Atheist..Please stand up


<i>** I thought science wanted us to believe we evolved from monkey's have they changed their claim?</i>

It is a common misconception that Darwin said we evolved from monkeys. What he actually said is that humans and monkeys evolved from a common ancestor. We share 98.5% of all our DNA with chimpanzees. Coincidence?

<i>** Has scienetist ever compare the DNA of the decendents of Cain to the serpent, in other words have they tested Gensis claim?</i>

Again, I'm not sure what you're asking here. As I said, humans share 98.5% of their DNA with chimpanzees. They share around 50% with certain worms. I suspect we share around 60-70% with snakes. It all points to one conclusion: everything on Earth evolved from a common ancestor.

<i>** Q- If you were to get stabbed most likely you would recieve stitches and pain pills, however, the healing procedure doesn't come from the stitches or pain pills. How is that our bodies heal? What is the mystery of the healing process?</i>

It's all biology and chemistry. There's no need to invoke a mysterious healing force.

<i>** In the beginning was the nothing that bought forth the something.</i>

Perhaps. We don't know if there was nothing at the beginning of our universe or not yet.

<i>** Doesn't creation have to occur before evolution?</i>

Creation need not necessarily occur at all. Creation implies a creator. Many scientists prefer the term "abiogenesis" to describe the transition of non-living material to living material.

<i>** If it was just a case of evolution from the" nothing" there would be no point in sex. We would simpliy evolve into existence.</i>

I think you misunderstand evolutionary theory. There is a good evolutionary explanation of sex.

<i>** Would you say the "nothing" was resposible for this procedure [fertilisation]?</i>

No. I'd say it is a biological and chemical process. The details are interesting and quite well-known.

<i>** Nothing prohibited's an individual from making contact with his creator.</i>

Many individuals claim there is no creator.

Im a agnostic, not a atheist so I think that I can answer these questions keep religion, and science in mind. I'll answer them then ya'll can tell me if Im a atheist or a agnostic or whatever.

(1) Logically explain the origin's of human& animal evolution?

Evolution is the process by which man evolved from monkeys, following me so far? In rocks that were formed millions of years ago scientist have found dinosaurs and Neanderthal man.... Or whatever. Dating back to millions of years old. So the earth isn't only 5,000 years old its over 4.6 billion years old.

(2) Who or what initated the big bang? How is it that the earth was designed for the human make-up?

Okay bare with me on this one. Fifteen to twenty billion years ago a big bang or explosion, occured, creating our universe. The universe bagan as an infinitely dense, hot fireball, a scrambling of time and space. Within the first second after the bang, gravity came into being. The universe expanded rapidly and became flooded with subatomic particles that slammed into one another, forming protons and neutrons. Three minutes later, when the temperature was a mere 500 billion degrees Fahrenheit (like 280 billion degrees celsius for our metric friends), protons and neutrons formed the nuclei of hydrogen, helium, and lithium (What are supposed to be the simplist elements).

Or a guy named God came out of nothing and created something from nothing. (for some strange reason this is the easiest one to accept.)

(3) I hear that atheist base their belief on science, however has science disproved or proved the existence of God?

I hate science and dont know a lot about it. I dont think that atheist have beliefs. I think that they simply choose to accept only what they can see, smell, touch, and hear. Which is the most logical thing to do instead of believing in something that you cant see and such. Theyre just very logical people.

(4) As far as space travel goes we can't even get out of our own solar system so why dismiss the existence of God or any other life form?

Because we have telescopes that can see trillions of lightyears away... So far we have found that were basically alone.

(5) Does anyone have any reculection on where they were before conception? And where the life giving force came from?

My cells gathered together and made me. I cant remember before I was born because I never excisted before I was born. I wont excist after I die either. A better question is do I even excist right now?

(6) Who or what would you say is the designer of this complex universe and all that is in it?

Science and math. Space and time, if time really excist.

(7) Did a human being create him or herself? If so why are women still getting pregnant?

Women get pregnant because they have our young. It takes sperm and a egg to have a baby.... Which came first the chicken or the egg? Nither it evolved.

(8)What does a atheist expect after death? To go back to?

I dont expect much at all. Just no excistance just like how I was before I was born. If you cant comprehend it then you should know that no one else can. Were intelligent beings so we make up stories that we will have a afterlife where we can breath and think.... which is just for support so we dont break down and say "Its all over!" Its a psychological thing.

(9) Explain the mystery of conception?- reflective thinking

Instincts are what drives the human mind, I dont think before I do stuff sometimes. Sometimes you just pick up that pencil because you know your going to need it. You dont think "Oh I need a pencil!" And go through a long thought out process of how to pick it up and how to use it, you just know. Instincts.

(10) Can the non-existence of God be proved scientifically?

Can the existence of god be proven?

(11) Science is a on going study of the universe....why?

To learn and find out as much as we can about how things came into being, whats out there in space, and the most important one to me, where did we come from?

THis was my longest post ever.... I hope I did alright. Still agnostic though.:)
Hey, I did it!

I actually can prove that god DOES exist! I would explain how, but KNIGHT RIDER is on. Gotta go.
Originally posted by CounslerCoffee

Im a agnostic, not a atheist so I think that I can answer these questions keep religion, and science in mind. I'll answer them then ya'll can tell me if Im a atheist or a agnostic or whatever.

(1) Logically explain the origin's of human& animal evolution?

Evolution is the process by which man evolved from monkeys, following me so far? In rocks that were formed millions of years ago scientist have found dinosaurs and Neanderthal man.... Or whatever. Dating back to millions of years old. So the earth isn't only 5,000 years old its over 4.6 billion years old.

(2) Who or what initated the big bang? How is it that the earth was designed for the human make-up?

Okay bare with me on this one. Fifteen to twenty billion years ago a big bang or explosion, occured, creating our universe. The universe bagan as an infinitely dense, hot fireball, a scrambling of time and space. Within the first second after the bang, gravity came into being. The universe expanded rapidly and became flooded with subatomic particles that slammed into one another, forming protons and neutrons. Three minutes later, when the temperature was a mere 500 billion degrees Fahrenheit (like 280 billion degrees celsius for our metric friends), protons and neutrons formed the nuclei of hydrogen, helium, and lithium (What are supposed to be the simplist elements).

