Originally Posted by lightgigantic
basically there are two very different dynamics that the spiritual and material world operate on.
The material world functions on law or force (karma)
The spiritual world operates on love or personalism.
Making the decision to step out of one and enter the other holds very different consequences.
And love or personalism is not subject to karma?
not in its pure forms
When people think, say and do things in love or personalism, those thoughts, words and actions are not subject to karma?
basically the purifying ingredient that frees one from karma is god - so acts in relation to god (like service, love, appreciation, etc) are not only free from karma, but extinguish karma
I would have thought that all thinking, speaking and acting is subject to karma - karma in the sense of the fourfold formula mentioned eariler, indicating that interactions between thoughts, words and actions are very complex.
there is this suggestion
BG 5.8.10 A person in the divine consciousness, although engaged in seeing, hearing, touching, smelling, eating, moving about, sleeping and breathing, always knows within himself that he actually does nothing at all. Because while speaking, evacuating, receiving, or opening or closing his eyes, he always knows that only the material senses are engaged with their objects and that he is aloof from them. One who performs his duty without attachment, surrendering the results unto the Supreme Lord, is unaffected by sinful action, as the lotus leaf is untouched by water.
Water may rest on a lotus leaf but it doesn't soak it (it beads on it like a marble) - similarly there are acts of transcendence (with the senses) that are distinguishable from acts of sense gratification
Why would a good God create beings who desire to be separate from God?
its part of having independence - that is what distinguishes us from the external energy (or dull matter) - if we didn't have the scope to misuse independence, there would be no possibility of love or even issues of good or bad. Basically the reason we are created with independence is because we are created with the ability to love and enter into relationships of reciptocation
I can't argue against that directly.
However, I see no point in accepting that stance, I even think that accepting it can be harmful.
For one, because I recognize nothing about myself that I could term "soul".
soul basically just means the essence of your personality - just as you deck your body out with a clothes, similarly your soul is covered by a material body and mind
For two, because presuming that I have or am such a thing as "soul" is bound for mistaking: as far as I can tell, everything that I consider "I", "me", "mine", "my self", "who I really am", are thoughts, words and actions - and they are subject to karma. Whatever is subject to karma, is not self. I see no use in presuming a self when it's obvious that I am going to make a mistake about it.
it seems that you are saying that all your ideas of self are material - given the nature of this world, this is not unusual. Sometimes there is the analogy of a house that is being overly taxed by the government - it might seem easier to burn it down and exist without it. If however one receives knowledge how to properly maintain a house, it becomes a valuable asset.
Basically the whole business of properly discerning the self as distinct from matter is a practice (and generally it takes a lifetime)
It's is not that I am saying "There is no self". I am saying that whatever I would currently think to be my "self", would most likely not be my self - and I have no way to tell either way.
To be able to recognize what the self is, one would have to be beyond karma, or at least know the full workings of karma - and I don't know that.
there is this suggestion
SB 10.14.26 The conception of material bondage and the conception of liberation are both manifestations of ignorance. Being outside the scope of true knowledge, they cease to exist when one correctly understands that the pure spirit soul is distinct from matter and always fully conscious. At that time bondage and liberation no longer have any significance, just as day and night have no significance from the perspective of the sun.
Initially it may be healthy to think in terms of the pursuit of liberation, which may entail issues of renunciation, austerity etc - however ultimately the soul has no business either with the enjoyment or renunciation of this world - kind of like if you walk up to a bank teller and tell them that you are happy that they are looking after your money so nicely (indicating the entire vault) or you are angry at them and have decided to renounce the entire vault, they would probably reply that the money was never yours in the first place.
Similarly conceiving of the self in connection or abnegation of this world remains a material conception
Moreover, having a view of self such as "I am a basically good person", "I am a basically bad person", "I am a basically neutral person", "I have a self", "I have an eternal and independent self", "I have no self", "I have a dependent self" - holding either of such views makes for deluded thinking in one way or another (because one has breached the competnece of what one actually knows for oneself), to laziness and inaction.
basically there is an aspect to the self that is greater than even the mind - I can say that the self is essentially a servant of god and you can accept it (or reject it) as a mental concept, but there is an aspect of realizing it that is deeper and arises from practice - kind of like if a hungry person is eating food, their sense of increased energy, happiness and satisfaction is more than just a mental concept (they don't need to run off to someone to get some sort of authorized certificate that they have increased vigor - it is their direct realization)
sure - but regardless whether one deals with it successfully or not, the ultimate result is the same for everyone in all circumstances (along with everything in relation to the body - ie friendship, position, wealth etc etc)
See above about karma.
karma affects the body
the degree that we are affected by the body (in terms of attachment or repulsion) indicates how much we are affected by karma