Atheist..Please stand up


(2) Who or what initated the big bang? How is it that the earth was designed for the human make-up?

Nothing started the Big Bang, if it happened. I prefer the cyclical universe theory, that it all expands, slows, then contracts into another Big Bang, and so on, ad infinitum. The universe had no beginning and will have no end, it was simply always here.

** I too believe that the universe has no beginning or end which cause's me to question if the big bang was the start of galaxies rather the start of the universe. How can the universe be infinite yet have a beginning?


(4) As far as space travel goes we can't even get out of our own solar system so why dismiss the existence of God or any other life form?

We have sent unmanned probes outside our solar system. But what has this got to do with god/gods? If you never left your home town, would that make god/gods more likely to exist?

** Are the men scared (unmanned probes) or not intelligent enough. Star Trek is just a dream....huh


(6) Who or what would you say is the designer of this complex universe and all that is in it?

Natural physical laws.

** Laws must have a giver?


(7) Did a human being create him or herself? If so why are women still getting pregnant?

This just makes no sense.

** Where did we come from?, God, the almighty nothing, monkeys, abiogensis,whichever, surely the cockroaches shall inherit the earth.


(8)What does a atheist expect after death? To go back to?

Either nothing, or a big surprise.

** The end of conciousness? If only


(9) Explain the mystery of conception?- reflective thinking

Biological material combining in such a way as to promote variation.

** So spirits don't think? So human.


(10) Can the non-existence of God be proved scientifically?

First define what you wish to prove or disprove.

** Proof that we don't exist or proof the God does exist


(11) Science is a on going study of the universe....why?

We humans were born without claws and armour and such. Our natural weaponry is intelligence and technology. Learning. Discovery is hard-wired into us through billions of years of evolution.

** Eve's curosity
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<i>You haven't explained the missing volumes of crap and/or garbage</i>

Yes I have. You just don't remember. Search the forum.

** I too believe that the universe has no beginning or end which cause's me to question if the big bang was the start of galaxies rather the start of the universe. How can the universe be infinite yet have a beginning?
The answer I believe is obvious – the big bang was not the start of the universe.

The big bang is the current limit of our observation in the same way that several hundred years ago man believed the Earth was all there was. Once the solar system was better understood then the sun and its planets were all there was. This limited outlook by man has consistently been surpassed by a higher level of complexity with new discoveries.

Given this trend then it does not seem inconceivable that the big bang is also not unique. While the cyclic theory of bang and collapse seems simple, the evidence indicates that the big bang material is expanding and will probably always expand. That pretty much destroys the cycle theory.

But what if there are many big bangs all in different states of expansion and perhaps an infinite number waiting to begin? Imagine our big bang universe as just a bubble like a single bubble in a bottle of soda pop.

Of course we still don’t know what triggers a big bang – something more to be discovered.

Hmm, full-on suicidal creationist i see.

"It has only been here for a few thousand.
You teachers lied to you."

What if I said life HAS been here for billions of years and the bible lied to you? It would still prove nothing. Give me your reasoning for life to only have been around for a couple thousand years. The bible isn't proof wingnut.

"You're the guy trying to get me to believe that the human population of the earth takes 4.6 billion years to go from 0 to 6 billion.
That works out to less than two per year, on average."

I think you are forgeting that people die and that the average life span has been quite small for quite some time.

and Voodoo Child was trying to illustrate that you logic is super-shit

"In fact, it usually indicates a major flaw in your theories, or rather the theories you been indoctrinated in, primarily, evolution.
It actually highlights something that you really should have thought of, along with everyone else, but didn't."

I don't suppose you have ever heard of frustration. Imagine this "hypothetical" situation. You try to explain to some idiot that water is neccessary for him to live. He doesn't believe you and not only that, but give you crap about god not wanting anyone to drink water. You then bang your head on the table a couple times and call him stupid. This is not because you are wrong, (guess what) its because he is STUPID!

"The existence of fossils proves that some material, i.e. bone, does not break down over time."

Very true, whats your point? You seem to want to tell us that since some doesn't break down, then all doesn't break down. Thats not going to fly shat-master.

"Now, if the planet earth had actually been around for 4.6 billion years, there would have to be a lot of fossils around because, the death rates for every known and unknown species would have to be astronomical."

Ya, these things break down. Any old creature that dies is not going to be fossilized. Fossils require rare circumstances to form. Over the "astronomical" time period of 4.6 billion years, however, these rare circumstances have been found by more than a few of the "astronomical" numbers of species.

Anything else gets turned into food and dirt.

"If we start going backwards from 6 billion people and dividing the population by a factor of 1.1 per generation, we end up with 231 generations going back to a population of two."

Your use of math is impresive in the arena of mostly inarticulate bible-drones. However, your use of it grossely oversimplifies the situation. The population grows exponentially, not linearly.

"Your theory has to account for about 20 quadrillion human corpses alone over about two million years.
Where are they?"

First of all, as I explained, These corpses would have mostly been broken down by decomposers, weather, and other such things, so only a few would be left. SECOND of all, humans HAVE only been around for about 200'000 years. Hominidea have been around for a bit longer than that (in the millions), but I think you get the point.

"That quantity would actually mean that corpses should be lined up pretty much shoulder to shoulder everywhere in the world, and we're only talking about human corpses, for now."

The stuff called dirt is made up of trillions of tons of dead living creatures. We could say that the dead does cover the earth, although perhaps not "shoulder" to "shoulder".

"Not only that but every one of those corpses would leave a lifetime of garbage behind."

Garbage does not sit. Until the most recent 100 years, "garbage" have been almost completely biodegradable. This "biodegradableness" means that THINGS EAT IT. Stuff like... hmm... decomposers. Plenty of baceria are around to eat whatever we leave behind, including us. They eat it, use it, and expel the stuff they can't use, which might be eaten by other things. Its what we like to call, the life cycle.

"If your argument is that garbage out = biomass in, then where's the 4.6 billion years' worth of decayed biomass? "

Well, some of it is inside you. Decayed biomass is biomass that has been eaten by decomposers. You have to realize that EVERYTHING is eaten. Everything inside a once living body is edible to SOMETHING. In this way, nothing is wasted, and nothing (or very little) is left out for the time-capsul crew.

"The theory of evolution is absolutely ludicrous."

Would you like to give me more reasons for that? I like the way you haven't actually mentioned the bible in your debate. Hopefully it doesn't have to arise.
Originally posted by tony1

*Originally posted by Adam
All that matter doesn't just mysteriously appear at your rectum. Where does it come from? Think harder.

Let me guess...
Eating fossils?

In case you have never thought of it, the biomass on the earth is continuously increasing.
If your argument is that garbage out = biomass in, then where's the 4.6 billion years' worth of decayed biomass?

You can't win this one, no matter how hard you try.
There's only about three feet of soil on average on the earth, which is about 5 or 6 orders of magnitude shy of being enough.

I agree with Adam here. Matter does not mysteriously appear at your asshole.

Decayed biomass? What happens to decayed biomass? Ever heard of decomposition, fungi, or bacteria? How the fuck do you think THEY make a living? And what's this about soil not being enough?

Right, we can't win this one no matter how hard we try. Do we have any motivation from "winning" something that's already been won? Nice try.