Astral projection

Originally posted by zanket
If there’s no credible evidence then I don’t believe it. I have personal evidence that AP can be experienced. And it is a fantastic experience.

Wait so you do believe in Witch Craft and Little energy balls that shoot out of your hand like goku from dragonball z? Wow and i thought i was dealing with someone with just a little common sense.

But im not here to insult you. You still haven't replied to my post, what i put at the end was for nothing, it was just an after thought. Why don't you read what i really posted and make comments about that. Or is it that you see that i am right and have nothing to argue about anymore?
AP has been experimentally verified by me. It is possible to have a theory that can only be personally verified. If that excludes it from the realm of science, so be it.

Who cares? For all we know you can just be saying this crap for fun. Just like that other guy, whatever his name was. I think it was Joziah or Jociah or something like that. I dun remember.

Instead of discounting AP, why not ask yourself if when thousands of people are reporting similar experiences, “simply the greatest thing that will ever happen to you” experiences, then maybe just possibly it is something worth some time checking further into. Heck, all you have to really do is relax and let go of your thoughts and desire the experience to happen.

And what thousands of people are you talking about? Lets see i only see 2 people here, and only about 5 people talking about it at the link you gave me. There are no thousands of people. If there war then maybe scientists might take it into acount and try studying about it. Or maybe some news reporter would want to do a report on it, but the don't you know why? Because there are no thousands of people saying that its true.
Originally posted by Votorx
Wait so you do believe in Witch Craft and Little energy balls that shoot out of your hand like goku from dragonball z?

Did I say that?

Why don't you read what i really posted and make comments about that.


How is it that one leaves their mind?

Not your mind, your body. There’s a strong sensation of leaving your body. I sit up and step out of mine. I’m weightless.

You aren't a spirit...

A negative can’t be proven.

If your concious was to some how leave your mind you would die.

How do you know?

Ap is nothing more then a very vivid dream.

AP is to a vivid dream as Disney World is to a kiddie ride at the supermarket.

That's it. you think you suddenly left your body and your floating in your room, afraid it's not so. It's simply your mind acting on thoughts from your subconcious.

Could be.

While everything may seem real enough, and you might think you can feel things and experiance pain, you can't, all it is is your imagination, just accept it.

It has become apparent to me that what seems real during AP is indeed a facsimile, often with significant differences. All it may be is my imagination, but if so I’d consider it likely that what we think of as reality is also my imagination. After all, while there may be differences between the AP realm and reality, both seem real.

Making books and creating courses for Astral Projection is nothing more than a scam to gain a quick buck.

Could be in some or most cases. Unlikely in all cases. I haven’t seen a book that’s provided enough value to me to buy.

Don't you ever wonder why psychologists and those who study brainwaves never get into such crap like astral projection? It's because there is no such thing.

Or it could be because they can’t further the science of it, because it can’t be analyzed with anything except an interview. Or it could be because they fear ridicule by their colleagues and loss of credibility however unfounded. Two reasons AP could exist yet psychologists avoid the subject.

For all we know you can just be saying this crap for fun.

Sure. So could anybody on sciforums about any subject. Read this sciforums thread down to the “Holy Crap.” (It's not far.) Was that posted just for fun? You be the judge.

And what thousands of people are you talking about?

Search for “astral projection” on Google. 109,000 results. Not very scientific I know, but it’s a clue. I have 3 friends who have out-of-body experiences. I knew them before I knew about their experiences and didn’t know they had them until after I had my first. And my friends are not “out there”; most are conservative skeptics. Nor do I have hundreds of friends. Nor do we all drink the same water. What are the odds that 3 of my friends have these experiences if less than thousands worldwide have them? The odds of that are so small that the likelihood that thousands of people have these experiences is high.

If there war then maybe scientists might take it into acount and try studying about it.

Or not, for the reasons given above.

Or maybe some news reporter would want to do a report on it, but the don't you know why? Because there are no thousands of people saying that its true.

Or thousands are, but it’s still not enough for the reporter to risk his or her credibility.
Two reasons AP could exist yet psychologists avoid the subject.