Or a guy named God came out of nothing and created something from nothing. (for some strange reason this is the easiest one to accept.)

(3) I hear that atheist base their belief on science, however has science disproved or proved the existence of God?

I hate science and dont know a lot about it. I dont think that atheist have beliefs. I think that they simply choose to accept only what they can see, smell, touch, and hear. Which is the most logical thing to do instead of believing in something that you cant see and such. Theyre just very logical people.

(4) As far as space travel goes we can't even get out of our own solar system so why dismiss the existence of God or any other life form?

Because we have telescopes that can see trillions of lightyears away... So far we have found that were basically alone.

(5) Does anyone have any reculection on where they were before conception? And where the life giving force came from?

My cells gathered together and made me. I cant remember before I was born because I never excisted before I was born. I wont excist after I die either. A better question is do I even excist right now?

(6) Who or what would you say is the designer of this complex universe and all that is in it?

Science and math. Space and time, if time really excist.

(7) Did a human being create him or herself? If so why are women still getting pregnant?

Women get pregnant because they have our young. It takes sperm and a egg to have a baby.... Which came first the chicken or the egg? Nither it evolved.

(8)What does a atheist expect after death? To go back to?

I dont expect much at all. Just no excistance just like how I was before I was born. If you cant comprehend it then you should know that no one else can. Were intelligent beings so we make up stories that we will have a afterlife where we can breath and think.... which is just for support so we dont break down and say "Its all over!" Its a psychological thing.

(9) Explain the mystery of conception?- reflective thinking

Instincts are what drives the human mind, I dont think before I do stuff sometimes. Sometimes you just pick up that pencil because you know your going to need it. You dont think "Oh I need a pencil!" And go through a long thought out process of how to pick it up and how to use it, you just know. Instincts.

(10) Can the non-existence of God be proved scientifically?

Can the existence of god be proven?

(11) Science is a on going study of the universe....why?

To learn and find out as much as we can about how things came into being, whats out there in space, and the most important one to me, where did we come from?

THis was my longest post ever.... I hope I did alright. Still agnostic though.:)

Evolution is the process by which man evolved from monkeys, following me so far? In rocks that were formed millions of years ago scientist have found dinosaurs and Neanderthal man.... Or whatever. Dating back to millions of years old. So the earth isn't only 5,000 years old its over 4.6 billion years old.

** Logically explain the evolution of dinosaurs?

Okay bare with me on this one. Fifteen to twenty billion years ago a big bang or explosion, occured, creating our universe. The universe bagan as an infinitely dense, hot fireball, a scrambling of time and space. Within the first second after the bang, gravity came into being. The universe expanded rapidly and became flooded with subatomic particles that slammed into one another, forming protons and neutrons. Three minutes later, when the temperature was a mere 500 billion degrees Fahrenheit (like 280 billion degrees celsius for our metric friends), protons and neutrons formed the nuclei of hydrogen, helium, and lithium (What are supposed to be the simplist elements).

** All this sounds to complex to not have a designer behind it. However, good description on the mechanics of it.

Or a guy named God came out of nothing and created something from nothing. (for some strange reason this is the easiest one to accept.)

** In the beginning was the nothing that brought forth the something.( This is hard to accept as well.)

hate science and dont know a lot about it. I dont think that atheist have beliefs. I think that they simply choose to accept only what they can see, smell, touch, and hear. Which is the most logical thing to do instead of believing in something that you cant see and such. Theyre just very logical people.

** I hate science too exspecially when they claim we came from monkey's

** Some of us have more than 5 sense's

Because we have telescopes that can see trillions of lightyears away... So far we have found that were basically alone.

** Thats because we look for little green (material) martins.
** See paranormal photo (paranormal thread)

My cells gathered together and made me. I cant remember before I was born because I never excisted before I was born. I wont excist after I die either. A better question is do I even excist right now?

** Where did those cell's come from?

Science and math. Space and time, if time really excist.

** Science and Math is not the designer.........

Women get pregnant because they have our young. It takes sperm and a egg to have a baby.... Which came first the chicken or the egg? Nither it evolved.

** If we is it that women have to get pregnant now?

dont expect much at all. Just no excistance just like how I was before I was born. If you cant comprehend it then you should know that no one else can. Were intelligent beings so we make up stories that we will have a afterlife where we can breath and think.... which is just for support so we dont break down and say "Its all over!" Its a psychological thing.

** Has anyone ever came back from the dead to tell us? Those who have had Near death experience's are available and I never heard one say it's over.

Instincts are what drives the human mind, I dont think before I do stuff sometimes. Sometimes you just pick up that pencil because you know your going to need it. You dont think "Oh I need a pencil!" And go through a long thought out process of how to pick it up and how to use it, you just know. Instincts.

** Instincts ( beyond 5 sense's)

Can the existence of god be proven?

** Yes, If one seeks him, unfortunately many don't untill on death-bed.

To learn and find out as much as we can about how things came into being, whats out there in space, and the most important one to me, where did we come from?

** However if things came from nothing and we die and return to nothing what is the point of any research.
** Logically explain the evolution of dinosaurs?

Dinosaurs went exstinct 26 million years ago. The ice age came along and mammals had survived it.

** All this sounds to complex to not have a designer behind it. However, good description on the mechanics of it.

Thanks. Did someone design the grand canyon? No! The grand canyon was formed from water. It started out as a little hole and got bigger and bigger. Nobody planned it, nobody was behinds its creation. It was just nature doing something. Just because its there doesnt mean somebody made it.

** In the beginning was the nothing that brought forth the something.( This is hard to accept as well.)

Of course its hard to accept. Imagine back to before you were born. Cant do it can you? Well thats whats its like when you die, nothing. The reason why its so hard to accept is because your brain says "No there has to be more.". Its psychology.

** Thats because we look for little green (material) martins. **

We look for more then matians. We look for new planets, solar systems, black holes, and much much more.

** Science and Math is not the designer.........

Could of fooled me.

** If we is it that women have to get pregnant now?

Im not a scientist but I think its that damn evolutionary thing kickin in right there. How come men have to have dicks?

** Has anyone ever came back from the dead to tell us? Those who have had Near death experience's are available and I never heard one say it's over.

