Atheist..Please stand up

And also:

Some may have mystical experience which you atheist call "Hallucination" meaning mental imagination, some may hallucinate a lion chased them, but it doesnt mean lion are myths or such act is impossible, hallucination just means "mental image" of the supernatural or not. Or u may say it is just a "Delusion" for making claims without proof

We are not saying it is a delusion(although that is the simplest most logical argument) we are asking for proof that it is NOT a delusion. Since you are trying to prove an entity(a big ass, extraordinary entity at that) the burden of proof is yours. Because a lion can chase you it doesn't mean he has. After you have done this then you get to prove that this non-hallucinatory phenomenon is God, instead of a hologram, the devil or the mega-deity Cthulu.

edit: ad populum. populations. hee hee.

Mental... big time... and what a proof of it. Anyhow, aside
from the fact that you have serious problems answering simple
questions without ranting and insulting, I can say this. I've
spoken with many who 'know' 'God' has spoken to them
(including a Pastor). These are people whom I trust and know are
not liars or 'Mental' (as is your case). Anyhow, each persons
experience has some very important commonalities/patterns (and
they are completely unaware of them as they have not had
the opportunity to make observations and comparisons). Based
on this, one thing I can tell you for sure is that 'God' has never
spoken to you. You are a 'believer' all right, and I suspect you
will live your life in one glorious opinion. Good luck.

Lady, please don't let my response to muscleman discourage
you from communicating with me. He brings nothing of any value
and has... well... 'issues'.

Last edited:
I cant help it but say WOW, Vodoo is right, there are over 2 billion christians, & over 1 billion of them are catholics, the rest are protestants and other christians.

Yes, I have made some insults because of my extremely bad experience with atheist, the most strangest and the most illogical kind of ppl I have known and Hopefully they didnt affect me.

Where is the proof of King Henry you say you have given? I have not seen any proof but so far written literature that can be made out. All you ever do is rant and ramble, saying you have so many proofs yet you have to provide me of one yet.
Originally posted by muscleman
I have not seen any proof but so far written literature that can be made out. All you ever do is rant and ramble, saying you have so many proofs yet you have to provide me of one yet.

The was a saying for this. Something with a pot and a kettle i thought.

Incorrect. Evolution is not discriminatory. The current bacteria is just "as evoleved" as us humans. The difference is in the ways we survive. We can say that we are intelligence while a bacteria is not, but both us and bacteria ONLY react to our environment. We may think us humans are better, but that is only an opinion.

** Perhaps the humans are discrimination against a less evolved form of them selves. Thats only if you believe we evolved from monkey's.

Right, well, abiogenisis is NOT the immediate transition from "non-living" to "living". It is a gradual process that has just as much meaning as the definition of "life". Simple molecules formed that did certain things, those things did other thing; eventually these things add up into a big mess, and some of that mess turned into processes that we consider to be living.

** Are these molecules alive from the start?

In science, sexual reproduction is thought to have evolved from the different evolutionary paths of two different cells that happened to exchange DNA before reproducing. Technically, men and women are really two different species.

** Two cells within........?

I never said flawless..... you can't judge a law of nature, they are what they are, they cannot be changed.

** I would hope the laws is wrong tilt of the moon and we'll be swimming with the fishes.

No, we could not "just adapt". It would be quite impossible for life to evolve on the sun, given the plasma would have very limited bonding capabilities. By the way, plasma is matter stripped of its electrons.
For example, if you stick a chunk of dirt in the microwave, and turn the microwave on for a couple minutes, the many billions of living creatures would die. They would not adapt, the would not find a way to live, they would just die.
The reason earth is a good place for life to evolve is that the bonds that make up the molocules of a living organism work in that oh so special way that it is possible for complex entities to be formed. On a much hotter planet, silicon is thought to be able to produce life in much the same way that carbon is used on earth.

** Did the monkeys choose earth?

Well, ya. Do you claim to have scientific proof of god? [/B][/QUOTE

** Proof of God only in my heart, thusfar, however, I have proof of Satan
James R

Earth gets energy from the sun. All life on this planet relies on that energy source, ultimately - humans included.

** And the life force of the sun?

What if it isn't true? Wouldn't you be wasting your time, then?

** Personally, No

Science can't prove God. But science doesn't disprove God either.

** Science can prove the mechanic's of anothers work (The nothing or God)

The laws of nature are what they are. It doesn't make sense to say that they are flawless or flawed. Take one example: "Gravity causes things to fall downwards". Is that a flawless law, or a flawed law? Perhaps some things really would be better falling upward. Who know? We're stuck with the laws we have, and we can't judge them as good or bad.

