Astral projection

I am reading something on Astral Projection at the moment. Could you talk a bit about your experiences with it? I haven't tried it yet but it sounds amazing. I would to hear it from someone whos actually experienced it.
i had my first astral projection like a few days ago (actually my second, but i managed 2 stay out this time) was pretty easy gettin out of my body, no vibrations or anything like dat... it was pretty funny i was bungie-jumping (sp) off the phone lines, then i was walkin on my block before i went back 2 my body (why did i do that).......also had my first lucid dream a couple of days after that :) :)
Override....bungie-jumping off the phone lines??? How doe that work? And what do you mean by no vibrations? What's a lucid dream? Sorry with all the questions :)
well, they say when you try to get out of ur body while in sleep paralysis, you start 2 feel vibrations, i didnt feel any when i got out....and a lucid dream is when u are conscious in ur 4 tha bungie-jumpin thing lol i cant explain..
It seems to me that I can't control my body after I projected. Last time it happened, I was floating back and forth above my body and I just can't stop that movement. I also noticed my mum came into my bedroom but I was too focused in trying to stop that floating motion (that confirmed I did project, not just a dream)
Any suggestions?
In that realm what you think about is quickly made reality. If you are “focused in trying to stop that floating motion” then you reinforce your choice to stop that floating motion. To stop something, it must exist; hence it does. Instead, in your mind replace the floating motion with what else you choose to do.
well, when i project, i have a problem believin that i in my room, and i try to get out of my room by going through my door or window, and its solid, then i ask myself, did i really get out??? then i look back at my bed and see that my blanket is all out like i actually got out of my bed, then i think to myself "man i aint get out" and crawl back into bed (it feels so vivid).....then later at night, i actually got out of bed and realized that i did project because i felt weightless when i projected...i felt the difference....i dunno maybe i should think of something to do when im in paralysis.....
That's how I tell, by the weightlessness. Doors & windows were solid for me too until I decided they no longer are. If you are sure that you're out then perhaps run through a door before you have time to second-guess it. Plan to do that during the paralysis.
finally realized that i projected....everything still solid tho...having trouble getting out the house lol....i walked out my room and went downstairs to my living room and tried to teleport out my house. i close my eyes and imagined the outside, i almost succeeded but i ended up back where i was standin lol
I disagree with exsto human's response to VitaminA, that it is impossible for another being to inhabit our body without our permission. I think they can; hence, "possession." However, I believe they co-exist, and cannot expel us from our own bodies. I believe that when a person persues or has paranormal experiences, they predispose themselves to open to other entities (spirits), and should learn to protect, and also cleanse themselves or be cleansed; because a person can be "possessed" without being aware of it.
I am new to this forum. But I have had many paranormal experiences, despite never having persued them, including AP, clairvoyance and sensing other beings. Since schizophrenia is familial, I have been very skeptical about my own experiences. But a few have been affirmed by others who have co-experienced them. A person can easily become schizophrenic and disturbed if they are not careful with their persuits. I have read quite a bit about schizophrenia.
Recently I have persued energy healing as a means to explore my experience in a safe way. I would encourage VitaminA to learn how to protect herself in order to have a "safe" AP experience, if she ever feels inclined to.
voylady said:
Recently I have persued energy healing as a means to explore my experience in a safe way. I would encourage VitaminA to learn how to protect herself in order to have a "safe" AP experience, if she ever feels inclined to.

fair enough that you dissagree, it may be valid, however you missed the fact that AP is the same thing as naturaly falling asleep. If a demon wanted to take over your body as easily as you say, it would surely do this when you are in a normal state of sleep.

However you are right in this sense, you can incite the attention of certain undesireable beings with AP. There is sense in seeking protection, however it is imperative that this protection be something real and effective that you can prove to yourself. I don't know anything about energy healing and if it has any effect on negative beings, but it dosen't matter wether YOU believe it to be effective or not, what matters is wether or not it IS effective. This must be investigated by each person by them selves. I can only report from my own experience, I have nothing else to give.

I assure you I have never been possesed during all my years of sleeping (that I know of) in bed.
Possession can have negative connotations. People who practice channeling invite other beings into their bodies for different purposes. They don't perceive those beings as "demons." (I didn't use the word demon, but the Christian community would agree with your choice). I use the words "being," "entity," and "spirit," to avoid the word.

Most people who are cohabitating with another being in their body don't know it. My experience with this is that during a healing session, a "dark spirit," was sensed by the healer, and asked to leave. I didn't know it was there. When it left, I felt an enormous release that caused me to cry uncontrollably. So I have to ask the question, how do you know you have never been "possessed," if you can't always sense other spirits/beings?
Let me add that although this was my experience, I don't assume every other situation is caused by a person being "possessed." Peoples' minds go bonkers for loads of reasons -not limited to the idea they can tap into powers they don't know how to use; or that they perceive things they don't know what to do with.