Actually scientist (yes those evil bastards) have come up with a way to explain this. That tunnel of light your seeing is actually light. Your eyes start to like blur or something before you die and you see a tunnel of light. Now for the other stuff, your brain is shutting down, your accepting things, your delusional.

** However if things came from nothing and we die and return to nothing what is the point of any research.

I dont know whats the point of breathing? Whats the point of driving a car? Better yet why make a car? Why go to church? Why not go to church? The point to research is to find things out. If scientist anounced tomarrow that they found evidence that God excists I would believe, some wouldnt but some would. Thats the point of science, its changes all the time. It could either way.
Originally posted by James R

<i>** I thought science wanted us to believe we evolved from monkey's have they changed their claim?</i>

It is a common misconception that Darwin said we evolved from monkeys. What he actually said is that humans and monkeys evolved from a common ancestor. We share 98.5% of all our DNA with chimpanzees. Coincidence?

<i>** Has scienetist ever compare the DNA of the decendents of Cain to the serpent, in other words have they tested Gensis claim?</i>

Again, I'm not sure what you're asking here. As I said, humans share 98.5% of their DNA with chimpanzees. They share around 50% with certain worms. I suspect we share around 60-70% with snakes. It all points to one conclusion: everything on Earth evolved from a common ancestor.

<i>** Q- If you were to get stabbed most likely you would recieve stitches and pain pills, however, the healing procedure doesn't come from the stitches or pain pills. How is that our bodies heal? What is the mystery of the healing process?</i>

It's all biology and chemistry. There's no need to invoke a mysterious healing force.

<i>** In the beginning was the nothing that bought forth the something.</i>

Perhaps. We don't know if there was nothing at the beginning of our universe or not yet.

<i>** Doesn't creation have to occur before evolution?</i>

Creation need not necessarily occur at all. Creation implies a creator. Many scientists prefer the term "abiogenesis" to describe the transition of non-living material to living material.

<i>** If it was just a case of evolution from the" nothing" there would be no point in sex. We would simpliy evolve into existence.</i>

I think you misunderstand evolutionary theory. There is a good evolutionary explanation of sex.

<i>** Would you say the "nothing" was resposible for this procedure [fertilisation]?</i>

No. I'd say it is a biological and chemical process. The details are interesting and quite well-known.

<i>** Nothing prohibited's an individual from making contact with his creator.</i>

Many individuals claim there is no creator.

is a common misconception that Darwin said we evolved from monkeys. What he actually said is that humans and monkeys evolved from a common ancestor. We share 98.5% of all our DNA with chimpanzees. Coincidence?

** When will the rest of the monkey's evolve?

gain, I'm not sure what you're asking here. As I said, humans share 98.5% of their DNA with chimpanzees. They share around 50% with certain worms. I suspect we share around 60-70% with snakes. It all points to one conclusion: everything on Earth evolved from a common ancestor.

** If scientist truely believe this we should not put people in cages.

** what percentage to the dino's?

t's all biology and chemistry. There's no need to invoke a mysterious healing force.

** Yet biology and chemistry can't explain it........only the mechanics

Perhaps. We don't know if there was nothing at the beginning of our universe or not yet.

** Nothing can bring somthing?(very confusing)

Creation need not necessarily occur at all. Creation implies a creator. Many scientists prefer the term "abiogenesis" to describe the transition of non-living material to living material.

** If my pencil hangs around for a couple million years will it eventually jump up and start singing YMCA?

I think you misunderstand evolutionary theory. There is a good evolutionary explanation of sex.

** Humans & animals evolved from a common non-living material THING which now has to have sex to keep us going. Mabey we came from a rock(how confusion)

o. I'd say it is a biological and chemical process. The details are interesting and quite well-known.

** The mechanics that all science can prove.
Originally posted by GB-GIL Trans-global
Yes, we Atheists love wine, Lady!

A toast... to entertaining Theistic idiots! Cheers! *clink* ;)

** Atheists and wine (makes sense)
** Logically explain the evolution of dinosaurs?

Real simplistic answer, from smaller reptiles, which in turn from amphibians, fish, etc, etc. That doesn't mean that they magically became the next, but that over long periods of time changes in each group became more favorable for survival, and the genes containing that change were passed on more frequently than the others. Fish who could escape to land found untapped food sources, amphibians who had harder skin (pre-scales) could live outside the water longer, etc.

** All this sounds to complex to not have a designer behind it. However, good description on the mechanics of it.

There are multiple theories on the beginning of the universe...there are also some that make the simpler assumption that the universe never was born, but has always been.

** In the beginning was the nothing that brought forth the something.( This is hard to accept as well.)

Agreed. It's much easier to believe that there has always been a universe. Hard to imagine, from a human perspective, but simpler.

** I hate science too exspecially when they claim we came from monkey's

I much prefer the idea that we humans have gotten so far all by ourselves. Plus there is all the evidence to help prove the case. Being evolved from monkeys doesn't lessen us as a species...monkeys are quite intelligent anyway.

** Some of us have more than 5 sense's

There's never been concrete proof of this...but like any good scientist, I'm open to viable evidence.

** Thats because we look for little green (material) martins.

Actually we look for water/carbon based lifeforms, because so far that's all we have experience with. There's possibilities that there's stuff out there that we can't imagine too.

** See paranormal photo (paranormal thread)

Again, I'm open to evidence...but the problem is, paranormal/supernatural by definition are beyond measurable techniques. Once it's explained by normal means, it ceases to be "above" or "beyond" normal.

** Where did those cell's come from?

A sperm and egg cell.

** Science and Math is not the designer.........

No, they are descriptors of how things work in the universe, and help us define things. So far there's no need/proof of some designer.

** If we is it that women have to get pregnant now?

Because the need for sex to reproduce evolved, due to the fact that sexual reproduction provides more opportunity and variety to gene, sex helps evolution more than asexual.

** Has anyone ever came back from the dead to tell us? Those who have had Near death experience's are available and I never heard one say it's over.

The near death experiences, tunnel of light, etc have been reproduced with drugs and brain stimulation.

** Yes, If one seeks him, unfortunately many don't untill on death-bed.

Last second wishing isn't evidence, and I find it hard to believe that an all-knowing god would accept those who waited until they had nothing to loose to convert, but condemned those who did more good in their life but never believed. Not that it matters, IMO.