** Who or what would you say was responsible for such laws?

Life exists on Earth in all kinds of strange environments. It has adapted to them. Life exists in 200 degree water at the bottom of the oceans. It exists miles underground in the rocks. It exists in a lake buried under kilometres of ice in Antarctica. It exists in the clouds. It exists in sewerage farms. And yes, it even exists in acidic environments.

** Can humans just adapt to any planet?

strongly suggest you find out what you're talking about if you are really interested. The big bang was an explosion of space and time. It was much more than the birth of a galaxy.

** Perhaps a limited time of space for us. How does science describe the birth of a galaxy?

You chant "mechanics" as if it is somehow a bad thing to understand our world. Is ignorance better, in your opinion? Would you rather believe in knowledge gained by hard work, trial and error, or something somebody made up one sunny afternoon, just because it seemed like a good idea at the time?

** Nothing wrong with mechanics, however, that's were science should leave off,exspecially those who attribute a complex universe to nothing.

One star has us already. See earlier

** The sun? Good luck colonizing it.
Lady, You confuse me, which side are you on? Are you an atheist? or christian? agnostic? or uncle tom? whats the solid ground of your belief?
** And the life force of the sun?

You didnt pass Highschool Science did you?

** Who or what would you say was responsible for such laws?

Gravity, heat, and general crap like that make up the laws of physics. I never read in the bible how GOd mad gravity and made the sun.

** Can humans just adapt to any planet?

Yeah it takes a while though. That evolution thing is slow.
Jesus choked on truth

I will tell you plainly why Athiests do not look to fantasy for an afterlife. The reason is that facing the realization that the tender notion of Heaven is preposterous is a difficult truth to swallow. Only those strong of will and mind (otherwise do not allow themselves to be thrown into the iggnorant control of fear) can fathom the idea that when you die thats it. Nothing is perfect in life so why should "reality" in death be it good or evil be any different.

Thats the only qtn right now that I had the will to answer. Besides this debate will last till the moment right before all of humanity descends into miniscule particles of dust, which shall travel through the universe till the end of it all. I say "it" because the human mind at this moment does not have a complete understanding of all there is to know about the universe or "it".

A very tired Rowen

<i>** Perhaps the humans are discrimination against a less evolved form of them selves. Thats only if you believe we evolved from monkey's.</i>

There is no such thing as "less evolved". Remember?

<i>** I would hope the laws is wrong tilt of the moon and we'll be swimming with the fishes.</i>

What would be a flawed law, in your opinion? How would you define such a thing?

<i>** Did the monkeys choose earth?</i>

The monkeys didn't have an option to go elsewhere. They never developed space flight.

<i>** ...I have proof of Satan</i>

Great. What is your proof?

<i>** And the life force of the sun?</i>

The sun is not alive.

<i>** Who or what would you say was responsible for such laws?</i>

That's a difficult question. Maybe God. Maybe something else.

<i>** Can humans just adapt to any planet?</i>

No. Some planets have conditions which are too extreme to support life.

<i>** How does science describe the birth of a galaxy?</i>

Galaxies form out of nebulae made of dust and gas. The dust and gas collapses under the influence of gravity, forming stars and planets.

<i>** Nothing wrong with mechanics, however, that's were science should leave off,exspecially those who attribute a complex universe to nothing.</i>

Nobody attributes the universe to nothing.

<i>** The sun? Good luck colonizing it.</i>

I don't intend to colonize it.


I didn't think I'd end up on the same side of an argument as you. It makes a nice change. :)
"I didn't think I'd end up on the same side of an argument as you. It makes a nice change. "

Hey, I can't be stupid all the time, unless, of course, we are talking about muzzleman...

I truly think Theists have no hope of understanding Atheists. Whenever I try to talk to one, either: They have faith, which has nothing to do with proof, OR they are stupid and think they have proof of god; stupid people can't be persuaded. And don't use that one against me please.


"Lady, You confuse me, which side are you on?"

You are confused because you are stupid. Obviously she is on your side or she would not believe that the sun could have a "life force". She even said she had proof of Satan and that she believe in god "in here heart". How much more obvious can you get?

"Can humans just adapt to any planet? "

Humans ONLY could if the environment gradually changed, perhaps over millions of years or more. If the planet was composed soley of iron, there would be no possible way a living thing could live on it. If we were plopped down in mars: we die, venus: dead: sun: vaporization, space: slow and painful.

"** Are these molecules alive from the start? "

Um, no... Im assuming the particles that "did stuff" as i said. Alive is a very tricky definition, if you mean, "did they reproduce?", then no. Reproduction came a bit after random structures formed. The only reason these random strucutres aren't out and about now is because they are eaten, quickly.