I believe that a prayer or request to our higher power - Jesus, our gaurdian or whoever - to watch over our body, and our spirit, in those states - is sufficient to protect it - in most cases. This would not be true in the case of hearing Jesus and Satan if one is a schizophrenic.

Is AP sleep? Sleep is a state of the body. AP is the sensation of intentionally leaving, or being out of the body - during a deep transe or sleep. It is not sleep itself. I have a lot of experience with meditation and out-of-body experiences, not limited to AP. Very few of my experiences have been "intentional." They just happened. IF this is an advice-giving session, from those with experience, I offer to it a means of caution. Means is another word for way, path, enablement.
Did I project or a lucid dream?

I fell asleep and started dreaming. I dreamt jumping down cliffs but then I got scared and suddenly I started falling really slowly, as if no weight at all. I thought did I project? And suddenly my focus went to my body and I tried to lift my head up and I fell I separated. And then I went back to my dream and I was able to fly up and down with my will and everything looked clear. But then when I tried to focus on the place I wanted to go, I didn't make it and felt I was back with my body. I'm just not really sure, it felt like I projected, but it's like a dream too.

Did I project?
The question that often strikes my mind is not that Wether I projected is Valid or just a dream or not,but it is,why would you need to do Astral Projection.Every quest of man is a result of a Need.Why? what is the morbid obsession that drives you to AP? AP is tue or not,i dont know(since i according to all these people Projected,which i still think was just concious hallucination nothing else though)but why would you want to project and waste your time? You have got so much to do in your life...

If some one really wanted to find answers to what this life is all about,he will never come to internet and teach this.I can bet,that whatever these sites say,half of the things they copy from each other.I can also bet that these people who author such books may havent actually project themselves! but they would claim to do so.The real thing lies amongst people who actually hide and dont show off their skills.Carl Sagan off course while in India admitted to this.He mentions this in his book Broca's Brain in which he says that a couple of Indian kids that he did his experiments with were successfully able to tell while he was in other room and they were in different and werent allowed to enter Carl's room what Carl was reading after the Projection,conclusively proving their Skills.But they also told him never to make them public.This is striking, as most people with such art and conclusively proven form wouldnt come further to show it to the world.In SHivana a Village in Rajasthan India,there was a Yogi that lived for 300 yrs.My grand Father knew him,I knew him.He was known for his clairvoyence and other mystical powers,he could become a lion while he went to forest.My grandfather,my father had seen this.When he did so,he used to go and sit in temple on the hill and lay there for days.Without eating anything and alllowing Cats and dogs to play around him,I met him once.We called him Shivana Maharaj.He never knew me,but by just seeing me he said things about me that were staggeringly close to me.I was staring at man who was 300 yrs old.His hair were starting to grow black(back) and his teeth were growing like an infant,all new!!.I was amazed that even in that cold,he used to bath in cold pond that was near the temple.He led an ascetic,secluded life.Never talked to anyone.He visited forrest regularly and advised others not to follow him as they would get scared.He was the man who could project.But he never came into limelight.why? because he was a true ascetic and he lived like that.Today most of Gurus(Not All ) boast of having Yogic capabilities,but i can assure you in India about only 8% of them might actually have them.It has all become a money game nowadays.And what is most surprising is that The roots of this,Meditation,Stress managment and True Ascetism is the Hinduism,which most people ignore to even mention in their so called close to god texts.

Most of the sources not all are just legends or copied stuff.Believe me, i know this.Half of hem are crooks who want to earn a few bucks here and there.

Get a Life!

Every subject has people in it just for the money. AP is fun. Why do a roller coaster and not AP? It’s just another form of entertainment and very interesting too. It need not be a morbid obsession. If you have a fun skill there’s no shame in teaching it to others. There need not be anything mystical about it.
zion said:
The question that often strikes my mind is not that Wether I projected is Valid or just a dream or not,but it is,why would you need to do Astral Projection.Every quest of man is a result of a Need.Why? what is the morbid obsession that drives you to AP? AP is tue or not,i dont know(since i according to all these people Projected,which i still think was just concious hallucination nothing else though)but why would you want to project and waste your time? You have got so much to do in your life...

What would you rather do? Go on a worthless mission to fullfill all your desires?

Why not try and find out why instead?
Why do we live? Why do we suffer?

Is your mind closed to 'why'? Perhaps you don't want to know why, maybe you don't care... But that is OK, everyone has a choice and that choice must be respected.

The reason why I come here to teach people about this is because I wish to give people the tools to find out the truth for themselves. Give people the option of following this path. Wether you choose to investigate this possible aspect of reality or not is your choice. I can do no more than present the options to you.

If you think I have something to gain from this I will say you are mistaken. By sharing here I have mostly been insulted and ridiculed, but that doesn't matter. And if I should get some primitive kick from 'bragging' here about an immaginary ability, if this was true then I openly admit that I am a truely pathetic specimin.