** However if things came from nothing and we die and return to nothing what is the point of any research.

How about for humanity's sake? For our children and their children? If you think of humanity as a collective, then each of our existence is to further along in some way the immortal Human race.
** Atheists and wine (makes sense)

WAIT A MINUTE! Didnt Jesus have a lot to do with wine? I mean water to wine, come on, jesus was a party maniac. Now pass that doobie Big J!:D

This forum really tells alot about society. Most people I know do not belive in god. It is a bit hard to accept that many people do!

Religious people have a ton of misconceptions about science and the "beliefs" of atheists, but im sure us atheists have a lot of misconceptions about religion. The thing I do know is that there is no proof for god, and no proof against it. Therefore I predict that god doesn't exist, all the while realizing that there is the possiblity that he DOES exist.

"Evolution is the process by which man evolved from monkeys"

Eh, ya but its more than that. It is the process by which all living things come from.

"Dinosaurs went exstinct 26 million years ago."

that would be 65 million years ago, and not all mammals survived the ice age...

Ill see what I can do for those questions:

"(1) Logically explain the origin's of human& animal evolution? "

Well, thats a bit long to do here. The first living cells was created from other structures that had orginially worked alone.

"(2) Who or what initated the big bang? How is it that the earth was designed for the human make-up? "

The way atheists see it, earth wasn't desined, and noone created the big bang. The Big bang theory has a lot of evidence behind it, but before that is all speculation. Some new speculations are that the 10 dimentional univers ripped creating a bunch of junk, don't worry about that. Most likely the big bang came from peices of an older universe that got crunched by gravity. That "big crunch" as some call it, destroyed all the evidence of prior times.

People have adapted to earth. The evolution thang is that many creatures evolved, the ones that sucked died. The ones that worked well with the environment survived to pass on their genes. So if a monkey SOMEHOW evolved under the ocean (it wouldn't) it would die by asfixiation, but if a fish evolved (quite possible ;) ) then it would survive. Now that is WAY oversimplified and it happens with cells that might be hardly distinguishable from eachother.

"(3) I hear that atheist base their belief on science, however has science disproved or proved the existence of God?"

No, science does not disprove god and has no proof for god. Something that doesn't exist cannot be proven or disproven, SO many people say that god doesn't exist. That includes me, although I realize that the possibility is out there.

"(4) As far as space travel goes we can't even get out of our own solar system so why dismiss the existence of God or any other life form?"

We don't dismiss other life forms. If we saw little Gods scurrying around earth, wed probably be looking for more of them in space too.

"(5) Does anyone have any reculection on where they were before conception? And where the life giving force came from?"

No, and i don't believe in a "life force" although at one time respected scientists did. Life is the very very complex interactions of complex and large molecues. At least in a Mechanists view it is.

"(6) Who or what would you say is the designer of this complex universe and all that is in it?"

Atheists don't believe in a designer.

"(7) Did a human being create him or herself? If so why are women still getting pregnant? "

Come on now, that doesn't even make sence. No humans did not create themselves, ....? The other question no longer matters because the first question was not so.

"(8)What does a atheist expect after death? To go back to?"

I don't expect anything. When I die itll be like I went to sleep and never woke up, without the dreams of course. Why would you expect something after you ceise to work, what happens to a machine?

"(9) Explain the mystery of conception?- reflective thinking "

It is no mystery to a biologist... no im not going to explain birth, you should have been taught that.

"10) Can the non-existence of God be proved scientifically? "


"(11) Science is a on going study of the universe....why? "

Conversly, why do Religious people pray and thank god and such? For salvation? Whos selfish now?

The reason for studying the universe is not only because we are curious, but because the study of it will help us improve our lifestyle. Instead of traveling in slow, dirty, annoying, cars, we could ride in mag-lev singles around town cheaper, faster, better. Maybe even colonize the stars, because we all know we are too incompetent to stop overpopulation. STOP BREEDING PEOPLE!
"Dinosaurs went exstinct 26 million years ago."

that would be 65 million years ago, and not all mammals survived the ice age...

Sorry french. I was in class when I posted that so I didnt have much time to think.

<i>** When will the rest of the monkey's evolve?</i>

They already have, and they still are.

By the way, it is a mistake to think that humans are "more evolved" than other animals. There is no such thing are "more evolved". The tree of life isn't like a ladder with bacteria at the bottom and humans at the top. Humans are just one more branch on the tree alongside the bacteria and the monkeys.

<i>** If scientist truely believe this we should not put people in cages.</i>

Huh? I don't understand.

<i>** what percentage to the dino's?</i>

What percentage of DNA do we share with dinosaurs? At a guess, I'd say 60-70%.

<i>** Yet biology and chemistry can't explain it........only the mechanics</i>

Healing you mean? Yes they can.

<i>** Nothing can bring somthing?(very confusing)</i>

We don't know yet. Real scientific theories of the beginning of the universe are complicated - much moreso than simple religious stories.

Ask yourself: If God created the universe, what did he create it out of? Something or nothing? If something, what? If nothing, you have the same problem as the rest of us in explaining how something can come from nothing.

<i>** If my pencil hangs around for a couple million years will it eventually jump up and start singing YMCA?</i>

Is your pencil alive?

<i>** Humans & animals evolved from a common non-living material THING which now has to have sex to keep us going. Mabey we came from a rock(how confusion)?</i>

Many living things reproduce without sex. We just happen to be of a kind which reproduces with sex. There's nothing magical about sex. It is just one more variant in the tree of life.

<i>** The mechanics that all science can prove.</i>

What is this distinction you make between "mechanics" and other things? What other things are you thinking of?
Originally posted by Frencheneesz

This forum really tells alot about society. Most people I know do not belive in god. It is a bit hard to accept that many people do!

Religious people have a ton of misconceptions about science and the "beliefs" of atheists, but im sure us atheists have a lot of misconceptions about religion. The thing I do know is that there is no proof for god, and no proof against it. Therefore I predict that god doesn't exist, all the while realizing that there is the possiblity that he DOES exist.

"Evolution is the process by which man evolved from monkeys"

Eh, ya but its more than that. It is the process by which all living things come from.

"Dinosaurs went exstinct 26 million years ago."

that would be 65 million years ago, and not all mammals survived the ice age...

