At what point, from conception does a ''phetus'' become a human being?

When the mother to be is intent on having a baby, that fetus is going to be a human being to her and if it dies before being born it will hurt just about as bad.

It is often a devastating experience for a woman to lose an unborn child, and the later in pregnancy that it happens the worse it is. But I think for most women losing a 6-month pregnancy (say) is not in the same league as losing a two-year old child (say), let alone a 10-year old.

As for early pregnancy, about 1 in 3 pregnancies naturally end in spontaneous abortion, most of those occuring in the first 10 weeks or so. While this can also be an emotionally jarring experience, I'd say that most women would rather lose a foetus at 6 weeks than at 6 months, and I'd also say that it doesn't hurt "just about as bad" when it happens earlier.

What all this suggests to me is that the more advanced a pregnancy becomes, the more the unborn child becomes imbued with the characteristics and moral value of a newborn child. It is not an all-or-nothing thing where at some magical time (moment of conception, say) a foetus goes from being nothing/worthless to being equivalent in moral value to a grown adult human being.
At what point, from conception does a ''phetus'' become a human

Technically/scientifically, the sperm is a gamete, and the unfertilized egg is a gamete. The fertilized egg is a zygote, fully human, unique in its genetic code (not the mother or the father), and it's alive (which makes abortion what it is).

Back in biblical days if you jacked off and shot a load on the ground you sinned.

Not exactly. Onan was told to carry on the family line after his brother died, and he repeatedly refused passive/aggressive style (ie, coitus interruptus). So Onan consistently deceived and disobeyed (he knew his kids would be considered his brother's kids) and was punished, but birth control is not generally prohibited in the Bible. (Genesis 38:8-10)

There is also (usually) no malice aforethought [in abortions].
...but I think there's a lot of ignorance. A fertilized egg is #1 human, #2 unique and #3 alive. Men and women who have their gametes preserved (ie, sperm banks and harvested eggs) certainly think that stuff is precious and it's not even fully human. Go figure.
Technically/scientifically, the sperm is a gamete, and the unfertilized egg is a gamete. The fertilized egg is a zygote, fully human, unique in its genetic code (not the mother or the father), and it's alive (which makes abortion what it is).

Not exactly. Onan was told to carry on the family line after his brother died, and he repeatedly refused passive/aggressive style (ie, coitus interruptus). So Onan consistently deceived and disobeyed (he knew his kids would be considered his brother's kids) and was punished, but birth control is not generally prohibited in the Bible. (Genesis 38:8-10)

...but I think there's a lot of ignorance. A fertilized egg is #1 human, #2 unique and #3 alive. Men and women who have their gametes preserved (ie, sperm banks and harvested eggs) certainly think that stuff is precious and it's not even fully human. Go figure.

Well in the book of the laws it says don't spill your seed on the ground . There is a bunch of rituals you got to follow if you do . That was the law of the day.

O.K. i read the bible quote . He was wicked and murdered for spilling his seed , or better known as jerk and skirt methods of birth control which I might add is not always effective. Use a rubber it will protect you from other things too
Precedence - Priority claimed or received because of preeminence or superiority

While legal has precedence over what some individuals may think it is a tool of the social norms of a populace.

Technically/scientifically, the sperm is a gamete, and the unfertilized egg is a gamete. The fertilized egg is a zygote, fully human, unique in its genetic code (not the mother or the father), and it's alive (which makes abortion what it is).

The OP has not asked at what stage the elements are human rather at what stage does the fetus becomes a human being (person)?
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Precedence - Priority claimed or received because of preeminence or superiority

That would mean that first there was Law, and then came Morality - dependent on the Law.
This is theistic reasoning, where the Law is deemed as having been received from the Higher Source.
A fertilized egg is #1 human, #2 unique and #3 alive.
So is a cancerous growth, to give an example.

While legal has precedence over what some individuals may think it is a tool of the social norms of a populace.
Yes, but if done right it encompasses the other ones (hopefully with the exception of 'religion'). If it does not, it's time to change some laws.

That would mean that first there was Law, and then came Morality - dependent on the Law.
This is theistic reasoning, where the Law is deemed as having been received from the Higher Source.
No, law is constructed from morality, medical insights etc. It takes precedence because it is more important than all those others things on their own. The law makes for a more weighed argument than the others on there own because it takes into account the others where considered reasonable by either the majority or experts or both.
Besides, if you were to do something because of some medical insight or some local or personal moral insight that the law doesn't (yet) support your are engaging in unlawful activity. That sounds much more like theistic reasoning to me (especially acting on local or personal insight alone).
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But here's a question for the OP: what difference do you see it making if it has the label of 'human being'? We all assign different things to that label and it's simply one more level of ambiguity.

I also am labelled ''human being'' therefore I have some understand of what
that ''label'' means. My essense must be the same as the essense of all human beings, and it always was even if I didn't know, or realise it.

Surely the salient question here is: regardless of whether or not it has the label of human being, at what point does it
a] have rights (such as to live)
b] become valuable enough to warrant protection whether or not it has rights.

a] the fact that it is a human being, alive, and growing, gives it the right to live. What other rights to live are there?

b] It deserves the label ''human being'', and as such should be no less valuable than any other human being. Do you agree?


does it matter if it is murder or not ?

Yes it does. It is a mentality unique to humans, and (IMO) can be passed
on. If done once what's to stop it being repeated?

Dogs kill cats .

But it's not murder.

The better question might be James fascination with sanctioned murder . . Is killing a punishable offense? Not always, as we learn form a cop killing a boy in London .

That's a good point. It is not classed as murder because of who killed who.
Do you think the pregnant mother has a right to terminate her pregnancy on this basis?

What is it to you if a woman takes out the fetus.

It's a cold act, and a murderous one, when all is said and done.

I don't count abortion as a particularly important battle when we as group can't seem to give some of the people (all growed up and ready to contribute) there last meal before they starve to death.

There is always chance to survive in the world, but what chance did the aborted child have?

Take care of the living is good place to start and I got a feeling the baby thing will work it self out very soon . Not on your human day to day Martha approach of time , but yes give it 30 to one hundred years and people will screaming " More Babies More Babies and then abortion might be illegal

Is the unborn child not living?

So we're not to blame for abortion, it's the law makers?

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me said:
Are you saying it is a human being if the pregnant mother decided it is?

you said:
When the mother to be is intent on having a baby, that fetus is going to be a human being to her and if it dies before being born it will hurt just about as bad.

Is the answer to my question yes?

(legally, morally, religiously or medically) these can all be considered moving targets depending on where on the world you are but also when you are. I personally like the human being part be only applied to a baby that can survive outside the womb.

What if it can survive outside of the womb, but need special care for the remainder of its life? Is it to be regarde as a human being?
