At what point, from conception does a ''phetus'' become a human being?

"human beings prefer their own. If a dog threatens a human infant, even if it requires causing more pain to the dog to stop it, than the dog would have caused to the infant, then we favour the child. It would be monstrous to spare the dog."

Fuck that. If I had to save a dog from being severely harmed or a child from being mildly harmed, I would pick the dog no problem.
Mind Over Matter:

Animals don't have more rights than humans by virtue of the fact that they are animals, and we are humans.

So, it's just speciesism, then, which is akin to racism. Just like saying that white people have more rights than black people by virtue of the fact that black people are black and white people are white.

Judge Richard Posner of the United States Court of Appeals, for instance, asserted that "human beings prefer their own. If a dog threatens a human infant, even if it requires causing more pain to the dog to stop it, than the dog would have caused to the infant, then we favour the child. It would be monstrous to spare the dog.". What this indicates to us is that moral intuition tells us to safeguard our own. And we place humans above animals in a wide range of circumstances, and to deny such is to deny reality.

I don't deny this.

In the case of abortion, we have to weigh up the interests of two human beings against one another - the interests of the human mother against the interests of her human foetus.

You have made no argument as to why the foetus must always "win" in this balancing act, such that its interests always trump the mother's interests.

Humans don't kill humans, or at least it's not ingrained in the human psyche to kill another human being. Murderers are regarded as "exceptions" and "anomalies" - they are not representative of the general population. The vast majority of humans have not and will not kill another human being. Even cities with the highest murder rates attest to this fact.

You're right. Most humans don't kill other humans. But I don't see how this is at all relevant to deciding whether abortion is permissible or not.

It's an inalienable right because it is not for other human beings to determine who is and isn't to live.

Do you eat meat? Then every day you decide who is and who isn't to live. In particular, you decide that the animal on your plate was not to live, but to provide for your nutrition and enjoyment instead. So, why are humans so special?

If you can not even grasp the concept of what an inalienable right is, perhaps you need to do further study.

I grasp it just fine. An inalienable right is one that nobody can take away from you. You have not established why a foetus has an inalienable right to life. Your only argument has been that this somehow automatically follows from being human. I say it doesn't.

It is an unquestionable fact that humans have the right to life. Even pro-choicers agree that humans have the right to life; why else do they then proceed to claim that fetus' are non-human.

What's your position on the death penalty for murderers? You must be against it. Are you?

I'm not sure who these pro-choicers are that say that a foetus is non-human. That's not my argument. Nor is it the argument of any intelligent pro-choicer that I've read.

If they are human, they have the right to life. This is a very simple fact.

No. It's an unsupported assertion, based on nothing.

You are no longer adding anything to the debate, but simply asking "Why? Why? Why?".

I was hoping you could justify your position with logic or argument of some kind. Maybe it is too much to ask of you.

We just know, by virtue of all logic, that humans have the right to life.

So, lay out the particular logic for me, step by step, that leads to this conclusion.

By caring about their own offspring, they are implicitly caring about the survival of the species. This is evolutionary theory 101. And again, even you admit that humans care about their own offspring. Now you need to ask yourself why are humans killing their own offspring, and it's not recognized as murder?

People abort their foetuses for all kinds of reasons. For example, a mother may become pregnant and feel that she will not be in a position to adequately support her child if it is born. Maybe the reasons are financial, or maybe the woman is a drug addict. Or whatever.

Another example might be where parents discover that their child will have a serious disability, or even not be viable at all. Some foetuses do not grow a skull in the womb. Those foetuses can grow to full term - right up to birth - but cannot survive outside the womb. Would you force a mother to go through the whole pregnancy, knowing that her child cannot survive?

What about a child with Down's syndrome, that will require extra care for its whole life? You would force its parents to bear that burden, regardless of their means or their desires.

What if the pregnancy threatens the life of the mother? You'd say "bad luck, you can't end it, even to save your own life", would you?

My question to you is: do you support any exceptions at all to the rule against abortion? If you do, then you must back away from your assertion that all abortion is wrong.
@James --

I have no problem being a selfish speciest(in that I favor humans over most animals, though if you kick my dogs I'm going to kill you), I stand to gain a lot from it including easy sources of food. However at least I can admit what I am and the moral issues involved with it. I can also change if I'm shown a compelling reason to.