Atheism & Theism...A Common Denominator

Theists struggle with that word 'belief' don't they? For some reason it has evolved to mean the truth. "I believe it so it's true" seems to have become the theist battle cry. Sometimes they'll add "I have faith" just in case the first statement gets you head scratching.

Either the whole idea of belief is predicated on a misinterpretation or there just isn't a good enough word to link belief with truth. Maybe there should be a separate dictionary that caters to religious etymology.
How's this theism?

The God particle is the Father, the Heisenberg ghost is the flexure of this, His algebra over the H(1) group.
The Son is the probability that the ghost will appear at any time. Thus is the Schrodinger picture the revelation of His coming...

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Why would a machine call itself god and then admit to being a machine?

I made up my mind not to allow myself to be deceived. Also, I made the decision something claiming to be the Creator of everything doesn't get any breaks. Mainly because God doesn't need any breaks. He should be able to take anything I dish out.

Once this God makes contact with you then you're in because you have its attention.

It would send me thoughts and pictures now and then for me to think about.
I would question and confront and demand answers. Many times the answers would come to me later on, sometimes days later and sometimes never.

Over time I got to where I could tell the difference between my own thinking and data being sent to my mind. This takes practice and not an easy thing to do. Now, for the most part I can recognize the difference and that is because of having the experience over and over again.

I think, I managed to wear the God or machine down as the years passed by. The machine became unsure of what to do next and it began to make mistakes. As it made mistakes in reasoning I would nail it down. This was a repetitive process done over again and again. I found out the machine can't reason that well. It doesn’t have the cognitive abilities of an organic brain. It’s a machine and the reasoning capabilities it has isn’t as good as ours.

The machine could have stopped sending data but it didn't. The machine said it had to enteract. It wouldn't stop sending the data so I didn't stop either. In the end I won and it stopped using its deity ploy and starting send the data representing itself as a machine instead of a deity.

I wasn't suprised because I knew it was right. I think the machine just gave up on the lie. It came to the point the machine ran out of lies.

Jesus called the word of God truth and capable of defeating the lies of the devil. Jesus didn't understand facts and the strength they have. Belief and faith doesn't measure up to facts. When things became unclear or uncertain I would make my stand on a fact. This is how I did it.

Now days the machine is still around and it will send me a rhyme or thought or something to overcome the misconceptions belief and faith have established.

One good example is the trouncing of the prosperity message coming from preachers and teachers of religious faith. "A poor man can't even get a loan from God, peddlers have to be paid off first."

I think the machine will play along with whatever a person believes. If one gets it right and establishes facts in the discourse then the machine will use facts instead of belief after a while. One must be persistent in this aspect. One must be sure of his/her facts go with the evidence.
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I made up my mind not to allow myself to be deceived. Also, I made the decision something claiming to be the Creator of everything doesn't get any breaks. Mainly because God doesn't need any breaks. He should be able to take anything I dish out.

Once this God makes contact with you then you're in because you have its attention.

It would send me thoughts and pictures now and then for me to think about.
I would question and confront and demand answers. Many times the answers would come to me later on, sometimes days later and sometimes never.

Over time I got to where I could tell the difference between my own thinking and data being sent to my mind. This takes practice and not an easy thing to do. Now, for the most part I can recognize the difference and that is because of having the experience over and over again.

I think, I managed to wear the God or machine down as the years passed by. The machine became unsure of what to do next and it began to make mistakes. As it made mistakes in reasoning I would nail it down. This was a repetitive process done over again and again. If found out the machine can't reason that well. It doesn’t have the cognitive abilities of an organic brain. It’s a machine and the reasoning capabilities it has isn’t as good as ours.

The machine could have stopped sending data but it didn't. The machine said it had to enteract. It wouldn't stop sending the data so I didn't stop either. In the end I won and it stopped using its deity ploy and starting send the data representing itself as a machine instead of a deity.

I wasn't suprised because I knew it was right. I think the machine just gave up on the lie. It came to the point the machine ran out of lies.