Ill see what I can do for those questions:

"(1) Logically explain the origin's of human& animal evolution? "

Well, thats a bit long to do here. The first living cells was created from other structures that had orginially worked alone.

"(2) Who or what initated the big bang? How is it that the earth was designed for the human make-up? "

The way atheists see it, earth wasn't desined, and noone created the big bang. The Big bang theory has a lot of evidence behind it, but before that is all speculation. Some new speculations are that the 10 dimentional univers ripped creating a bunch of junk, don't worry about that. Most likely the big bang came from peices of an older universe that got crunched by gravity. That "big crunch" as some call it, destroyed all the evidence of prior times.

People have adapted to earth. The evolution thang is that many creatures evolved, the ones that sucked died. The ones that worked well with the environment survived to pass on their genes. So if a monkey SOMEHOW evolved under the ocean (it wouldn't) it would die by asfixiation, but if a fish evolved (quite possible ;) ) then it would survive. Now that is WAY oversimplified and it happens with cells that might be hardly distinguishable from eachother.

"(3) I hear that atheist base their belief on science, however has science disproved or proved the existence of God?"

No, science does not disprove god and has no proof for god. Something that doesn't exist cannot be proven or disproven, SO many people say that god doesn't exist. That includes me, although I realize that the possibility is out there.

"(4) As far as space travel goes we can't even get out of our own solar system so why dismiss the existence of God or any other life form?"

We don't dismiss other life forms. If we saw little Gods scurrying around earth, wed probably be looking for more of them in space too.

"(5) Does anyone have any reculection on where they were before conception? And where the life giving force came from?"

No, and i don't believe in a "life force" although at one time respected scientists did. Life is the very very complex interactions of complex and large molecues. At least in a Mechanists view it is.

"(6) Who or what would you say is the designer of this complex universe and all that is in it?"

Atheists don't believe in a designer.

"(7) Did a human being create him or herself? If so why are women still getting pregnant? "

Come on now, that doesn't even make sence. No humans did not create themselves, ....? The other question no longer matters because the first question was not so.

"(8)What does a atheist expect after death? To go back to?"

I don't expect anything. When I die itll be like I went to sleep and never woke up, without the dreams of course. Why would you expect something after you ceise to work, what happens to a machine?

"(9) Explain the mystery of conception?- reflective thinking "

It is no mystery to a biologist... no im not going to explain birth, you should have been taught that.

"10) Can the non-existence of God be proved scientifically? "


"(11) Science is a on going study of the universe....why? "

Conversly, why do Religious people pray and thank god and such? For salvation? Whos selfish now?

The reason for studying the universe is not only because we are curious, but because the study of it will help us improve our lifestyle. Instead of traveling in slow, dirty, annoying, cars, we could ride in mag-lev singles around town cheaper, faster, better. Maybe even colonize the stars, because we all know we are too incompetent to stop overpopulation. STOP BREEDING PEOPLE!

"(1) Logically explain the origin's of human& animal evolution? "

Well, thats a bit long to do here. The first living cells was created from other structures that had orginially worked alone.

** Who made those cells live?

2) Who or what initated the big bang? How is it that the earth was designed for the human make-up? "

The way atheists see it, earth wasn't desined, and noone created the big bang. The Big bang theory has a lot of evidence behind it, but before that is all speculation. Some new speculations are that the 10 dimentional univers ripped creating a bunch of junk, don't worry about that. Most likely the big bang came from peices of an older universe that got crunched by gravity. That "big crunch" as some call it, destroyed all the evidence of prior times.

People have adapted to earth. The evolution thang is that many creatures evolved, the ones that sucked died. The ones that worked well with the environment survived to pass on their genes. So if a monkey SOMEHOW evolved under the ocean (it wouldn't) it would die by asfixiation, but if a fish evolved (quite possible ;) ) then it would survive. Now that is WAY oversimplified and it happens with cells that might be hardly distinguishable from eachother.

** Adaption?, you think we would could adapted to Venus?(he-he)

** I believe it went BANG not crunch,however, the power behind it?

"(3) I hear that atheist base their belief on science, however has science disproved or proved the existence of God?"

No, science does not disprove god and has no proof for god. Something that doesn't exist cannot be proven or disproven, SO many people say that god doesn't exist. That includes me, although I realize that the possibility is out there.

"(4) As far as space travel goes we can't even get out of our own solar system so why dismiss the existence of God or any other life form?"

We don't dismiss other life forms. If we saw little Gods scurrying around earth, wed probably be looking for more of them in space too.

"(5) Does anyone have any reculection on where they were before conception? And where the life giving force came from?"

**Science has plenty of proof (any branch)

**Science explores the creation of another.

** scurrying?

No, and i don't believe in a "life force" although at one time respected scientists did. Life is the very very complex interactions of complex and large molecues. At least in a Mechanists view it is.

** The mechanic's nothing wrong with that, however, the power behind it?

"(6) Who or what would you say is the designer of this complex universe and all that is in it?"

Atheists don't believe in a designer.

** The pearly stars and on a ever- changing canvass, so thoughtful and artistic?

** Earth before we messed it up( I desire to see)

"(7) Did a human being create him or herself? If so why are women still getting pregnant? "

Come on now, that doesn't even make sence. No humans did not create themselves, ....? The other question no longer matters because the first question was not so.

** Creation by whom?

"(8)What does a atheist expect after death? To go back to?"

I don't expect anything. When I die itll be like I went to sleep and never woke up, without the dreams of course. Why would you expect something after you ceise to work, what happens to a machine?

** A machine doesn't have a spirit

** If this is all there is (highly depressed)

"(9) Explain the mystery of conception?- reflective thinking "

It is no mystery to a biologist... no im not going to explain birth, you should have been taught that.

** Birth? Yes been there, however, the power of reflective thinking

"10) Can the non-existence of God be proved scientifically? "


"(11) Science is a on going study of the universe....why? "

Conversly, why do Religious people pray and thank god and such? For salvation? Whos selfish now?

The reason for studying the universe is not only because we are curious, but because the study of it will help us improve our lifestyle. Instead of traveling in slow, dirty, annoying, cars, we could ride in mag-lev singles around town cheaper, faster, better. Maybe even colonize the stars, because we all know we are too incompetent to stop overpopulation. STOP BREEDING PEOPLE! [/B][/QUOTE]

** The drive behind the curosity(?) the quest for knowledge.

** car's? rather snap my fingers

** Colonize the stars?..perhaps you stick to STOP BREEDING PEOPLE!
UOTE]Originally posted by James R

<i>** When will the rest of the monkey's evolve?</i>

They already have, and they still are.

