Atheism & Theism...A Common Denominator

Evidence that is only valid for one person isn't evidence. Evidence is by definition something that is accessible to anyone wether they chose to believe or not.

if there's only one person in the entire world, and that person picks up a rock off the ground and examines it, is that evidence that rocks exist? or does it require another person to be present, and see the rock, for the rock to exist?

i would venture to say that the rock itself was plenty evidence to the person who picked it up and examined it, that rocks do indeed exist.

what if there were no people?! would rocks exist? no one would know right?
This is hardly rocket science. Every experience unless put into an artificial model and "standardised" is unique to the individual.

Imagine you me and (Q) walking down a street and running into Brad Pitt

Lori: My panties just hit the ground!
Me: Damn, thats one skinny pale kid. Eww
(Q): Why are you lying, I don't feel anything! [I'm assuming Q doesn't find Pitt arousing or skanky]

(Q): Brad Pitt doesn't exist! you didn't really just cream your pants! skinny is a relative term! his name isn't brad pitt, he's an imposter! he's adopted! i want to see the birth records! it's all a conspiracy to perpetuate the famous!
A rock is itself evidence of rocks. Even if someone else isn't present, the rock would theoretically convince another person of the existence of rocks.

What if you knew about rocks, but lived on a planet without them, full of people who had never seen one? Without an actual rock, how would you convince them rocks exist? You could tell them about it, and maybe they would believe you, but that isn't proof.
The common denominator for theism and atheism is not knowing if God exists. Neither one has any hard evidence to support their claim. Atheists because of the lack of evidence state their opinion and it is no different for the theist. If there was all kinds of evidence then there would be no theists or atheists.

That's actually not entirely true. Atheists do have evidence that any human claim of god is indeed false. What they don't have evidence for is the non-existence of life that we might consider god-like; however, at present there is no reason to think it's even a possibility.
A rock is itself evidence of rocks. Even if someone else isn't present, the rock would theoretically convince another person of the existence of rocks.

What if you knew about rocks, but lived on a planet without them, full of people who had never seen one? Without an actual rock, how would you convince them rocks exist? You could tell them about it, and maybe they would believe you, but that isn't proof.

well there you go!! god himself is the evidence!! so why the hell are people always bugging me for it?????
What if you knew about rocks, but lived on a planet without them, full of people who had never seen one? Without an actual rock, how would you convince them rocks exist? You could tell them about it, and maybe they would believe you, but that isn't proof.

The rock could pay you a visit. Then you could convince people that the rock is everywhere, all you have to do is look.:D
That's actually not entirely true. Atheists do have evidence that any human claim of god is indeed false. What they don't have evidence for is the non-existence of life that we might consider god-like; however, at present there is no reason to think it's even a possibility.

I meant there is lack of evidence for a god, ergo the atheist claim.
That would work, as long as the visit wasn't only in your mind.

It’s amazing to me the number of people who don’t care if they fill their minds with rubbish. Then they expect people to believe their rubbish is worthy as evidence.
It’s amazing to me the number of people who don’t care if they fill their minds with rubbish. Then they expect people to believe their rubbish is worthy as evidence.

Right. Like an imaginary invisible friend in the sky...
Intelligent folks have spent their lives using scientific methods to replace fiction or myth with facts. However, plenty of people would rather have the fiction or myth than the facts.
It’s amazing to me the number of people who don’t care if they fill their minds with rubbish. Then they expect people to believe their rubbish is worthy as evidence.

I would withhold judgement against them. I can't deny their personal experience, but they can't really expect me to believe it. I expect that if I had experienced the same things, I would come to different conclusions. In fact, I have experienced Gods on certain occasions, but I do not believe they were anything other than constructions of my own mind.
That imaginary friend in the sky has many victims. History has proven that the friend is not as trustworthy as has been bragged.

The imaginary cannot be responsible for anything beyond the delusions of the mind...
I would withhold judgement against them. I can't deny their personal experience, but they can't really expect me to believe it. I expect that if I had experienced the same things, I would come to different conclusions. In fact, I have experienced Gods on certain occasions, but I do not believe they were anything other than constructions of my own mind.

Well, I have had many experiences too. I came to the personal conclusion the God people talk about is actually a machine.

Edit: I'm a machinist and I've worked with computerized machines most of my adult life. It functions just like a machine.
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