It's not avoided, it is dismissed for lack of evidence in favor of AP and strong evidence to suggest it is little more than a dream state.
Your post is fairly hard to follow zanket but i will still stick by on what i've said earlier. unfortunetly i do not have the time to debate with you too much at this time since the bell is about to ring but i will still give you some of my thoughts. I believe that AP is infact a very good experiance and agree that those who need comforting and possibly extreme stress issues should try it. But what i am arguing about is the fact that one cannot leave their body and enter a "Astral" Realm. I continue to argue that what ur experiance is nothing more than a vivid dream being projected from your sub-concious. I believe what people believe is the "Astral" Realm is nothing more than your mind assembling common and sensible memory of your surroundings into a very vivid and seemingly real dream.

god bell rang, i'll finish up later.
It doesn’t matter to me whether I actually leave my body or my mind just assembles that sensation. It seems silly to argue that. AP isn’t just for those who need comforting or stress relief. Don’t you like to have fun, man? AP is a blast. I’ve seen a galaxy in my room, walked through walls, met a girl who died of cancer, got transported to the 1950s, driving my girlfriend home down a country lane with tunes playing on the radio. I didn’t recognize her face (I was born in the 60s) but I loved her immensely. And much more, all in 3D, all senses running full tilt, fully conscious. Remember when you got exactly what you wanted for Christmas? AP is like that every moment, for me at least. Everywhere you look there’s something seemingly beyond your imagination. Vivid dream? OK. I’d still recommend it for anyone.

You might find psychiatrist Carl Jung’s near-death experience interesting. AP includes many elements of an NDE; the latter is typically much more elaborate and lasts longer in the astral realm.
So, where does the money come from to provide the online courses and the workshops? Who pays for all this stuff?

Oh look, Beelzebub's book is only $12.95!

People on the courses make donations, you are at no point obliged to make donations. There are over 1000 people on the current course, and over 20, 000 have taken it since it's begining. Mark Pritchard (Belzebuub) is currently the leader of the International Gnostic Movement Inc.

If you sign up for the course you recieve the book absolutely free.

I did not belive in it either, but I was open to the thought, experienceing the things described on the site is what made my purpouse concrete. And is what made me expell all my rigid opinions that had been hammered into my head through years of education, because contemporary science no longer corresponded to the reality of my experiences.

But please, that's enough about mysticweb before I get banned or something.

Making books and creating courses for Astral Projection is nothing more than a scam to gain a quick buck.

Perhaps you would consider doing it yourself? Hmm, if it was that easy I challenge you to create a website with FREE courses. Keep people hooked on it for long enough to make them beleive it's the truth and donate millions of bucks... Oh, and you might think about how you will convince them that it's the truth if they don't experience the things you speak about?

Come on, people are stupid I agree, but give them SOME credit. I doubt anyone would be stupid enough to donate money to some wacko who claims to be an avatar of truth without being able to prove it for them selves....
Oh wait, I take that back. Afterall the Pope comes to mind.

I don't know what you are trying to acheive by argueing against us here? Personaly my intent is to help open peoples eyes to this aspect of reality.
I do not wish to agrue for or against anything. Arguements against my experiences are totaly meaningless to me, I am in no way affected by them. Obviously, you will disregard all anyone else says in defence of this subject. And obviously those of us who have experienced and proved it for ourselves will be done and through with weighing the evidences.

So what I am doing here is inviting those who are open to the idea to try and see for themselves. I am not here to prove the truth of astral projection. The evidence is there for those who seek it.
People on the courses make donations

Yes, of course they do.

If you sign up for the course you recieve the book absolutely free.

Don’t forget the ‘donations.’

contemporary science no longer corresponded to the reality of my experiences.

What does that mean? Are you saying you needed to disassociate yourself from reality?

Perhaps you would consider doing it yourself?

Thanks, but no – I have a conscience and don’t feel comfortable bilking people out of their money.