** Will they start demanding monkey rights?(he-he)

By the way, it is a mistake to think that humans are "more evolved" than other animals. There is no such thing are "more evolved". The tree of life isn't like a ladder with bacteria at the bottom and humans at the top. Humans are just one more branch on the tree alongside the bacteria and the monkeys.

**Lets just hope the monkey folks keep swinging on the branches(Planet Of the Apes is kinda hostile.

<i>** If scientist truely believe this we should not put people in cages.</i>

Huh? I don't understand.

<i>** what percentage to the dino's?</i>

What percentage of DNA do we share with dinosaurs? At a guess, I'd say 60-70%.

<i>** Yet biology and chemistry can't explain it........only the mechanics</i>

Healing you mean? Yes they can.

** Scientist observe the mechanical process this I know, what makes the atom and such do these fuctions automatically.(No program of our own)

<i>** Nothing can bring somthing?(very confusing)</i>

We don't know yet. Real scientific theories of the beginning of the universe are complicated - much moreso than simple religious stories.

Ask yourself: If God created the universe, what did he create it out of? Something or nothing? If something, what? If nothing, you have the same problem as the rest of us in explaining how something can come from nothing.

** If only a religious story was simple

** Where did a creatour get his material?( If only I could create)

<i>** If my pencil hangs around for a couple million years will it eventually jump up and start singing YMCA?</i>

Is your pencil alive?

** According to my understanding of "Abiogenesis" my pencil has a chance.

<i>** Humans & animals evolved from a common non-living material THING which now has to have sex to keep us going. Mabey we came from a rock(how confusion)?</i>

Many living things reproduce without sex. We just happen to be of a kind which reproduces with sex. There's nothing magical about sex. It is just one more variant in the tree of life.

** Humans evolved from living" something(S) having sex?

<i>** The mechanics that all science can prove.</i>

What is this distinction you make between "mechanics" and other things? What other things are you thinking of?

** Mechanical process(automatic)
Earlier in this thread, I said

"I don't care whether or not I have an answer to these questions. Why do you?"

but feeling a bit of nostalgia for homework (very small bit). Must be your schoolteacher tone perhaps?

(1) Logically explain the origin's of human& animal evolution?

Why? What’s the point? Some people are busy making it their life’s work and other people, who think they have the answer, are living their lives by that answer. For me, I really couldn’t care less and I don’t care what answers anyone comes up with because I haven’t asked the question.

(2) Who or what initated the big bang? How is it that the earth was designed for the human make-up?

You may as well ask, “why are Martians green?”
It’s akin to me asking you, “How is it that humans evolved to suit the earth?”

(3) I hear that atheist base their belief on science, however has science disproved or proved the existence of God?

Another mute question.
Atheism is not a belief any more than a creature on a distant planet with only vegetables to eat can be declared a vegetarian by a meat eater from earth. So far as I am aware, science has yet to prove or disprove many things, including the fact that orange is indeed the nicest colour.

(4) Does anyone have any reculection on where they were before conception? And where the life giving force came from?

Now really. How many people did you expect to raise their hands on this one. (Hold on while I have a good laugh.) That’s akin to the good old Scot’s question – “where were you going when I saw you coming back?”

(6) Who or what would you say is the designer of this complex universe and all that is in it?

If I was taken captive in some foreign hell hole for some reason that I had not a clue about, and interrogated, this would be one of the questions.
It’s like asking, “Who gave you the plans?”
I can only say, “What plans?”

(7) Did a human being create him or herself? If so why are women still getting pregnant?

(This requires a double-take.)
Again, this is designed to elicit some pre-determined answer, so that you can take it to task, although I fail to see how when I play along.
No. Because they had sex with a man.
This really makes no sense.

(8)What does a atheist expect after death? To go back to?

You know the answer to this one too. Is this another tricky interrogation technique?
I’ll play along again. Hopefully my body will be cremated, at low cost.

(9) Explain the mystery of conception?- reflective thinking

Thank you teacher for the assignment tip. The only mystery involved in conception is when exactly the contraception failed.

(10) Can the non-existence of God be proved scientifically?

Can the non-existence of anything be proved? And why would anyone want to? Are we to go about proving the non-existence of things that we don’t even know exist because they’re non-existent? How do we do that? Imagine how crazy we’d all end up. What the heck. I’m going to work on this one. It has fun potential. I’m going to see if I can think of something that doesn’t exist and then I’m going to set about proving that it doesn’t exist…

(11) Science is a on going study of the universe....why?

You’re the one that cares. You tell me.

And your closing remarks:

** Most people believe in God because he has proven himself to exist to the individual not just because someone told them he exist.
**Please feel free to state your thoughts on why people should accept atheism


Why not?
Originally posted by Jaxom
** Logically explain the evolution of dinosaurs?

Real simplistic answer, from smaller reptiles, which in turn from amphibians, fish, etc, etc. That doesn't mean that they magically became the next, but that over long periods of time changes in each group became more favorable for survival, and the genes containing that change were passed on more frequently than the others. Fish who could escape to land found untapped food sources, amphibians who had harder skin (pre-scales) could live outside the water longer, etc.

** Did the little reptiles become the big dino's.. perhaps the other way around.

** Ancestors to the Dino's( who knows)

There are multiple theories on the beginning of the universe...there are also some that make the simpler assumption that the universe never was born, but has always been.

** I like to think of the Big Bang as being the birth of a galaxy

** In the beginning was the nothing that brought forth the something.( This is hard to accept as well.)

Agreed. It's much easier to believe that there has always been a universe. Hard to imagine, from a human perspective, but simpler.

** I hate science too exspecially when they claim we came from monkey's

I much prefer the idea that we humans have gotten so far all by ourselves. Plus there is all the evidence to help prove the case. Being evolved from monkeys doesn't lessen us as a species...monkeys are quite intelligent anyway.

** I'm doing an Aids post and I was trying to find out why monkeys and humans are affected so differently by the Hiv virius . Has ever determine what breed of monkey we are suppose to have evolved from and if the different breeds are similar in design?

