Atheistic Evangelism

(Q) said:
you somehow could see in his mind that he would never change and is only going to get worse and end up killing you, your wife, and your neighbor's dog?

Are you suggesting I should kill my son based on that? Utterly ridiculous!
So what you're telling me is that if you had the telepathic ability and the intellect to deduce with a 100% accuracy that your son would kill you and your wife, and there was no way to stop him but to kill him or get him in an institution, you would not take action first and do one of the two?

Logically, the best solution is the one that benefits all parties involved, and that includes you not dying and your son being thrown in an institution.

Now, try to imagine things from God's perspective: You have a bunch of people who will never learn and if they live any longer will end up sinning more, and possibly causing other good people to sin with them, what do you do? Remember that all they are is dust to you, but you made them and wish that they would love you. Let them live out of mercy? Put them in slavery and allow them to sin more against themselves?

(Q) said:
Children do not grow up like that unless there are serious underlying problems: religion, parenting, mental disorders, abuse, etc.
The only dangerous religion is a religion that says you must kill to get the heathens to believe, and you will be rewarded. Find that in the New Testament.

(Q) said:
The punishment was a mercy killing of the guilty people who claimed to follow God, only when it was convenient. God is not mocked.

Based on that logic, millions of people all over the world should be killed, mercifully. They mock your god in favor of their own god, and consider YOU to have mocked their god, hence you should also be killed, mercifully.

Do you see how senseless and cruel it was to slaughter those innoncent people?
And yet they live, so what does that say? That either says there is no God, or that God believes they can yet be saved. Right?

(Q) said:
Talk is cheap, you know that and I know that. By commiting atrocities, they say volumes of who they are, and it is anything but a Christian.

Yet, you just stated that mercy killings were required by YOUR god. Those killings can be considered atrocities, as that is exactly what they are, my dear contradicting Christian.
I did not say they were required by God, I said God killed some of his own people to save those that followed him faithfully. Besides, man definitely does not have the right to take justice in their own hands and by doing so shows who they are, and it is anything but a Christian. So, you can't say I am contradicting. It is okay for God to do what God wants, I mean he's God. Right or wrong God could do whatever he wants. That being said, he is always just and the decision to kill the people was merciful to those people and to the rest who lived. You must not be for the death penalty for serial killers. I'll remember that when one gets out on good behavior and kills someone you love.
Thanks for replying Jayleew. I'm glad that you at least appear to have head on your shoulders. We can agree to disagree, I hope.

My image of most christians, though, is not what you suggest (bible-thumping, fiery damnation-preaching, etc.). I think of most Christians as head-in-the-sand types who can't deal with LIFE without someone to take the pressure off of them. I am not saying I can, either (though in different ways), but I think most of them delude themselves because it is easy to feel safe and secure in themselves when all they have to do is say "Jesus, please forgive me. Come into my heart. I repent of my failures. Save me." To me, this is living a lie and a fantasy. It is destructive.

Also, you said "Nobody's perfect, and that is the problem with living without perfection as your goal." I strongly disagree with this. Living with perfection as your goal, and actually believing that it is possible, is the biggest problem we have around the world today. This is what leads to wars, violence, terrorism, hate, and most of the other problems we are forced to live with on a daily basis.

Let me ask you this. What is your idea of perfection?
I gave my life to God that day, but that did not change my life. Today, I am a work in progress. That is why I choose to have this irrational belief of something that isn't observable, scientifically.

You chose to have that irrational belief despite the fact you claimed,

"There was a time when I let logic and science determine what I believed, and said that it is man made."

Instead, you gave in to the irrational and ignored logic and science only to indulge in fantasy and fraud.

Why do I say fraud, you ask?

I went to church one day just to shut some friends up from asking me to go to church. God knew I was going because the pastor knew I would be there, but I had not told anyone. Pastors take the week to prepare a lesson, but he knew I was coming and spoke directly to me and knew my heart like an open book.

hehe - It didn't even cross your mind that your friends may have setup the whole thing. :D