And don't forget about responding to me! :) I know it's difficult
managing all these different conversations (but you asked for it
by creating this thread no doubt!).


** And the life force of the sun? [/b]

You didnt pass Highschool Science did you?

** Since you passed Highschool Science answer the question.

** Who or what would you say was responsible for such laws?

Gravity, heat, and general crap like that make up the laws of physics. I never read in the bible how GOd mad gravity and made the sun.

** Read Genesis

** Can humans just adapt to any planet?

Yeah it takes a while though. That evolution thing is slow.

** Is that why the rest of the monkey's hasn't evolved.

Did you actually read anything I posted?

The sun is not alive so it has no "life force".
The monkeys have evolved. The monkeys are currently evolving. Humans are not "more evolved" than monkeys. Humans are just one more kind of ape.
James R

** Perhaps the humans are discrimination against a less evolved form of them selves. Thats only if you believe we evolved from monkey's

<i>There is no such thing as "less evolved". Remember?

** So we didn't evolve from monkeys.

** I would hope the laws is wrong tilt of the moon and we'll be swimming with the fishes.</i>

What would be a flawed law, in your opinion? How would you define such a thing?

** I don't believe in laws created flawed but rather controlled by God and do according to his will.

** Did the monkeys choose earth?

The monkeys didn't have an option to go elsewhere. They never developed space flight.

** They didn't develope into humans either.

** ...I have proof of Satan</i>

Great. What is your proof?

** Paranormal thread.

** And the life force of the sun?</i>

The sun is not alive.

** Some of your atheist buddies would disagree.

** Who or what would you say was responsible for such laws?</i>

That's a difficult question. Maybe God. Maybe something else.

** Good answer.

** Can humans just adapt to any planet?</i>

No. Some planets have conditions which are too extreme to support life.

** Some of your atheist buddies would disagree, once again.

** How does science describe the birth of a galaxy?</i>

Galaxies form out of nebulae made of dust and gas. The dust and gas collapses under the influence of gravity, forming stars and planets.

** And nebulae's?

<i>>** Nothing wrong with mechanics, however, that's were science should leave off,exspecially those who attribute a complex universe to nothing.</i>

Nobody attributes the universe to nothing.

** I don't think your an atheist.

** The sun? Good luck colonizing it.</i>

I don't intend to colonize it.

** Good ideal.
Alright, I have been gone for a while, but i came back to see if sciforums got back together.but here goes...

I'm tired of hearing atheist wine over the unfounded claim that God doesn't exist. Through the wining I'm beginning to wonder who they are trying to convince, anyway I have posted a couple questions for all proclaimed atheist.

(1) Logically explain the origin's of human& animal evolution?

From cells come cells... more cells... mistakes in gene replication... Grows arms... Brain... Humans.

(2) Who or what initated the big bang? How is it that the earth was designed for the human make-up?

There was energy... e=mc^2. The earth wasn't designed.

(3) I hear that atheist base their belief on science, however has science disproved or proved the existence of God?

Has religon?

(4) As far as space travel goes we can't even get out of our own solar system so why dismiss the existence of God or any other life form?

Athiest don't deny the existance of other life forms, infact the probility of other life is quite high. We will have manned missions into space!

(5) Does anyone have any reculection on where they were before conception? And where the life giving force came from?

Nope because i didn't exist. What life force??

(6) Who or what would you say is the designer of this complex universe and all that is in it?

Ther is no designer of this complex universe.

(7) Did a human being create him or herself? If so why are women still getting pregnant?

What a dumb question... NO humans evolved. Wemon get prgnate in order to have babies!!!

(8)What does a atheist expect after death? To go back to?

I expict to not exist. Nothing, and i don't care!

(9) Explain the mystery of conception?- reflective thinking
What mystery? Sperm + egg = zygote, it splits more cells, and then a baby!

(10) Can the non-existence of God be proved scientifically?
can the existance of god be proven Scientifically?

(11) Science is a on going study of the universe....why?

We are a curious species. Also one day the univers will die and we will want the species to survive in an alternate universe.

*** We didn't evolve from monkeys! We have a common ansestor! ***

truly think Theists have no hope of understanding Atheists. Whenever I try to talk to one, either: They have faith, which has nothing to do with proof, OR they are stupid and think they have proof of god; stupid people can't be persuaded. And don't use that one against me please.

** Science can only answer the mechanics.

You are confused because you are stupid. Obviously she is on your side or she would not believe that the sun could have a "life force". She even said she had proof of Satan and that she believe in god "in here heart". How much more obvious can you get?

