Atheistic Evangelism

Okay, you guys are not understanding what I'm saying.

I am saying that I don't put it past a moral and rational person to commit murder. I am just saying that a rational person has the potential, not motivation, to commit murder. We are not immune just because we are rational and moral today. If the circumstance were right, we all have the potential to have a case of "temporary insanity." Take a look at your families and your friend's families. Is Joey, Steve's son, not letting Steve see Jane (Joey's daughter) because Joey doesn't agree with Steve divorcing his wife and also because Joey is able to stay at Pauline's (Steve's wife) house and would have no other place to live if Joey sided with Steve? If you do not have experiences like this, you live a sheltered life and are naive by definition. This is why the most seemingly most moral, rational person is not immune to taking a little boy in the back and touching him.

I am also not saying Christians are immune to being irrational and immoral. I am saying that a higher power reinforcing moral behavior increases the chaches of having rational thought in desperate circumstances. You all say the world would be better off without religion, in some ways I agree: I also conversely propose that if we all believed in one god, we would be peaceful. Perhaps it is our division that causes the conflicts and that we all need to be on one side of the road or the other.
I will answer these even though your coming from an irrational stand point.
jayleew said:
True, religion does divide, but we are not a bunch of Spocks who do not succumb to illogical feelings and emotions. When we are moved, we act regardless of morality, and many times without thinking first.
and also because you think theres an after life, if you did'nt, then you would hold all life to be sacred, irrespective of you angst towards someone, and therefore would be less likely to kill.( your more prone to kill if you think, it dont matter, there going to somewhere better.)
jayleew said:
Because we are not beings that are always rational, we all lose our rationality (good or bad) at one point or another, we are not robots.
hence why the religious kill.
jayleew said:
Do you think a soon to be murderer wakes up and says to himself, "Oh, I think i'm going to murder someone today"? I bet he is a rational person most of the time.
a lunatic or a delusional mind could quite easierly think the way of a killer and plan ahead. for a rational man if something happen during the course of the day, (like somebody trying to rob him with a knife, and he manages to turn the tables and kill the robber)this would make him to do something irrational then yes he doesnt wake thinking he will murder today.
jayleew said:
No, I am saying this because I turn on the television, read the newspaper and see best friends, lovers, brothers, fathers, sons, kill each other, steal from one another, rape, and you fill the blank. I see perfectly rational people in my family make immoral decisions because it works to their benefit.
and 99.9999% of those are religious or believe in god.
jayleew said:
Good example. People are not peaceful by nature. We are a slave to our emotions. We are not robots who are only capable of rational thought.
only if your not told that life is sacred, children are brought up fearing god and anybody whos not the same as them, cease to indoctrinate them and eradicate religion and peace will follow.
jayleew said:
I am no different than you. I live a life of reason and rationale, but emotions and instincts get in the way.
too much though.
jayleew said:
Donald Trump, most of Hollywood, and definitely the music industry. Anytime money is involved, rational thought fails to survive. Our survival instincts kick in, and our emotions finish us off.
and who has been the prime grabber of money since the begining, the church.
jayleew said:
Who on Earth has not at least lied one time or another? You are naive to say that people are rational beings that will get along just fine without religion. Regardless of what I believe, religion is a tool to control the people.
exactly and that all it's ever been.
it's about time that those who wield the tool, should have it taken away from them. and it destroyed.
jayleew said:
I am saying that a higher power reinforcing moral behavior increases the chaches of having rational thought in desperate circumstances.
What makes you think that atheists do not accept a higher power enforcing moral behaviour? If I step outside the boundaries of the law, I can be judged and my freedom arrested. Personally, I have no trouble accepting that.
Yorda said:
Hey, what's going on? It wasn't such a long time you said water was the most intelligent person you have met (or something similar)
Yeah, I said "she may be one of the smartest people I know," or something similar, but that doesn't mean I think her wise.
mouse said:
What makes you think that atheists do not accept a higher power enforcing moral behaviour? If I step outside the boundaries of the law, I can be judged and my freedom arrested. Personally, I have no trouble accepting that.

Man's law is only man's law if you get caught. Religion's law is higher than any court.

So you can honestly say to me that if there was a foolproof plan to rob a bank and you definitely would not be caught, nor would it affect your relationships, you would not go through with it?
jayleew said:
Man's law is only man's law if you get caught. Religion's law is higher than any court.
In my youth I was raised as a catholic. Basically, I could sin, but as long as I repented and confessed my sins to a priest, chances were that God would forgive me.

The law, however, is not quite so forgiving.
mouse said:
In my youth I was raised as a catholic. Basically, I could sin, but as long as I repented and confessed my sins to a priest, chances were that God would forgive me.

