Atheistic Evangelism

water said:
I have been shown great mercy.

lucky you, but what's fun about gettting to heaven if even one person goes to an eternal hell?

god says... everything's just luck. "i have mercy on whom i have mercy on" "it's not about people's effort"

lucky you, but what's fun about gettting to heaven if even one person goes to an eternal hell?

If they have spent their lives hating God, hardening themselves against Him, then they do not want to be with God anyway.

god says... everything's just luck.

What makes you think that?!

"i have mercy on whom i have mercy on" "it's not about people's effort"

Because mercy cannot be earned.
That it is up to God on whom He will have mercy, does not mean God is whimsical.
water said:
If they have spent their lives hating God, hardening themselves against Him, then they do not want to be with God anyway.
I can't say it enough. water has all the answers. she's just like god though, she doesn't like to share them.

Because mercy cannot be earned.
That it is up to God on whom He will have mercy, does not mean God is whimsical.

Assuming God exists for a moment, it only means He/She/It is not merciful, according to your logic. So why look for God? Because you are unable to measure up in your own eyes.
water said:
If they have spent their lives hating God, hardening themselves against Him, then they do not want to be with God anyway.

Well, I doubt they want to suffer in an eternal hell! They can't help what they do. God made them like that. We are a product of a higher order. We do not choose our life. We do not choose our body, our parents, our environment...

If I am good, it is not me who is good. It's just luck. I happened to be born in the right place at the right time.

I can't say it enough. water has all the answers. she's just like god though, she doesn't like to share them.

I welcome sound criticism.
However, if the person asking me questions is bombarding me with insults, I have every reason to doubt that they are honestly asking for answers.

Because mercy cannot be earned.
That it is up to God on whom He will have mercy, does not mean God is whimsical.

Assuming God exists for a moment, it only means He/She/It is not merciful, according to your logic.

No, what you say does not follow from what I've said.
Why do you think that God is not merciful?

So why look for God? Because you are unable to measure up in your own eyes.

I suppose this is saying why *you* would go and look for God.

* * *


Well, I doubt they want to suffer in an eternal hell!

Apparently, they do. Better hell where they think they can hide from God, than facing Him.

They can't help what they do. God made them like that.

No. You are assuming that God is wicked.

We are a product of a higher order. We do not choose our life. We do not choose our body, our parents, our environment...

True. But at some point, we become aware that we have the ability to choose. While we are unable toprivde options to choose from, we are able to choose from those available.

If I am good, it is not me who is good. It's just luck. I happened to be born in the right place at the right time.

If it is just "luck", then what you have said earlier -- "We are a product of a higher order" is not true.
water said:
True. But at some point, we become aware that we have the ability to choose. While we are unable toprivde options to choose from, we are able to choose from those available.

THAT WAY, NO HUMAN IS EVIL (and have not made a mistake) !!!

I have never done anything bad in my life, because I didn't WANT to do anything bad.

I may have DONE bad things, but because I (more correctly: my body) didn't KNOW better, it was not my (Christ's) fault!

HITLER (his real being) WAS NOT EVIL!!!
HE (Hitler's real self, the Christ) IS PUNISHED!!!

All this, because our bodies have not yet been perfected (chemically)

If it is just "luck", then what you have said earlier -- "We are a product of a higher order" is not true.

You don't get it. We are a product of a "higher order" (which is our real, forgotten self), but since we are not all-knowing, from our perspective, it all seems to be just luck. Since we don't know everything, we are not evil if we do a mistake, neither do we deserve any punishment, and we don't deserve to suffer.
Yorda said:

It usually takes human a long time to figure this out.


Really? How long do you think it takes people to figure this out?
People want comfort and pleasure. They are willing to suffer for that.

THAT WAY, NO HUMAN IS EVIL (and have not made a mistake) !!!

Noone is saying humans are evil.

I have never done anything bad in my life, because I didn't WANT to do anything bad.

I may have DONE bad things, but because I (more correctly: my body) didn't KNOW better, it was not my (Christ's) fault!

You have still done those actions. Their effects remain.

HITLER (his real being) WAS NOT EVIL!!!

You are terribly romantic.

You don't get it. We are a product of a "higher order" (which is our real, forgotten self), but since we are not all-knowing, from our perspective, it all seems to be just luck.