** I believe it was one of your atheist buddies who claimed all life forms on earth live because of the sun. Sounds like a life force controlled by God.

** See paranormal thread.(Satan)

** I do love God from the heart.

"** Are these molecules alive from the start? "

Um, no... Im assuming the particles that "did stuff" as i said. Alive is a very tricky definition, if you mean, "did they reproduce?", then no. Reproduction came a bit after random structures formed. The only reason these random strucutres aren't out and about now is because they are eaten, quickly.

** Who or what is responsible for the properties of such a substance?

** Who or what is eaten the molecules?(he-he)
Originally posted by
Lady, You confuse me, which side are you on? Are you an atheist? or christian? agnostic? or uncle tom? whats the solid ground of your belief?



1) Logically explain the origin's of human& animal evolution?

From cells come cells... more cells... mistakes in gene replication... Grows arms... Brain... Humans.

** The origin of cells?

(2) Who or what initated the big bang? How is it that the earth was designed for the human make-up?

There was energy... e=mc^2. The earth wasn't designed.

** Energy from where?

3) I hear that atheist base their belief on science, however has science disproved or proved the existence of God?

Has religon?

** To the individual.

4) As far as space travel goes we can't even get out of our own solar system so why dismiss the existence of God or any other life form?

Athiest don't deny the existance of other life forms, infact the probility of other life is quite high. We will have manned missions into space!

** Why not?(confused)

(5) Does anyone have any reculection on where they were before conception? And where the life giving force came from?

Nope because i didn't exist. What life force??

** How did you come into existence?

** Are you dead?The life force that allows you to write me.

6) Who or what would you say is the designer of this complex universe and all that is in it?

Ther is no designer of this complex universe.

** Why not?

7) Did a human being create him or herself? If so why are women still getting pregnant?

What a dumb question... NO humans evolved. Wemon get prgnate in order to have babies!!!

** How is it that sex interrupts a seemly progressive evolution?

(8)What does a atheist expect after death? To go back to?

I expict to not exist. Nothing, and i don't care!

** If only..............

(9) Explain the mystery of conception?- reflective thinking
What mystery? Sperm + egg = zygote, it splits more cells, and then a baby!

** Reflective thinking? (curosity)

11) Science is a on going study of the universe....why?

We are a curious species. Also one day the univers will die and we will want the species to survive in an alternate universe.

** Alternate universe created by us?(he-he)

(10) Can the non-existence of God be proved scientifically?

can the existance of god be proven Scientifically?

** As soon as people realize science is only the study of God's universe not the creator of it.

We didn't evolve from monkeys! We have a common ansestor!

** What?

<i>** Perhaps the humans are discrimination against a less evolved form of them selves.</i>

This is the third time I've had to tell you:

<b>There is no such thing as "less evolved"</b>.

I explained why earlier.

<i>** So we didn't evolve from monkeys.</i>

No, we didn't. I explained that before too.

<b>Monkeys and humans both evolved from a common ancestor.</b> That ancestor was not quite a monkey and not quite human.

<i>The monkeys didn't have an option to go elsewhere. They never developed space flight.
** They didn't develope into humans either.</i>

That's right - they didn't. See above.

<i>The sun is not alive.
** Some of your atheist buddies would disagree.</i>

Which ones? Show me one statement from an atheist claiming that the sun is alive.

<i>** Can humans just adapt to any planet?
No. Some planets have conditions which are too extreme to support life.
** Some of your atheist buddies would disagree, once again.</i>

Again, which ones?

<i>Galaxies form out of nebulae made of dust and gas. The dust and gas collapses under the influence of gravity, forming stars and planets.
** And nebulae's?</i>

Nebulae form from the explosion of other stars. The very first stars formed from hydrogen and helium created in the big bang.

<i>Nobody attributes the universe to nothing.
** I don't think your an atheist.</i>

It is ok to say "I don't know" when you don't know the answer to a question, Lady. The fact that we don't know exactly what happened at the very first moments of our universe's existence doesn't mean that God must have created the universe. Nor does it mean we will never know. Religion is all very cosy; it has nice answers to all the big questions. The problem is that those answers are really little more than guesses and stories.

<i>** I believe it was one of your atheist buddies who claimed all life forms on earth live because of the sun. Sounds like a life force controlled by God.</i>

That was me.

The sun is an <b>energy</b> source, not a life force. For example, plants use light energy from the sun to photosynthesize and grow. There's nothing magical about that. It's a chemical reaction powered by sunlight. Animals eat the plants and get their energy that way. With no plants, animals would die, so animals ultimately depend on the sun for life too.

<i>** Who or what is eaten the molecules?(he-he)</i>

Bacteria and so on. They need food just like we do.