Come on, people are stupid I agree, but give them SOME credit. I doubt anyone would be stupid enough to donate money to some wacko who claims to be an avatar of truth…

It happens all the time. And a really crafty charlatan can take your money and leave you feeling good about it. You feel good, don’t you?

I don't know what you are trying to acheive by argueing against us here? Personaly my intent is to help open peoples eyes to this aspect of reality.

How do we know you’re not here to try and make a buck?

So what I am doing here is inviting those who are open to the idea to try and see for themselves. I am not here to prove the truth of astral projection. The evidence is there for those who seek it.

Hey, no problem – but I think most here already dream and projecting oneself from their bodies is nonsense.
I recently took the astral projection course from mysticweb. All it cost was the time to read the course literature.
So what is your motivation Q. Are you trying to save people from losing their money?:D
Ok fine (Q) you have uncovered my scam, congradulations. Now may we who are actualy interested in this subject please be allowed to discuss it without more of your kind input?

Does anyone here have any real questions or wish to discuss AP?

Has anyone here visited the akhashic records? I attempted it once but I'm not sure if I was successfull, I was shown a very specific scene but I know for a fact that the experience degraded into a dream soon afterwards when I became unaware and my mind began projecting silly dream immages.
I had the opportunity to project last night. You know how when you're very relaxed and you know that if you just let go of your thoughts that the humming will start? Alas, I had to pee. When I got back I was too awake and all I could do was get back to sleep.
Learn AP

Ok if you do not believe in astral projection just leave now I dont want to read your posts of how its fake b/c its not. If you want to learn I will teach some basics.

1.) Take a hot shower or do whatever you do to get relaxed.
2.) Go to bed get comfortable make sure you will not be interupted while doing this. Relax all your muscles from head 2 toe. I usually flex all my muscles in my body and hold that for 5 seconds. When 5 seconds is up feel how good it is to relax.
3.) Breathing- Breath in fill about 85% of your longs and hold in for 2 seconds then release all your air out and hold for 2 seconds. Repeat this for about 10-15 minutes until you feel really relaxed. You should feel like your sinking in your bed.
4.)Now you need to calm your mind. Dont worry about the things or it will mess you up. If you have a thought in your mind just say stop in your head. I learned this out of the book Astral Dynamics written by robert bruce. So every time you have a thought just say stop before its even halfway through. Eventually you will have no thoughts at all. Just keep practiceing.
5.) Once your mind is clear you need to enter the trance state. There are many differnt techniques to enter the trance state listed in astral dynamics. One That I like is the elavator technique. You Imagine that you are on an elavator facing an open side of it and there is bare rock. Feel the elavator start moving down with you in it and imagine seeing the rocks moving upward as you go down down down. You fall into a deeper and deeper trance as you go down. Imagine the texture on the rocks as your heading downward.
6.) You should be in a very deep trance now and very relaxed. Now you need to do a falling technique or exiting technique. There are many exiting techniques such as the rope technique. If you want to read about these techniques just go to its a very good website with all the help you need just read the articles for free. I will tell you the basics of the rope technique though. All you do basicaly is imagine your hands in front of you and a rope. Imagine climbing the rope. Imagine you lifting your left hand to climb and then your right and just keep climbing. Eventually you will project out of your body. If you get vibrations all through your body you just kinda roll out of your body. Or you can try lifting your astral arms. Dont physically lift your hands your body should feel numb or tingly. Once again if you get strong vibrations just kinda roll out of your body you will know the right time. I hope I helped you out a little bit. If you have questions just go to astralsociety or ask me or someone else. Also I suggest buying the book astral dynamics its a very good book it teaches you everything you need to know and it helped me out greatly.
Breath in fill about 85% of your longs and hold in for 2 seconds then release all your air out and hold for 2 seconds. Repeat this for about 10-15 minutes until you feel really relaxed.

That essentially disrupts the breathing muscles (diaphragm) and the circulation in which your muscles and brain depend upon to deliver much needed oxygen and remove carbon dioxide. However, the brain being the most sensitive can become permanently damaged from even a few minutes of oxygen deprivation.

You should feel like your sinking in your bed.

