that says a lot.

the concept is not depending on me, it is remotely connected, that's all.

now if a BIG muslim scholar can't prove it, THEN we're talking.
In my dictionary, you need evidence of falsification of a hypothesis before its acceptance can be termed a delusion.

What does your dictionary say?
so if a kid can't prove the relativity theory he's delusional?

Strawman argument.

if I can't prove it , that says little.

if I can prove it, that says a lot.

the concept is not depending on me, it is remotely connected, that's all.

now if a BIG muslim scholar can't prove it, THEN we're talking.

So, you can't demonstrate your god exists. Why not just admit it?
In my dictionary, you need evidence of falsification of a hypothesis before its acceptance can be termed a delusion.

What does your dictionary say?

Since when did Islam define the existence of Allah as a hypothesis? I thought it was a fact according to Islam?

Which is it? A fact or a hypothesis?
if no one can prove it's not delusional, how can you say it's delusional? what makes a fact not a delusion, other that no one can prove it so?

if a delusion deludes EVERYONE, how would anyone know?

it's the foundation for the "we might be brain in vats" theory.

and mind you, even if that's so, then god exists

You persist in producing evidence that you will believe in your god regardless of anything & everything. IF somehow it were proven we are brains in vats, everything in our "world" is suspect. Even IF before that you produced some evidence of your god (which you haven't), once it's proven that we are brains in vats all that evidence means nothing.
Obviously, you believe because you want to and/or you have to & absolutely nothing will make any difference in that. Regardless of validity because you have blinded yourself to it. You blather on about "reasons" yet it is only foolhardy fallacious faith.