The law, however, is not quite so forgiving.

I was also raised as a Catholic. There are so many things about Catholics that is wrong that it isn't even funny. I'm not saying that someone can't find God in the Catholic church, but that it is easy to go astray there because they are religious and a subject to traditions.

I was shown the truth in scripture.

The Israelites played games with God, worshipped him one moment, then spit in his face the next. The Lord slaughtered thousands of the rebellious. Today we live in grace, but God still doesn't play games.
The Lord slaughtered thousands of the rebellious. Today we live in grace, but God still doesn't play games.

You see this? You all seem to secretly revel in the impending slaughter of the "heathens"! You are, deep down, troubled and sick. You threaten us with it every chance you get. This is where the historical thread of violence in religion stems from. We're right, you're wrong, and if you don't think so - KABLAM!

superluminal said:
You see this? You all seem to secretly revel in the impending slaughter of the "heathens"! You are, deep down, troubled and sick. You threaten us with it every chance you get. This is where the historical thread of violence in religion stems from. We're right, you're wrong, and if you don't think so - KABLAM!


Why are getting defensive? All I said is that God has killed thousands of his own people. They were not "heathens" They played games with God. With him one moment, then against him the next. I use this point to illustrate that God's law is no less strict, or to be taken less serious, than our nation's laws, as mouse hinted. Don't get defensive, I'm not a Lawdog. And I have played games with God before and he won.

I don't at all mean to threaten, I'm sorry!! I am merely trying to fight the idea that the world would be better without religion because I don't agree. And there is enough crap in the news to support my view of life without God, and life playing games with God. I don't want to be violent at all, if anyone deserves death, it's me. You are free to choose, God never wanted his faith at the point of a gun. All you would have are rebellious terrorists if he did that. If you look at the Crusades, the first one was self defense, and was victorious. The others were not so victorious, and were to spread religious beliefs.
This is why the most seemingly most moral, rational person is not immune to taking a little boy in the back and touching him

True, but that does not support your argument since priests are continually taking little boys in the back and doing more than touching them. Religious people, no matter how devote, get caught doing the most sinister of atrocities.

I also conversely propose that if we all believed in one god, we would be peaceful. Perhaps it is our division that causes the conflicts and that we all need to be on one side of the road or the other.

It is better not to believe in gods at all, for even if all were to believe in one god, each individual will still have their own versions of that one god, and they will all disagree. That has already been shown on this forum.

If everyone did not believe in gods, we would have nothing to disagree upon except matters of reality. We would join together and provide solutions to real problems.

If you look at the Crusades, the first one was self defense, and was victorious.

I understand your position. Just one point:

The first crusade was a horrific bloodbath perpetrated by christians against muslims who had been there for almost 500 years. When Umar took Jerusalem in the 7th century there was no bloodshed and the people were given their property. Jerusalem was (and is) important to muslims also.

I of course think the world woud be better off with RATIONALISM as the guiding principle, rather than blind faith in old books or new leaders. Religion would then just naturally fade away.

If everyone did not believe in gods, we would have nothing to disagree upon except matters of reality. We would join together and provide solutions to real problems.

Tell It Brotha! I feel the love!

scientia, ratiocinatio, pax
So you can honestly say to me that if there was a foolproof plan to rob a bank and you definitely would not be caught, nor would it affect your relationships, you would not go through with it?

Yet, religious people, of which the prisons are full, will go ahead with that plan, regardless.

The Lord slaughtered thousands of the rebellious.

Cruel punishment for the innocent from a just and loving being. Believe or die!

And there is enough crap in the news to support my view of life without God, and life playing games with God.

That is where you're wrong. That 'crap' is being commited by people who ARE religious. They are you and your kind.

God never wanted his faith at the point of a gun.

But you just said he slaughters those who spit in his face - why are you contradicting yourself?
(Q) said:
So you can honestly say to me that if there was a foolproof plan to rob a bank and you definitely would not be caught, nor would it affect your relationships, you would not go through with it?

Yet, religious people, of which the prisons are full, will go ahead with that plan, regardless.

Yes, religious people use God to justify their actions. It is no wonder the leading statistic for executions for the crime of murder are Catholic. The Pharisees were religious too, and look how much Jesus loved them. People, most Catholics don't even bring their Bibles to church on Sunday morning. The day's readings are provided in a small digest called a Missal. They could easily put screwy stuff in there without anyone knowing it.