Uh-huh, and would that ‘sinking’ feeling be the move towards one becoming brain damaged from too much oxygen deprivation?

I dont want to read your posts of how its fake b/c its not. Eventually you will project out of your body.

Oxygen deprived hallucinations can appear to be very real.
Lol dude no wonder you cant achieve anything. You try to hard. Ok let me change that. Breath however you want deep breaths is important. Now you happy? And I dont see things so if you dont believe this why dont you just leave me the the F*CK alone and go bother someone else. I am trying to teach people here and if you dont wanna learn dont post your useless information. I could care less if you learn this or not so if you dont wanna learn please leave me the hell alone. Also the sinking feeling is deep relaxation and loosing the feeling of your body. Now no matter how you breath you will feel this not loss of f*cking oxygen.
Here's another,
Step 1. relax, you can meditate, or do the body scan as it is incidentaly described by BLASTOF here
relxation is an essential part of AP, if you aren't relaxed enough you won't get out of your body, your body has to "fall asleep".

Step 2. concentrate on your heartbeat. You can visualize it as a real physical heart in your chest or simply feel the heart beat in your entire body. Alternatively you can try concentrating on feeling your pulse in you left ear, then the tip of your nose then your right ear and repeating the process back and forth.
You do this untill you feel the vibrations in your entire body, hear a humming/poping sound. When these symptoms are realy strong. Get out of bed.

Step 3. Check if your in the astral, take a jump with the intention of flying.
Ok let me change that. Breath however you want deep breaths is important.

So, do you consider yourself medically qualified to administer that information? Are you willing to accept the responsibility of someone having medical problems as a result of your so-called ‘teachings?’ Have you even bothered to give it some thought, especially now that you’ve changed your story?

And I dont see things so if you dont believe this why dont you just leave me the the F*CK alone and go bother someone else.

Is anti-social behavior a result of AP?

I am trying to teach people here and if you dont wanna learn dont post your useless information.

You’re telling people to deprive themselves of oxygen and I’m pointing out the hazards of such an enterprise – hardly useless information.

Also the sinking feeling is deep relaxation and loosing the feeling of your body. Now no matter how you breath you will feel this not loss of f*cking oxygen.

Any medical book on the subject will tell you that those feelings are associated with oxygen deprivation.

It is irresponsible of you to try and teach methods that could induce medical problems.
Check if your in the astral, take a jump with the intention of flying.

You also might want to check and make sure you’re not standing in front of an open window.
I think in step 2 when you get out of bed you’ll know whether you’re in the astral already. If you are, you’re weightless.
(Q), I've read many of your posts, and have grown to respect both you and your knowledge. But I'm a bit thown by your position here, specifically with reguards to the breathing techniques listed above. You are concerned about brain damage and the disruption of the breathing muscles during a slow breathing exersize?

He didn't say "inhale, and hold your breath until you pass out. repeat." He said breath deeply, hold for two seconds, exhale, hold out for two seconds. Talk to any doctor, I seriously doubt any will find fault in this practice. Many may not think that it would do anything benificial, but I don't think any would say it would be detrimental to your health.

In fact, given the stress of our lives, most people tend to go through the day with their sholder muscles tight, breathing fast and shallow into their chests. This *has* been shown medically to be detrimental to the human immune system. It has also been shown that meditation and Qi Gung breathing exersizes can have a significant impact on the stress and health levels of tense individuals (there is a new study mentioned in the last issue of Discover RE: meditation and brain activity patterns over an 8-month time period. It's very interesting). I don't see how you could back up your worries about the "medical danger" of the breathing techniques in question. With the exception of individuals with medical conditions which would prevent them from practicing breathing techniques safely, I know of no side effects of the practice. And all Qi Gung/yoga exersizes are based on the premise of "do what you need to, and no more; do not injure yourself". Even zanket made that disclaimer (though he should have made it in the first post, he did follow up with it).

