Atheism:believe in no God or disbelieve in God

:eek: Not here, Sam! There are impressionable Christians present!

It seems to me that anything that qualifies as intelligence would need its own explanation. I think that the ultimate reason should be exceedingly simple... otherwise, it just needs more explanation.

I too think the answer will be incredibly simple. And obvious. :p
Huh ? Explain ?
1) Should - as in indicator of likelihood or what common sense would indicate - It should rain soon (he says looking at the sky). We should find footprints there (said the detective to his partner) given the escape route.
2) Should - as in morally correct. You example. "He shouldn't hit his kid." etc.
If you tell me some characteristics of God that make sense to you, then I can suggest some examples of robust evidentiary support for your idea of God.

If that's what you want.

That is what I've asking all along, some examples of characteristics or properties of which theists make their claims. Nothing in the universe so far suggests the existence of gods, so theists must describe what it is they consider proof.
That is what I've asking all along, some examples of characteristics or properties of which theists make their claims. Nothing in the universe so far suggests the existence of gods, so theists must describe what it is they consider proof.

If they are trying to prove the existence of God to you and others.
Its fine tuning and (so far) logical progression, such that every event can be traced back, at least as far as we know, to some cause, makes it highly unlikely to me that they are all random occurrences.

It is only highly unlikely to those who would prefer to believe in gods than understand answers.

So in my opinion, there should be a reason for the universe itself.

There "should" be a reason. The key word is "should" which would signify that this is something you want to believe as opposed to what has happened.

Your argument is as weak as it gets. All you've demonstrated is your "want" to believe.
There "should" be a reason. The key word is "should" which would signify that this is something you want to believe as opposed to what has happened.

Your argument is as weak as it gets. All you've demonstrated is your "want" to believe.

True, however, I think it would be meant as "why"; not a moral or philosophical question, but rather, scientifically, WHY is there a universe? More importantly, how do you "measure" existence? Why am I me, you you, gravity gravity, etc

What set "how" it would all work? What ensures that it all works as such? The laws of nature, of course, do govern our universe BUT WHERE did they originate from and WHY? HOW?

This is a question which leads to a logical assumption that BEYOND what we can sense, effectively beyond our universe, there is an intelligent entity!
True, however, I think it would be meant as "why"; not a moral or philosophical question, but rather, scientifically, WHY is there a universe? More importantly, how do you "measure" existence? Why am I me, you you, gravity gravity, etc

That is a pointless question in a pointless universe. The answer to your question is, "There is no reason why." The universe just exists for no reason whatsoever.

What set "how" it would all work? What ensures that it all works as such? The laws of nature, of course, do govern our universe BUT WHERE did they originate from and WHY? HOW?

I understand that you have many questions about the universe, we all do. And, perhaps some of those questions may get answered in our lifetime, some will not. And, it would be the ultimate in selfishness and ignorance to proclaim gods are the reason how and why simply because you're not satisfied with not knowing those answers now.

This is a question which leads to a logical assumption that BEYOND what we can sense, effectively beyond our universe, there is an intelligent entity!

That is the exact selfishness and ignorance I referred above. Thanks for making my point.
That is a pointless question in a pointless universe. The answer to your question is, "There is no reason why." The universe just exists for no reason whatsoever.
I am not asking for a philosophical question; I am asking, why (mostly as in, how) does the universe operate? Why does it operate as it does? And what ensures that it operates as it is set to do?

I understand that you have many questions about the universe, we all do. And, perhaps some of those questions may get answered in our lifetime, some will not. And, it would be the ultimate in selfishness and ignorance to proclaim gods are the reason how and why simply because you're not satisfied with not knowing those answers now.
No, it would not. It would be a logical assumption.

That is the exact selfishness and ignorance I referred above. Thanks for making my point.

That is simply one more logical assumption. There is nothing illogical about assuming there is a greater intelligence.
I am not asking for a philosophical question; I am asking, why (mostly as in, how) does the universe operate? Why does it operate as it does? And what ensures that it operates as it is set to do?

What makes you so sure there's an answer to this question? What makes you so sure there is a "why"? If god can be infinite and have no creator, surely you can fit the universe into the same schema?
What makes you so sure there's an answer to this question? What makes you so sure there is a "why"? If god can be infinite and have no creator, surely you can fit the universe into the same schema?

That would be right if the universe was not subject to laws. You cannot be subject to laws and still be without cause or reason. At least, that is my belief.
I see that as the difference between what is in the universe, and the universe as a whole.
I am not asking for a philosophical question; I am asking, why (mostly as in, how) does the universe operate? Why does it operate as it does? And what ensures that it operates as it is set to do?

The universe operates based on physical laws. There is no reason why. There is no assurance of its operation beyond the scope of physical laws.

Do you actually understand those laws?

No, it would not. It would be a logical assumption.

It is at best a wild speculation. There is no logic in it at all.

That is simply one more logical assumption. There is nothing illogical about assuming there is a greater intelligence.

Ok, let's have it your way. We make the assumption of a greater intelligence. Fine.

Now, where is the evidence?
You cannot be subject to laws and still be without cause or reason. At least, that is my belief.

Exactly, it is a belief. An unsubstantiated, uninformed, selfish wanting that has nothing to do with the universe or physical laws.
What makes you so sure there's an answer to this question? What makes you so sure there is a "why"? If god can be infinite and have no creator, surely you can fit the universe into the same schema?

I think you are mistaking my question to be philosophical or religious; it is not, it's purely scientific.

What ensures that the laws operate as they do? Why are the laws there? And why are we subject to them?

Scientifically speaking, how do you measure existence and regulate it? How do I know that that is that? Do you see what I mean?

To make a rough analogy, think of a video game. The programmer may place something within the game world but it still does NOT have any coding; i.e, it can't interact with anything else, it effectively is as if not there (except graphically)

What "programs" our universe to work as it does?
I think you are mistaking my question to be philosophical or religious; it is not, it's purely scientific.

What ensures that the laws operate as they do? Why are the laws there? And why are we subject to them?

Scientifically speaking, how do you measure existence and regulate it? How do I know that that is that? Do you see what I mean?

To make a rough analogy, think of a video game. The programmer may place something within the game world but it still does NOT have any coding; i.e, it can't interact with anything else, it effectively is as if not there (except graphically)

What "programs" our universe to work as it does?

Define existence. Define regulate existence. I have no idea what you're talking about. It doesn't sound scientific at all, but simply philoso-speak.
Define existence. Define regulate existence. I have no idea what you're talking about. It doesn't sound scientific at all, but simply philoso-speak.

That we exist, that you are there, a concious entity, within a realm interacting with other entities.

But why are you allowed to? And by "regulation", I mean, what ensures that the laws of nature remain the laws of nature?

It seems to me like, logically, there MUST be some sort of higher intelligence (not necessarily the one you see in the books, or a heavne, or hell, or good, or evil), JUST a higher intelligence.