I was Catholic for 19 years and went without reading the Bible, but yet felt I was on God's side, a good Christian boy. I went to church every now and then and said to my family, "Wow! Don't you feel good now?" And they'd say, "Oh yeah, I feel so good!" Then, we'd go home and do whatever we felt like. That is the life for the average Catholic. I'm not bashing Catholics, I'm bashing the traditions of the Catholic church and what can breed from getting caught up in religion and forgetting about God.

(Q) said:
The Lord slaughtered thousands of the rebellious.

Cruel punishment for the innocent from a just and loving being. Believe or die!
What would you do if you told your son to behave, and he did for a little while, then cursed you, and you told him to behave again and maybe gave him a spaking this time, he says he is sorry and is fine for awhile, and yet again he cursed you and hit his mom this time, and you somehow could see in his mind that he would never change and is only going to get worse and end up killing you, your wife, and your neighbor's dog? What would you do? The punishment was a mercy killing of the guilty people who claimed to follow God, only when it was convenient. God is not mocked.

(Q) said:
And there is enough crap in the news to support my view of life without God, and life playing games with God.

That is where you're wrong. That 'crap' is being commited by people who ARE religious. They are you and your kind.
They may claim religion when it is convenient, but they are not my kind. Talk is cheap, you know that and I know that. By commiting atrocities, they say volumes of who they are, and it is anything but a Christian.
I'm bashing the traditions of the Catholic church and what can breed from getting caught up in religion and forgetting about God.

You seem to forget that all of what you stated is a result of believing in god as opposed to not believing in god, Catholic traditions or not.

you somehow could see in his mind that he would never change and is only going to get worse and end up killing you, your wife, and your neighbor's dog?

Are you suggesting I should kill my son based on that? Utterly ridiculous!

Children do not grow up like that unless there are serious underlying problems: religion, parenting, mental disorders, abuse, etc.

The punishment was a mercy killing of the guilty people who claimed to follow God, only when it was convenient. God is not mocked.

Based on that logic, millions of people all over the world should be killed, mercifully. They mock your god in favor of their own god, and consider YOU to have mocked their god, hence you should also be killed, mercifully.

Do you see how senseless and cruel it was to slaughter those innoncent people?

Talk is cheap, you know that and I know that. By commiting atrocities, they say volumes of who they are, and it is anything but a Christian.

Yet, you just stated that mercy killings were required by YOUR god. Those killings can be considered atrocities, as that is exactly what they are, my dear contradicting Christian.
Cottontop3000 said:
Yes, temporarily. Religion has been such a part of our very being for so long (from the first thinking human's first fear and un-answered question), that when some of us challenge the established order of things, religious zealots get defensive because they cannot think, or will not think, for themselves for a change. It is much easier to deny than to analyze. Analysis takes much hard work, whereas denial takes very little comparatively.
I could say the same things for some athiests (that it is easier to deny the existence of God than to have faith).

There is some truth to what you say about religion. But it is hard to say if religion is man made or not. One has to decide for himself. There was a time when I let logic and science determine what I believed, and said that it is man made. Then, God came to me unexpectedly. Then, I saw the hand that led me through the research in just a way so that I would be open to hear from God. I went to church one day just to shut some friends up from asking me to go to church. God knew I was going because the pastor knew I would be there, but I had not told anyone. Pastors take the week to prepare a lesson, but he knew I was coming and spoke directly to me and knew my heart like an open book. I gave my life to God that day, but that did not change my life. Today, I am a work in progress. That is why I choose to have this irrational belief of something that isn't observable, scientifically.

Cottontop3000 said:
Call it a hope more than true knowledge. I have seen first-hand what religion, and thus God, have done to our world. How can you not see it? I just hope there is a better answer.
No. I see people's lives changed by God. I know a two drug dealers personally who have never touched drugs since finding God. I know an alcoholic and a thief as well. I know an adulterer, I know people who used to not listen to God finally listen and find true peace. That is what I see. On the other hand, I see the hearts of men fail themselves and bad choices made by temporarily irrational people following their emotions and cause harm to themselves or others. I see canabals, murderes, pedifilers, and all sorts of scum walk the streets without remorse and with a lack of respect for human life, and even themselves.

Cottontop3000 said:
Are you saying that believers in a god are perfect? Are you saying that it is better to give some "god" credit for the good I do than it is to give myself a little credit now and again? I don't have the answers, but I'm not claiming to. Sometimes I like to think I do, and I have to beat myself up-side the head when I do, but I don't have all the answers. Neither do you, or anyone else, imo.
No, I'm saying that nobody's perfect. I'm saying without God, you logically do everything for yourself, even moral and justice are things that you get something out of...whether it is a reward, good feeling, or for the sake of justice. A society that promotes selfishness is doomed to fail. We can look at a group as small as two people working together. Obviously, it is better to work together for the other in order to accomplish greater things that one person. Any group or team that produces good results is comprised of individuals who are willing to work not for credit. In the same way a society (a team/group of many people) can accomplish more by being selfless.