And in reguards to your assertion that AP and dreaming are the same: I don't know for sure. I can tell you that they feel considerably different. However, it could simply be that they are two different types of dreams - maybe they are dreams which occur during different sleep phases (ei during different primary brain wave pattern periods), and therefore have a different physical and psycological effect on the mind.
However, my step-mom, the most skeptical person I know, was once married to a guy said he could AP. She didn't believe him until he started performing experiments to show her it was real. They would be in a hotel room (ie, a place he'd never been before), and he would AP, then tell her what the label on the inside of one of the bathroom cabinets said, even though he had not been in the bathroom yet. She believes that he was AP'ing somehow, and she doesn't believe in *anything* outside of simple reality.
For years, my Wiccan/Druidic/Shamanistic friends all told me that I AP'd and visited them often. Checking up on them, making sure they were safe. I never believed them, because I had no memory of doing such things. I began getting into deeper meditation studies, and I ran into a problem: Whenever I got into a deep enough meditation, I would loose conscious awareness. I wasn't falling alseep, as I could do this while standing up or even while doing some simple repetitive work (like moving logs from one pile to another); I just couldn't remember anything that occured during the time between trying to enter the deep meditation until much later (from 15 minutes to hours later).
Last night, I got to my deep meditation point, began my normal progression, but just before I blanked out, something shook me. While my body didn't move, I could feel myself being physically shaken, and I could feel an ultimate fear flash by me, like everything I was ever afraid of in my life poured into a bowl and dumped out over my head.
Then, clarity. I was still in my bed, still, but I could see and smell and hear as if I were fully up and awake. I "saw" a grey room, and an old man gave me a book to read. I was fully aware that this was a dream-like something, but didn't feel like a dream. Unlike in dreams, I could actually and clearly *read* the text in this book; There was a thread here a month or two ago about reading within dreams - I remembered that thread, and specifically triple checked that I was actually reading (while still in this dream-state) what was in front of me so that I could be sure. I traced the shapes of the letters, and built words and phrases from them. I was not simply interpreting aa feeling of what the words might be, I was reading them.

Maybe I AP'd last night, and for the first time, remembered it. Or maybe it was a very vivid lucid dream. Or maybe I'm mentally ill, and my mind invented the entire dream in the first few seconds *after* I woke up. It can't be proven in any direction. All I know is, it was an expirience somewhere between a deep meditation and a lucid dream. I felt very aware of the situation I was in, and for 2 hours, I didn't move in my bed. I went to bed at 10:38, lying on my back, hands laid on top of each other in the center of my chest, my feet tilted inward. I normally roll around all night, but once I came fully "awake" again, I was in the exact same position, and it was 12:36.
Coming "awake" again was an expirience unto itself, it wasn't like waking up, where you feel groggy, and your eyes, brain, and body adjust to being awake over the course of a few minutes (or hours, depending on how early you get up). It was more like I had been sitting in a chair wearing VR goggles. I simply opened my eyes, and I was awake; like I hadn't been lying still for 2 hours. Just as if the video was over, I took off the goggles, and stood up out of the chair. No waking up involved, but a transition from one visual/mental arena to another - instant.

It was an interesting expirience, one that I hope to get chaance to repeat soon.

edit: and I *do* consider myself qualified to teach this sort of thing. I was pre-med in college, I have studied martial arts and meditation for 14 years. I have taken part in bio-feedback studies at the University of PA, and also at Washington College, MD. I am paramedic certified, and I have studied both western medicine and chinese medicine. No, I am not a doctor. Yes, I know more about biology and the human body than the average person.
Any medical book on the subject will tell you that those feelings are associated with oxygen deprivation.
yes, you're right, O2 deprivation will bring about sensations of floating, warmth, etc. however, having expirience O2 deprivation first hand, the sensation he is talking about is sigificantly different from the sensations associated with low O2 levels. While both involve a feeling of floating, one also has an associated dullness of your awareness while the other allows you to be fully aware of the state of both your body and your mind.

The breathing methods he is talking about are no where near restrictive enough to cause O2 deprivation. The O2 levels in the body, if anything, will be higher, because the persons involved are breathing deeper than they normally would. I will look around and see if I can locate any studies on blood O2 levels and meditation.
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