** Some of us have more than 5 sense's

There's never been concrete proof of this...but like any good scientist, I'm open to viable evidence.

** Thats because we look for little green (material) martins.

Actually we look for water/carbon based lifeforms, because so far that's all we have experience with. There's possibilities that there's stuff out there that we can't imagine too.

** See paranormal photo (paranormal thread) not water/carbon based

Again, I'm open to evidence...but the problem is, paranormal/supernatural by definition are beyond measurable techniques. Once it's explained by normal means, it ceases to be "above" or "beyond" normal.

** Science will never be able to fully explain everything... meaurable or not.

** Where did those cell's come from?

A sperm and egg cell.

** Science and Math is not the designer.........

No, they are descriptors of how things work in the universe, and help us define things. So far there's no need/proof of some designer.

** We're not the brain of the universe...we simply desire to understand it.

** If we is it that women have to get pregnant now?

Because the need for sex to reproduce evolved, due to the fact that sexual reproduction provides more opportunity and variety to gene, sex helps evolution more than asexual.

** Did the asexual monkeys get frisky for opportunity's

** Has anyone ever came back from the dead to tell us? Those who have had Near death experience's are available and I never heard one say it's over.

The near death experiences, tunnel of light, etc have been reproduced with drugs and brain stimulation.

** In every case?

** Yes, If one seeks him, unfortunately many don't untill on death-bed.

Last second wishing isn't evidence, and I find it hard to believe that an all-knowing god would accept those who waited until they had nothing to loose to convert, but condemned those who did more good in their life but never believed. Not that it matters, IMO.

** It doesn't have to be last second wishing

** Usually those who hit rock bottom accepts God. I personally don't believe those who do good don't believe.

** However if things came from nothing and we die and return to nothing what is the point of any research.

How about for humanity's sake? For our children and their children? If you think of humanity as a collective, then each of our existence is to further along in some way the immortal Human race.

** Immortal?
Hi Lady, I don't know if you would classify me as an Athiest or
not. To put things simply I have 'absence of belief'. I just don't
accept things without proof. I think you might find my answers to
your questions below valuable.

(1) Logically explain the origin's of human& animal evolution?

There is a small problem with the question. Humans ARE animals
as much as cats and dogs are. Now keep in mind evolution is
a theory. There is lots of evidence to support it at the macro
level (and even a little to contradict it at the macro level). Micro
evolution (small changes due to environmental pressures) has
been successfully reproduced in a controlled lab environment FYI.

Now on to the good stuff (in a simplified fashion). There are a
variety of chemicals that (when combined at certain
temperatures) produce Amino acids. These amino acids have
a natural tendency to clump with each other. This part has been
reproduced in a lab environment FYI. Any complex sequence of
chemicals can literally translate into a sequence of physical
actions... consider them biological programs if you will. Now
consider (when the world was in it's infancy) that over a long
period of time one or more 'programs' arose that can reproduce. Each offspring of course would contain a slightly different
program. Those programs that could meet or exceed the
demands of their environment would continue reproducing and
those that could not would die off. Now, continue this same
process over a huge period of time in environments that are
constantly changing and you are left with the life forms (chemical
programs) that you see on earth today (humans included of

(2a) Who or what initated the big bang?

Nobody knows yet (assuming the big-bang really did happen).

(2b) How is it that the earth was designed for the human make-

The theory of Evolution shows that lifeforms adapt to their
environments. Human beings have adapted to some of the
current environments that Earth provides.

(3) I hear that atheist base their belief on science, however has science disproved or proved the existence of God?

Whenever someone makes a claim (there is a God, there is an
Easter Bunny, there is an event called a Black Hole), it's the
claimers responsibility to prove it. Dis-proving a claim is logically
impossible unless a seperate (and probably unrelated) claim
yields emperical data that contradicts the original claim.

(4) As far as space travel goes we can't even get out of our own solar system so why dismiss the existence of God or any other life form?

I am not making the claim that there is a God. You (and others)
are, so prove it to me (your responsibility as the claimer). Alien
life forms could be a possibility. Given enough time in the correct
environment Amino Acids may form reproducing 'programs' in
other non-Earth environments. Once again, just logic at work. In
fact Amino Acids may not be the only building blocks for adaptive
reproducing 'programs'. There may be others that we simply don't
know about. Currently people are constantly testing the
hypothesis that extra-terrestrial life exists by simply looking for it.
To my knowledge there has been no success in this area, but
people are still trying. I have not, on the other hand, seen too
many people who are trying to prove that there is a god.

(5a) Does anyone have any reculection on where they were before conception?

I dont.

(5b) And where the life giving force came from?

Chemical 'programs'?

(6) Who or what would you say is the designer of this complex universe and all that is in it?

I have have seen no data on the topic to suggest there is a

(7a) Did a human being create him or herself?
We can probably do it through cloning nowadays; otherwise,
it's a process of natural selection that account for the current
state of our species.

(7b) If so why are women still getting pregnant?
That just makes no sense in any interpretation of 7a that I
can see :)

(8a) What does a atheist expect after death?
I have no expectations. I have desires (like everyone else),
but no expectations.

(8b) To go back to?

(9) Explain the mystery of conception?- reflective thinking

No mystery, just a new generation of biological 'programs'.

(10) Can the non-existence of God be proved scientifically?

As I mentioned in 3) you can't disprove something unless
you gain some empirical data that contradicts a claim. To
my knowledge no empirical data exists that contradicts the
'God' claim... and I don't forsee that ever being a possibility either
because of the nature of the claim.

(11) Science is a on going study of the universe....why?

Here are just a few reasons off the top of my head:
A) Curiosity.
B) Necessity (pennacillin for example).
C) Makes life easier and more fun.
D) Makes it easier to kill your enemies.
E) Making discoveries is very satisfying.

** Most people believe in God because he has proven himself to exist to the individual not just because someone told them he exist.

I have had an open and genuine invitation to 'God' to join me at
Starbucks for a Frapaccino. It's been open for years now... and
he still has stood me up. So, for someone whom he has not
proven himself to... what are they to do... just accept without
proof because someone says he exists?

**Please feel free to state your thoughts on why people should accept atheism.

Nobody should accept something they don't want to. I can tell
you that my 'absence of belief' has freed my mind and I am
very happy with this state.

