At what point, from conception does a ''phetus'' become a human being?

In all seriousness, would you eat scrambled aborted babies if they were
presented, and seasoned up nicely?
Chickens dont eat scrambled eggs either. So no, I wouldnt become a cannibal. Thats not to say all human cultures have my values. Humans have been noted to partake in cannibalism (culturally and independantly). And infanticide (culturally and independently).
In the case of an unborn child aren't you just convincing yourself by calling it a fetus, a name which removes the notion that it is a human who started out just like yourself?
No. It is what the proper term for an embryo in development. I was also a fetus until I was born. Many things could have gone wrong that would have changed that outcome.

So the family is being unnecessarily emotional, or irrational? After all, it's only a ''fetus''.
Some people get very emotional over such events. I didnt say it is unnecessary for them. Others are accepting or even indifferent. That is the diversity of people.
Do you have any links."child mortality naming rituals"

Tinyurl of above

Africa, arabia, lots of places through out the world had/have similar traditions.

But isn't that the process? We started out like that and the only difference between us now, and us then, is development.
Development is the key. While you may not appreciate the biology of it, a fetus is parasitic on its host when in the womb. It takes nutrients and oxygen from its host to survive. It can cause death to its host depending on the host bodies reaction to its presence or can kill its host during birth.

Now you may not like the facts of what a baby does to its parental body, this is the reality for all mammals (except the which suffers its own cost to produce eggs).

And while we hope for the best, there are no guarentees.

So in other words human being-ness occurs when we accept that it does? :)
Define "we".
Well for instance you can kill a dog, but that's not murder. But if it was my dog I could murder you in retaliation. Only human beings can be murdered and it seems to me when a fetus becomes a human being is defined by law.

That is my segue to probably a more encompassing way to look at this issue, which is to consider personhood rather than human being status. This way animals that actively interact with us can be taken into account.
No, because it is not unlawful. There is also (usually) no malice aforethought.

Do you swat mosquitoes or flies, Jan
Whoa. Are you saying that abortion is the same as swatting a fly or a mosquito? That is cold.

I mean, I guess it's true if a fly shared half of your DNA, would become a human being if you didn't kill it, and required surgery to "swat".
Whoa. Are you saying that abortion is the same as swatting a fly or a mosquito? That is cold.

I mean, I guess it's true if a fly shared half of your DNA, would become a human being if you didn't kill it, and required surgery to "swat".

I see it as exactly that. But of greater magnitude - a fly isn't going to mess up my physical health or affect me long term. Or possibly cause fistula or incontinence.

Sorry, but I'm not sentimental about pregnancy. Yes, if you want to call me cold, I guess from your perspective, it's true.
That is my segue to probably a more encompassing way to look at this issue, which is to consider personhood rather than human being status. This way animals that actively interact with us can be taken into account.

I like that. I've had some animal friends I liked better than humans.
Yes, but if done right it encompasses the other ones (hopefully with the exception of 'religion'). If it does not, it's time to change some laws.

The sense of "right" itself is subject to the social norm of a populace.

No, law is constructed from morality, medical insights etc. It takes precedence because it is more important than all those others things on their own. The law makes for a more weighed argument than the others on there own because it takes into account the others where considered reasonable by either the majority or experts or both.
Besides, if you were to do something because of some medical insight or some local or personal moral insight that the law doesn't (yet) support your are engaging in unlawful activity. That sounds much more like theistic reasoning to me (especially acting on local or personal insight alone).

While law is not constructed from the morality of several individuals it is indeed subject to the collective moral view according to the social norm of a populace. So I don't see from where comes the issue of a personal moral insight.
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So we have no rights at all?

As far as that is concerned which humans can provide, defend or reestablish: no, we have no rights at all.

We cannot bring someone back to life after they were killed - even though we say everyone has the right to live.
If everyone really had the right to live and the Law and Society were there to ensure this right, then it would be possible to unkill dead people. But it is not.
We also say that everyone has the right to clean air and work - and it is not like humans can really provide either or sanction the transgression of those (presumed) rights.
And so on.

So why do we think we have?

That could be because our sense of morality and purpose in life would crumble if we wouldn't.

And what are civil, and human rights?

Mere privileges.
Whoa. Are you saying that abortion is the same as swatting a fly or a mosquito? That is cold.

I mean, I guess it's true if a fly shared half of your DNA, would become a human being if you didn't kill it, and required surgery to "swat".

No, I meant that there are far less consequences to not swatting a fly or a mosquito than there are to keeping an unwanted child.
What is cold is saying that girls and women that got pregnant unwanted and choose an abortion are murderers.

The sense of "right" itself is subject to the social norm of a populace.

While law is not constructed from the morality of several individuals it is indeed subject to the collective moral view according to the social norm of a populace. So I don't see from where comes the issue of a personal moral insight.
Because that's what happens when people value morality above law. Look at the world. If people have no concern for the law or when there is no law to speak of they are going to do what they think is right or what their local community deems is right.
What law does, or at least should do, is identify the collective morality and incorporate it.
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