True selflessness is only accomplished by working for a greater cause. This trait is not unique to Christians, but is more common in Christians. So, it stands to reason that if a society is composed of all Christians, then the group will be selfless.

Cottontop3000 said:
How do you know? Have you tried it without God? I've tried it both ways, sincerely, and I have found that without God is better for me and for those around me. Still, not perfect, imo, but better. At least now I see a light for me at the end of a very dark tunnel.
Yes, I was once a Catholic who struggled and I found it was better for me and for those around me to live without God. So I did. It was a hard time for me, but I got through okay. Then, God moved me, and I found a life that is always good. Even in tribulation I have peace, and I find that God works things out fantasically.

Cottontop3000 said:
That is a sad, theist perspective. Try telling god to fuck off for once. Go ahead, I know it's scary, maybe, but not such a bad thing. I wasn't struck down by lightning.
It is a pessimistic and cynical attitude of people. I can't help it when I see people I trust and who were good moral people with a rational mind, do some of the worst things to their brother and then get trapped in that state and never recover. Then, I look at my imperfections and I see them in me just wanting to reveal itself. I used to steal. I have lied many times to stay out of trouble. I still don't spend enough time with my children, even though there's progress. I still don't spend enough time with God, even though there's progress. I am capable of doing everything that the most evil person is. And everyone else I talk to, hide their skeletons and deny that they could do immoral things. The people I trusted say the same thing! "No, I could never beat my wife." People need to wake up and get real. Nobody's perfect, and that is the problem with living without perfection as your goal.

Cottontop3000 said:
We would still have all the same exact HUMAN reasons to not act like an animal. You think a human without a higher power can't see the causes and effects of his/her actions? You think that if I say there is no god, that I am automatically blinded to the fact that if I pinch some girl's ass, she will not possibly get angry. She could get angry because it hurt physically. I could understand this, and I would probably learn something from the experience. Some might not, but that is no different than the way things have been for thousands of years with all the gods of the world. You give yourself too little respect, and this is a symptom of religion saying we are worthless without a higher power. We are not. You should respect yourself more and god less.
You are blinded by your own self-righteousness. Our imperfection causes us to do things that we don't want to do with a sober mind. Yes, we see the causes and effects of our actions, but we turn a blind eye, or self-justify the actions so that we can sleep at night. We tell ourselves, "Oh, it's okay to grab her butt...everyone does it, shoot, she might just slap me, but it will be worth it!" Or maybe our logic doesn't even get as far as the slap and just acts. The most rational person many times acts before thinking. We are imperfect and logic fails us in the heat of the moment when we act on intuition. I'm sure Tom Cruise is a rational and good person, did that stop him from chewing the reporter's head off? Did he stop and think, "I might not yell at this guy because I have a new movie coming out and I can't afford a bad image, even if I'm right."

My cousin killed someone. He is a good guy and a rational thinker. Where was his rationale when he lit up the person who was drenched with gasoline. Many times a murderer looks and feels just like you and I, because he is just like you and I. My cousin gave up on God a long time ago before the event.

Cottontop3000 said:
Yes, but would you not want to make today better? Tomorrow even better. I would, and am, without god. You can do it too, if you want to stop the suffering in the world that is created by intolerance and division. We will never be perfect, so we shouldn't expect it of ourselves, we shouldn't place so much emphasis on attaining it, but accepting this makes it easier for me to be better to myself and to others.
Tomorrow will only get better if we are more perfect than today. It will be better only if less mistakes are made. Intolerance and division is caused by the hearts of men. Some of America's founders, if not all, were Christian men who approved this nation's doctrines of freedom of religion and freedom of speech. You are free to worship whomever and say whatever in America, as far as I am concerned as long as it does no harm in the end. It is self-righteous religious people who cause the strife because of their own prejudices. They do not speak for me, I want no part of their religion, even if they claim they follow God, because they have forgotten to love their neighbor. Real Christian men and women are tolerant and patient, full of love and compassion for all. Your image of a Christian is probably as a Bible waving, hands in the air, loud, evangelist. That is the image of a relgious person who is in love with his religion. It is of a fanatic on the border of being a zealot. They read their Bibles and speak the truth, but even the devil knows the word of God.

Cottontop3000 said:
Most of the people I know that have money, are popular, etc., do claim to have god.
Talk is cheap. Most stars and influential people I know are not Christians.