On a sidenote, I find it very interesting that you bring up
Evolution, the Big Bang, and various aspects of general science.
Don't you think it's possible for these things to be TRUE AND
for God to exist? I see the concept of God as a mutually exclusive
against the other concepts.

Now, here's an extra goody that you were probably not
expecting. This is directed at all the athiests. A document called
the Septuagent (I might be spelling this wrong) exists that
specifically predicts the birth and life of Jesus Christ. The
document was said to have been written several hundred years
before Jesus Christ was born. Carbon dating was done on this
document and sure enough the paper was dated to have been
manufactured 300-400 years before Christ was born. Now,
I know there are plenty of hypothesis (Carbon dating accuracy,
the fact that the 'ink' was not tested... just the paper, etc...),
but should everything be on the level this may raise a
hypothesis that something paranormal truly did happen in
the past. Just something nice to chew on....


Last edited:

Your quoting style is a little hard to follow, but I'll give it a go.

<i>** Will they start demanding monkey rights?(he-he)</i>

Um...monkeys can't talk.

<i>** Scientist observe the mechanical process [of healing?] this I know, what makes the atom and such do these fuctions automatically.(No program of our own)</i>

Chemical reactions tend to happen in certain ways. For example, a carbon atom always makes four bonds to other atoms. If you put a carbon atom in some hydrogen gas, you'll get methane formed. Why? Not because there's a Grand Designer guiding the process, but because of the inbuilt propensities of carbon and hydrogen atoms.

If you stir some sugar into your coffee, the sugar dissolves in the water. Why? Because God tells it to? Maybe, but a better explanation invokes the chemical makeup of sugar and water.

<i>** Where did a creatour get his material?( If only I could create)</i>

That's what I asked you.

<i>** According to my understanding of "Abiogenesis" my pencil has a chance [of coming to life]</i>

With respect, your understanding of abiogenesis is limited if you believe this. I suggest you do some research.

<i>** Humans evolved from living" something(S) having sex?</i>

Yes. So?
Lady, I beseech you! PLEASE, Please, please stop quoting someones ENTIRE post at the beggining of yours. Please?

"** Who made those cells live? "

It may be hard for you to understand, but we atheists believe that NOONE made those cells live. The fundamental laws of the universe were followed and the cells were one of the many near-infinite results. In human society we need a police system to uphold the law because humans have the possiblility and tendency to break those laws. In the universe, particles can only obey the laws, for the reason that the laws define them. Or more precisely they define the laws.
Think about the universe's laws as laws that exist in a utopia where everybody follows the laws without a doubt.

"** Adaption?, you think we would could adapted to Venus?(he-he)"

Ya.... no. Actually we have no idea weather life exists or has existed on venus because we have never taken samples of the planet extensively enough to know. There is always the possibility.
Earth allowed for the creation of life yes. If predestination is real, then you could say earth was created to harbor life. As i have implied, I and other atheists do not believe in predestination.

"** I believe it went BANG not crunch,however, the power behind it"

Ok, you misread my post. A "big cruch" is a happening where all the universe contracts as a result of gravity. The result would be a very hot ball of matter that would almost immediately explode (actually gravity would suck back many millions of explosions until it finnally went BANG as you say).
The big bang is what happened after the big crunch, assuming ... well many things...

As for the power behind it, we do not know where matter came from, but it is very well known that a massive amount of matter can and will explode if under pressure. Thus the current universe can be explained very accurately except for the creation of matter.

"** scurrying? "

If you would bust out your dictionary, you would find scurrying is similar to scrambling. The running around (for example animals) usual implying randomness.

""** The pearly stars and on a ever- changing canvass, so thoughtful and artistic? "

So just because you like the stars, you think someone had to create it? Im sure there are people that hate the stars....

"** If this is all there is (highly depressed) "

You want to live forever huh? Well deluding youself won't help.

"** The drive behind the curosity(?) the quest for knowledge. "

Yes, sure you could say god makes us be curious and that would be a possible answer. YET we have no evidence for that and there are alternatives which have evidence. The chemistry of the brain is very complex and seems to change with emotions..... Seems the chemistry explains emotions..... science explains this...

"Mabey we came from a rock(how confusion)? "

Why is it that Theists have a problem using the English Language? Muscleman says "for the thousand times" and Lady says "how confusion". ITS HOW CONFUSING! ING ING ING DAH!

"** Colonize the stars?..perhaps you stick to STOP BREEDING PEOPLE!"

Stop breeding was the alternative to colonization of the stars. Maybe english class is important after all.....

Your quoting style is a little hard to follow, but I'll give it a go.

<i>** Will they start demanding monkey rights?(he-he)</i>

Um...monkeys can't talk.

** If humans evolved from monkeys than our evolution rate is faster,correct. If one accepts the monkey to human theory it doesn't give us the right to put monkeys who will one day be people in cages. (evolutionary discrimination)

i>** Scientist observe the mechanical process [of healing?] this I know, what makes the atom and such do these fuctions automatically.(No program of our own)</i>

Chemical reactions tend to happen in certain ways. For example, a carbon atom always makes four bonds to other atoms. If you put a carbon atom in some hydrogen gas, you'll get methane formed. Why? Not because there's a Grand Designer guiding the process, but because of the inbuilt propensities of carbon and hydrogen atoms.

If you stir some sugar into your coffee, the sugar dissolves in the water. Why? Because God tells it to? Maybe, but a better explanation invokes the chemical makeup of sugar and water.

** Inbuilt properties that aren't designed by us.Science through trial and error only hopes to understand it.

<i>** Where did a creatour get his material?( If only I could create)</i>

That's what I asked you.

** A creatour wouldn't have to get his material from anywhere.

<i>** According to my understanding of "Abiogenesis" my pencil has a chance [of coming to life]</i>

With respect, your understanding of abiogenesis is limited if you believe this. I suggest you do some research.

** At the top of your head, what is non-living that can come to life? My understanding is way limited on this.

<i>** Humans evolved from living" something(S) having sex?</i>

Yes. So? [/B][/QUOTE]

** If evolution didn't start with sex what or who made sex neccesary? I don't believe sex was intended but after the fall of Eve, all women from that day on had to travil in child birth.