Then qualify your statements more precisely.

Since we don't know everything, we are not evil if we do a mistake,

Noone is saying we are.

neither do we deserve any punishment, and we don't deserve to suffer.

Our actions do have consequences -- be those actions what we deem good, or bad.
On the greatest scale, it all evens out. But we do not perceive ourselves on that greatest scale, so it doesn't matter for us.

I feel the spirit of rationalism a' coming down on me like fire on the heathen spirit. A-MEN! HALLELUJAH!

I have a message! I have a message for you brethren!

Donate ONLY $200 to the atheist ministries and we will PRAY to the gods of naturalism ( ;) ) and invoke them to open your minds to the ways of reason.

If you don't, well, like superluminal said, you will surely BURN in the endtimes, for science shows us that the sun will eventually overcome our polluted atmosphere and ROAST us till kingdom come.

SouthStar my brotha!

And when we have all left to colonize the GALAXY, and the sun becomes a RED GIANT, we will think of our unenlightend fellow humans and weep.

"For they were so tied to the earth and the god of heaven and hell, that they forsook the ultimate journey of man and mind - to join and become one with the UNIVERSE!"
Bob 12:23.

Who will be their messiah?

You still don't know the answer to such a silly question? No one! Free thinkers do not need a savior. They will work together toward a rational goal with only their finely honed intellects. Guided by genuine goodwill for all.
§outh§tar said:

I feel the spirit of rationalism a' coming down on me like fire on the heathen spirit. A-MEN! HALLELUJAH!

I have a message! I have a message for you brethren!

Donate ONLY $200 to the atheist ministries and we will PRAY to the gods of naturalism ( ;) ) and invoke them to open your minds to the ways of reason.

If you don't, well, like superluminal said, you will surely BURN in the endtimes, for science shows us that the sun will eventually overcome our polluted atmosphere and ROAST us till kingdom come.


It was like Jesse Jackson flashbacks right there.
water said:
People want comfort and pleasure. They are willing to suffer for that.

It would have been better for God not to create the world because people have to suffer (not that I think he would have been able to choose otherwise)

water (from before) said:
You are assuming that God is wicked.

I don't think God is good or evil. I think he has no choice. I think he is like nature. I guess the word God is becoming kind of superfluous to me...
superluminal said:
SouthStar my brotha!

And when we have all left to colonize the GALAXY, and the sun becomes a RED GIANT, we will think of our unenlightend fellow humans and weep.

"For they were so tied to the earth and the god of heaven and hell, that they forsook the ultimate journey of man and mind - to join and become one with the UNIVERSE!"
Bob 12:23.

In those days, the sons of men will experience weeping and gnashing of teeth! The likes of Lawdog and co will choke on their own words as they traverse the earth hoping to flee the sun's rays, ... only to find, very sadly, that the earth is not flat.

Which reminds me of a great poem by a most venerable author:

America: Year 2150

Jesus is gone, nobody cares

The sound of his name just brings indifferent stares.

People grew tired of his vanishing act

and finally decided he ain't coming back.

Relieved of the burden of fancy and fable

Society since brought great minds to the table

Biological research brought extension to life

To those who had once lived in pain and in strife

Society still has its few who believe

They cling to the myth that there is no reprieve

They just sit and stare at the moon in great awe

While men in white coats feed them meals through a straw.


from: "Predictions of Science Chapter 3, verse 42"


The likes of Lawdog and co will choke on their own words as they traverse the earth hoping to flee the sun's rays, ... only to find, very sadly, that the earth is not flat.

:D :D
Some people are so impatient. They think that Jesus comes back already after 2000 years. He has no reason to come back yet. We don't need him now. He left us so that we would become independent ("if I do not leave you, the Holy Spirit will not come") He comes when we least expect. But I don't know if he will come in physical form, maybe he will awaken in ourselves instead. After all, Christ is our higher self.

But I think he might come before the year 2300, due to natural laws of inheritance. How long did it pass between Moses and Jesus? If they are the same Son of God... it might take

Sorry to inform you, but almost 3500 years before Scientists, the Holy Scriptures had proclaimed the Earth to 'round' and 'hanging upon nothing'.