Atheism:believe in no God or disbelieve in God

Maybe we're talking about different things.

When you say you think the reason is "simple", what exactly do you mean?

When I say I think the reason is "simple", I mean something that can be completely described in very few terms, with that description sufficient to precisely predict the effects of the reason.
Yes, I believe everything happens for a reason. And I try to figure out what the reason can be. Its why I am in science and why I search for a cause in everything.:shrug:

By reason in my post, I meant reason behind origin and not reason behind every day things (which is sort of obvious).
Water may rest on a lotus leaf but it doesn't soak it (it beads on it like a marble) - similarly there are acts of transcendence (with the senses) that are distinguishable from acts of sense gratification

Interestingly, it was just earlier this week that I first learned about this property of lotus leaves.

soul basically just means the essence of your personality - just as you deck your body out with a clothes, similarly your soul is covered by a material body and mind

What is the soul like, what characteristics does it have?

it seems that you are saying that all your ideas of self are material - given the nature of this world, this is not unusual. Sometimes there is the analogy of a house that is being overly taxed by the government - it might seem easier to burn it down and exist without it. If however one receives knowledge how to properly maintain a house, it becomes a valuable asset.

Obviously. The body is the vehicle to Liberation.

Basically the whole business of properly discerning the self as distinct from matter is a practice (and generally it takes a lifetime)

I think so too.
But many Christians simply do not agree with this and it has caused me a lot of grief. According to many of them, one can simply "know one's true self" -as in "sit down on an evening and have a long and hard thinking about oneself"- and -ta!- one can properly believe in God.
Why I keep mentioning Christians - I am not sure, perhaps Christians are right about God and you are not.

SB 10.14.26 The conception of material bondage and the conception of liberation are both manifestations of ignorance. Being outside the scope of true knowledge, they cease to exist when one correctly understands that the pure spirit soul is distinct from matter and always fully conscious. At that time bondage and liberation no longer have any significance, just as day and night have no significance from the perspective of the sun.

Popular Zen makes many points to this effect, e.g. "The only thing standing between you and Enlightenment is your desire to be enlightened".
Although I think I see the point of this, I don't think it is at all useful for everyday life - because adopting such views too soon makes one complacent, lazy, irresponsible, without actually having developed any qualities of concentration, to say the least.

Similarly conceiving of the self in connection or abnegation of this world remains a material conception

Of course, but it is an abnegation with a specific purpose, direction goal.
The path of purification is still a fabrication, but it is the sort of fabrication that leads to the end of fabrication.

basically there is an aspect to the self that is greater than even the mind

Of course. If self is to be any kind of a proper self, it has to be different from the mind, body, feelings, perceptions.

- I can say that the self is essentially a servant of god and you can accept it (or reject it) as a mental concept

The thing is that I can do neither - nor accept it nor reject it. This gives rise to a special kind of tension that can be paralyzing.
Because either accepting it or rejecting it could be done by compromising my integrity in one way or another.
Accepting it would be accepting something on hearsay and speculation - and accepting something on hearsay and speculation is a compromising of my integrity.
Rejecting it would be rejecting something on hearsay and speculation - and rejecting something on hearsay and speculation is a compromising of my integrity.
So in this case, neither acceptance nor rejection help me.

but there is an aspect of realizing it that is deeper and arises from practice - kind of like if a hungry person is eating food, their sense of increased energy, happiness and satisfaction is more than just a mental concept (they don't need to run off to someone to get some sort of authorized certificate that they have increased vigor - it is their direct realization)

Apparently, I lack such direct realization, and am also aware of this lack.
There is a kind of confidence that comes from that, though - knowing where my lacks are.
You mean like the matrix? Reality is perception and perception is reality?

What does it have to do with perception ?

People believe in whatever fairyland stuff and defend it vigorously, because they adopted the idea; not understand it.
What is that supposed to mean ? Why do you insist on talking in riddles half the time ?

Its not riddles, its terms which are commonly used. Like karma:p

Maya, since you don't know it, is the power of illusion.

From the Bhagvad Gita:

"By constantly thinking of the sense objects, a mortal being becomes
attached to them. Attached thus he develops various desires, from which
in turn ensues anger. From anger comes delusion, and from delusion
arises confusion of memory. From confusion of memory arises loss of
intelligence and when intelligence is lost the breath of life is also
lost (2.60-63)."
Oh I don't know. The way I see it, ultimately we are just a bunch of electrons with some consciousness. :p


I am not making these bug-eyes because I disagree with you, to the contrary!
It simply makes me wonder about computers and AI for some reason. I don't have any proof (before this turns into a prove it conversation), but I suspect that computers are endowed with awareness that humans aren't fully aware of yet. They do involve a processor for processing electrons, and two programs such as windows never get installed in the exact same way. It makes me a little curious???
Its not riddles, its terms which are commonly used. Like karma:p

Maya, since you don't know it, is the power of illusion.
Ok, I didn't know that.

From the Bhagvad Gita:

"By constantly thinking of the sense objects, a mortal being becomes
attached to them. Attached thus he develops various desires, from which
in turn ensues anger. From anger comes delusion, and from delusion
arises confusion of memory. From confusion of memory arises loss of
intelligence and when intelligence is lost the breath of life is also
lost (2.60-63)."
Hrm.. could you please tell me what you conclude from that ?

I am not making these bug-eyes because I disagree with you, to the contrary!
It simply makes me wonder about computers and AI for some reason. I don't have any proof (before this turns into a prove it conversation), but I suspect that computers are endowed with awareness that humans aren't fully aware of yet. They do involve a processor for processing electrons, and two programs such as windows never get installed in the exact same way. It makes me a little curious???

I think she meant that our personality is conveyed by electrons. From mind to keyboard, from keyboard via soft- and hardware of your computer to the internet, from the internet to you screen, from your screen to your mind... lol
Its not riddles, its terms which are commonly used. Like karma:p

Maya, since you don't know it, is the power of illusion.

From the Bhagvad Gita:

"By constantly thinking of the sense objects, a mortal being becomes
attached to them. Attached thus he develops various desires, from which
in turn ensues anger. From anger comes delusion, and from delusion
arises confusion of memory. From confusion of memory arises loss of
intelligence and when intelligence is lost the breath of life is also
lost (2.60-63)."

I am well aware of Maya!:D
I suspect this word has a lot to do with even the Mayans (who had a lot to do with calendars, predictions, and time- which they say is an Illusion).
Also...wasn't Buddha's mother names Maya?
And isn't there a Goddess named Maya too? (Which is an aspect of Kali?)

(NOTE:Takes a deep breath....and makes a note to pick up on the conscious day breathing I began a long time ago)