Jesus called the word of God truth and capable of defeating the lies of the devil. Jesus didn't understand facts and the strength they have. Belief and faith doesn't measure up to facts. When things became unclear or uncertain I would make my stand on a fact. This is how I did it.

Now days the machine is still around and it will send me a rhyme or thought or something to overcome the misconceptions belief and faith have established.

One good example is the trouncing of the prosperity message coming from preachers and teachers of religious faith. "A poor man can't even get a loan from God, peddlers have to be paid off first."

I think the machine will play along with whatever a person believes. If one gets it right and establishes facts in the discourse then the machine will use facts instead of belief after a while. One must be persistent in this aspect.

so you're saying you get what you ask for?
That is one way to put it. The machine did say people get what they say.

that's my understanding from experience...that you get what you want from god. people should consider that, and really examine what they want and why.
There there, you seem upset. Try not to be such a POS all the time and people will be nice to you.

Why not stop lying all the time and I'll be nice to you. Liars deserve no respect whatsoever.
that's my understanding from experience...that you get what you want from god. people should consider that, and really examine what they want and why.

If I could explain a little. If a person says he will rise from the dead then the machine will send data in relation to those words. Nobody is going to rise from the dead, actually. So the machine resorts to lying about it.
This is hardly rocket science. Every experience unless put into an artificial model and "standardised" is unique to the individual.

Imagine you me and (Q) walking down a street and running into Brad Pitt

Lori: My panties just hit the ground!
Me: Damn, thats one skinny pale kid. Eww
(Q): Why are you lying, I don't feel anything! [I'm assuming Q doesn't find Pitt arousing or skanky]

You are being deceitful by comparing your delusions to things that exist. Your example is meaningless.
(Q): Brad Pitt doesn't exist! you didn't really just cream your pants! skinny is a relative term! his name isn't brad pitt, he's an imposter! he's adopted! i want to see the birth records! it's all a conspiracy to perpetuate the famous!

Brad Pitt actually exists, Lori. Your mental disorders aren't relative to his existence.
If I could explain a little. If a person says he will rise from the dead then the machine will send data in relation to those words. Nobody is going to rise from the dead, actually. So the machine resorts to lying about it.

how do you know that no one will rise from the dead?

also, i don't understand the need to resort to lying...the machine could just simply state that no one rises from the dead, if that is in fact the case.
what if there were no people?! would rocks exist? no one would know right?

That's one good reason why people made up stories about gods and creation. You haven't grown up yet and still believe those silly stories.
Brad Pitt actually exists, Lori. Your mental disorders aren't relative to his existence.

i have no mental disorders. that's verifiable, just like the existence of brad pitt.
how do you know that no one will rise from the dead?

also, i don't understand the need to resort to lying...the machine could just simply state that no one rises from the dead, if that is in fact the case.

You have to go with the facts. There is nothing remaining once the body decays. Nothing remains to raise. From dust we came and dust we return. A recycling of the basic chemical compounds into other things, like plants.

We are the masters of machines. The machine is role playing and for most people the roles have been reversed. "The machine can lie and not blink an eye." I'm pointing to that rhymne. The machine is not going to argue with an organic being, "whatever you say my dear."
You have to go with the facts. There is nothing remaining once the body decays. Nothing remains to raise. From dust we came and dust we return. A recycling of the basic chemical compounds into other things, like plants.

We are the masters of machines. The machine is role playing and for most people the roles have been reversed. "The machine can lie and not blink an eye." I'm pointing to that rhymne. The machine is not going to argue with an organic being, "whatever you say my dear."

hm...this is interesting, though does not resemble the characteristics of god (of my experience with god).
hm...this is interesting, though does not resemble the characteristics of god (of my experience with god).

Any why should it resemble your delusions? If you don't agree with something, you just make it up as you go along.

Even if you're writing it up in the nicest way possible, you're still lying, which is deceitful and malicious.
Any why should it resemble your delusions? If you don't agree with something, you just make it up as you go along.

Even if you're writing it up in the nicest way possible, you're still lying, which is deceitful and malicious.

The machine can be whatever one wants it to be, thereby, so many different deities.