Atheism & Theism...A Common Denominator

G&L... didn't they buyout Fadal? I've run a few Fadals too... when I was in Cali.. that seem to be the big thing either Fadals or Haas's

I think the Fadal is better piece of iron.... but the Haas's once you are used to one.. they are all pretty much the same except for size.Sweet controller.

where you at earth... things hopping there? pm if you like

I don't know what G&L has bought. I do know there has been some buyouts in the industry. Have you been to any machine shows. I went to one in McCormick Place at Chicago, Ill. a few years back.

I live a little south of Nashville, TN, now.
yeah...IMTS .. i went a couple of years ago myself..for one day...not enough time.

Went to Westec a few times in ca.

what software you use?...customers good about getting you cad files? iges/step?? or do you work for a OEM

I thought I had read a few years back that G&L bought out Fadal
yeah...IMTS .. i went a couple of years ago myself..for one day...not enough time.

Went to Westec a few times in ca.

what software you use?...customers good about getting you cad files? iges/step?? or do you work for a OEM

I thought I had read a few years back that G&L bought out Fadal

I use AutoCad to get the dimensions for radiuses and stuff like that. Most of the code I punch it in at the controller. That G&L, if the numbers are off more than .0007 then it won't run the arc. bauding it...:)..been there done that

what vers. acad.. I may have some vba code and old lsp routines that you might find handy
tho.. i think vers. ain't going to matter
Small as an atom, huh. I didn't know that. Slick fifty is nifty, stuff in it for coating moving parts is in microns.

Science is moving in leaps and bounds but I still don't believe our Military has that advanced a technology as BOL's.

Well that is an unknown, or if we do have the technology then it's known by someone.

Was there any feature that you could see that makes you believe it can only be alien ?
Well that is an unknown, or if we do have the technology then it's known by someone.

Was there any feature that you could see that makes you believe it can only be alien ?

Yes, science is working on a cloak by bending light around an object making the object just about invisible. However the cloak isn't developed yet. IMO, a cloak is what made the BOL disappear so abruptly.
Yes, science is working on a cloak by bending light around an object making the object just about invisible. However the cloak isn't developed yet. IMO, a cloak is what made the BOL disappear so abruptly.

But if we are made aware that the cloak is within our grasp, isn't it conceivable that the military via black projects and the like already have it and are testing it ?
But if we are made aware that the cloak is within our grasp, isn't it conceivable that the military via black projects and the like already have it and are testing it ?

Maybe, but that is like developing the technology twice. Why would there be funding for it, just to do the same thing twice. The possibility of cloaking is no secret now.
Maybe, but that is like developing the technology twice. Why would there be funding for it, just to do the same thing twice. The possibility of cloaking is no secret now.

It's no secret now, but we don't know how far they could have taken it if they had it available years ago.

I don't want to assign any fancy pie in the sky capabilities to our military, much of what they do is for scare tactics, so forgive me if that is the impression.

It's the unknown of their capability that is as important to them as the known. They may or may not have anything that interesting but want us to think they might.

So now we wonder.

Can you answer this for me:

Earth, I have heard you mention that you think this machine/god has been controlling everything since day one, is that correct ?
It's no secret now, but we don't know how far they could have taken it if they had it available years ago.

Can you answer this for me:

Earth, I have heard you mention that you think this machine/god has been controlling everything since day one, is that correct ?

IMO, a BOL would be the best way to travel the stars and retrieve information about other planets and their inhabitants. I think of spying and staying undercover is the aliens way.

IMO, I don't think aliens have been here since day one. I do think they have been here for over 50,000 years. Because of the spiritual aspect to humans. The oldest graves containing human remains always has that spiritual aspect to them. Most of the Neanderthal grave sites are lacking that aspect. The aliens weren't interested in them, thus lacking the spiritualness we find in our own grave sites. IMO, intelligence is the aliens interest and neanderthals didn't have the intelligence we have.

Edit: I think tampering is going on but not controlling.
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Can you elaborate ?

Once on mushrooms, I encountered the mushroom god, and I realized that fungus wasn't some humble lowly plant-like lifeform, but a raging fire that consumed the planet. The God revealed only a small portion of it's glory but that was as much as my mind was capable of perceiving. Also, it gave me some relationship advice.

Another time, on Salvia, I suddenly penetrated a film between our reality and theirs. There were more than one there, primarily a female God, but another voice that commented too. The gist of what they said was- Hey, look at that, we are seeing more and more of them these days- they don't take it seriously enough. Then I was commanded not to use salvia any more, or promote it for recreation. This encounter lasted a short time, after which I was ejected from this space, which I seemed to have entered headfirst about to my neck. After that I was fused with the wall for a bit and then I was caught in a reality vortex, and a few other things. I came down a few minutes later and flushed my stash, I stopped shaking about two hours later. I kept my Salvia plant alive for some time after that out of respect, but I never smoked it.

Mostly I think it is impossible to believe in God. It's so outside of our reality that there is no way to call it real or not. And it's nature is such that we cannot comprehend it, so if we do believe in it, we don't really know what we are believing in. It's possible that they were generated by me, that is the most likely explanation, but the power of the encounters are still strong. Maybe sometimes your brain tries to tell you something, and the only way you will pay attention is to give it the appearance of a personality. In any case, there was no evidence to lead me to believe these entities had an existence outside of my own mind.
Once on mushrooms, I encountered the mushroom god, and I realized that fungus wasn't some humble lowly plant-like lifeform, but a raging fire that consumed the planet. The God revealed only a small portion of it's glory but that was as much as my mind was capable of perceiving. Also, it gave me some relationship advice.

Another time, on Salvia, I suddenly penetrated a film between our reality and theirs. There were more than one there, primarily a female God, but another voice that commented too. The gist of what they said was- Hey, look at that, we are seeing more and more of them these days- they don't take it seriously enough. Then I was commanded not to use salvia any more, or promote it for recreation. This encounter lasted a short time, after which I was ejected from this space, which I seemed to have entered headfirst about to my neck. After that I was fused with the wall for a bit and then I was caught in a reality vortex, and a few other things. I came down a few minutes later and flushed my stash, I stopped shaking about two hours later. I kept my Salvia plant alive for some time after that out of respect, but I never smoked it.

Mostly I think it is impossible to believe in God. It's so outside of our reality that there is no way to call it real or not. And it's nature is such that we cannot comprehend it, so if we do believe in it, we don't really know what we are believing in. It's possible that they were generated by me, that is the most likely explanation, but the power of the encounters are still strong. Maybe sometimes your brain tries to tell you something, and the only way you will pay attention is to give it the appearance of a personality. In any case, there was no evidence to lead me to believe these entities had an existence outside of my own mind.

That made me laugh so hard I cried.